Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Post 17 - Wednesday, November 15th, 2017

Many studies suggest that high school students experience a high amount of stress and anxiety due to their heavy course load. Do you agree with this?
If so, what could be done to improve the situation?


  1. This is something i definitely agree with because of all the other homework really receive from other classes can pile up and teachers don't really understand that their class isn't always our first priority. Not only school though, a lot of friendships and other social things get in the way and causing anxiety to high school students also. I, personally I'm stressed about always being on time to class because they're usually spread out really far apart and I rush to get on class on time and it leads to be forgetting a bunch of my supply

    1. I fully agree with you and all your points, especially the outside of school drama and the spread apart classes.

  2. I do agree with this at a 100%. High school students, counting me, experience a lot of stress throughout the years. Especially at the beginning of the year, the first term. The first term in my opinion is when everyone is back and fresh from summer, therefore the teachers stack the kids with work to get them back into "the school attitude". In reality all that does is create stress and anger which is not better than when the kids originally started. I believe that teachers should stop giving out homework, that homework should become unfinished class work. Kids and adults each have social lives and may not have the time to do all the 14 pages of homework they were assigned. This solution would minimalise the stress students receive by a large amount.

    1. I agree, unfinished class work should be homework. Great blog!

    2. I agree with your blog, great blog

  3. I believe that high school students experience a lot of stress. Most students have after school activities and don't have time to do those 3 hours of homework. Although, personally, I procrastinate a lot, it is still very stressful to have all the homework, projects and tests. Don't we work enough in school for 6 hours? I don't think we need an extra 3 hours of homework especially since some students work slower than others. We also have so much stress with friendships and a social life (which I don't have because I dance so much), that the extra pressure of having homework to do at home and teachers expect us to do it all.

    1. i procrastinate a lot as well

    2. I completely agree. We don’t need 9 hours of school work every day! Great blog!

    3. I agree. I barely have time to do homework after school and I am a big procrastinator!
      Great blog:)

  4. i agree that school students have a lot of stress and it is definitely an issue. there is definitely a problem homework wise for all students that are in school. in fact there have been times where I've felt stressed because i wasn't stressed i know it sounds weird but its true, because i usually have homework whenever i don't i spend most of my time trying to figure out if i actually did have any. so yes i do think students should receive less homework or at least towards the end of a term because there are already test to study for which some teacher don't realize

    1. When you said how you get stressed about not getting stressed, I was both laughing and agreeing with you because the same thing happens to me all of the time.

    2. I agree with your blog great blog

  5. I don’t find myself being pressured, I just procrastinate and then I get really stressed about all the things I have to do. No one to blame but myself.Nor do I see issues as if right now since I’m just still young and everything I learn is quite new to me. The only thing I get anxious about stuff is when doing presentations. To help whoever this may concern could talk to therapist or a tutor to help them understand.

  6. I don’t find myself being pressured, I just procrastinate and then I get really stressed about all the things I have to do. No one to blame but myself.Nor do I see issues as if right now since I’m just still young and everything I learn is quite new to me. The only thing I get anxious about stuff is when doing presentations. To help whoever this may concern could talk to therapist or a tutor to help them understand. This is aiden

    1. Great blog! I can totally relate to your ideas! I am always procrastinating homework. I don't fully agree, however, on the not being pressured by homework bit. At St. Thomas, we do get a lot of homework. And by the way you posted your blog twice, both with the name Turb Plays... may be to your advantage to fix that lol.

  7. Warning:This post may be explicit. You have been warned.

    I am experiencing waaaay too much stress in school and I don't believe that I'm the only one. I think that this amount of stress is going to get me cancer one day (because 98% of diseases are caused by stress). Now if we want to improve our education system we have to make it like Finland's. Finland has no homework, no tests or exams or quizzes of any sorts, they focus on collaboration instead of competition, they can choose what classes they want to go to at any time, their teachers get a good pay and their school system outperforms any in the world. Now look at our system: most kids at school hate it (look at the most), the suicide rate of students is higher than previously in history, we haven't made any significant changes in the school for over 150 years and politicians are refusing to make a change of the education system, we're constantly forced to learn subjects that we have no interest in and that some of us know(like me) that 99% of the things you will learn in school is useless in the average life of ordinary people. What bother's me even more is that the purpose of school is to teach kids to prepare for the real world and yet I have no clue how to pay my taxes or get a job. But instead I know the the answer for x squared times 2a to the power of four. We need to teach kids about their laws and how to get jobs because that is used every day of our lives. The school system that we are currently using was created 150 years ago for kids during the industrial revolution so that they would be put into factories. But machines are now our factories. We need future generations of creative children rather than future generations with pieces of paper and a square hat. We need to change the finish school system because our school system is destroying creativity rather than nuriting (probably spelled it wrong) it. And instead of relaxing and processing the information that we've just gotten, we're stuck with hours of studying and homework. I just noticed that this is more of a rant than a blog.

    1. I totally agree about how out dated our school system is.

    2. It's so true. Half the things we learn in school we will never need again.

    3. I completely agree with you,the school system needs to be fixed so then we could learn actually important things. We really should be following Finland's example, great blog

  8. I completely agree 10000000%. students are overworked and receive way to much homework on a regular basis. for example i have two projects that are due tomorrow and im 25% done both of them. We spend so much time at school and we still have to go how and work even more even after spending 6 hours in school. in fifty minuets the teachers should be able to teach us everything we need to know without doing any homework.

    1. I agree, we should be learning everything in school, not at home.

  9. I do agree since I myself appearance stress from school work and managing time with school and other activities. I always find myself being pressured to do my beast and it make me worry to no extent about my school work. I think we do need improvement such as less work from each class or teachers giving more time to complete our assignments.

  10. I completely agree with this statement. Us students are under a huge amount of stress and anxiety. We go to school everyday for 180 days and for 6 1/2 hours a day. Each period is 50 minutes and we have 9 classes. I think that the teachers should teach everything while we are at school since that is the reason why we go to school in the first place. The teachers need to understand that we get a lot of homework and tests and projects not just in there class, but in 9 classes, even gym. It is very difficult for me to focus because I have so much stress and anxiety. I also don’t understand how teachers say how important it is to get 8 or more hours of sleep or when they’re shocked when we tell them that we only got 3 hours of sleep that night, when they give us so much homework and studying and projects to do that prevent us from getting a good amount of sleep. It really frustrates me because I easily get stressed out about things and I naturally get anxiety. It’s so much harder when I have school to worry about and making sure I’m ready for my classes. And god forbid if I forgot a paper for a class! Schools need to understand how students really feel because for me, it messes with my head and I get very upset because I have so much anxiety.

    1. I completely agree with you Samantha. Especially when you said teachers are surprised that we don't get much sleep. Nice blog!

  11. I definitely agree that high school students suffer from a lot of stress and anxiety. We are given lots of homework per class every day and forced to complete it all for the next day. I find that we do get too much homework in certain classes. We are forced to be in school from 7:55am to 2:25pm each day. We work hard all day long and then we have to come home and do more work. On top of our homework, we also have to study for tests as well and complete projects. When all of this work piles up, there is nothing else for us to do besides stress about completing it all! I think that if teachers lower the amount of homework they give, us students will see a big change in our stress and anxiety levels.

    1. Completely agree!!!
      Great blog :)

  12. I definitely think that students experience lots of stress due to homework. We go to school the entire day and when we get home we want to kick back and relax. Sadly, we can’t do that because we have loads of homework that need to get done for the next day. I personally stay up until at least 8 o’clock at night doing homework and on days where I have a lot of homework I stay up until 10 or 11 finishing everything. This is especially stressful because most of us have afterschool activities and we have other things to do after school than homework. To make things better for students, teachers should assign homework a few days ahead and on the weekends so that students have enough time to get it done.

    1. Yeah, sometimes I find myself staying up even later than that! It’s absolutely ridiculous that they expect this much. Good blog!

  13. I agree all the way through my core. All the homework from my classes are pilling up like with someone where to put a bucket of living moth next to a light bulb. Math class gives heck of a lot of problems, I got french project, the sound trap and this blog to do. I stresses me out with all the stuff I need to do. I seriously think teachers should start giving less homework.

  14. I think that the amount of homework we get each day is unbelievable. Apparently, according to a study online, a regular high school student in 2017 has the same amount of stress and anxiety as a psych patient in the 1950s. This is really unhealthy, because we aren’t meant to be getting this much work. Teachers are hypocrites when they explain how sleep is important, because right after that they assign daily homework assignments and regular projects and essays that keep us up all night. All teachers think that their subject is the most important, therefore they overload us with tons of homework that takes hours to finish. There is a reason why we come home from school every day, and that reason is so that we can relax, and do other things than education, not to keep on doing what we did in school but in a different environment. When we get a lot of homework, it’s like having to be learning for 7 hours a day isnt enough. I end up focusing on something school related for around 10 or 11 hours every day.

  15. Pretty much every single high school student is stressed. We have it terrible. 5 days a week and each day is 6 hours long. People like me who have trouble sleeping just feel dead. The amount of homework I get is insane.There are times where it took me 3 hours to do one subject one day. In south Korea one of the highest causes of death is due to education. They get so much work there that they take their own lives.It may not be that bad here but it shows something, We have to trim down homework and tests. Last year, I went crazy studying for finals and it gave large amount of stress. Students have other things to do other than work and the school board needs to Understand that. One time we were supposed to have family over,these are family members that we hadn't seen in over 10 years come to Montreal but we told them not to because our whole family was studying for finals.There is also stress due to expectations. I always get out shadowed by my siblings in grades . Everyone else in my family has gotten honour roll besides me and it stresses me out. I want to impress my parents but these days it's so hard to do because I'm stressed due to homework and now more stressed because of the expectations I have for myself.I wish somehow teachers can come together and discuss when to give projects and tests. There are days where I have 4 tests in one day.It drives me nuts. In conclusion, I think that teachers should trim down the homework and think about the student's life. I know it's hard to trim down all this work in a short time but I just hope they can.

    1. I agree that we should trim down homework and tests. Great blog!

  16. A lot of people think that high schools have a heavy course load, and honestly, I totally agree. There is a lot of things that we learn in class that I can’t see myself ever using in the future. I think the main factor to stress is homework. Teachers don’t understand that students have seven other classes, who all think that their class is the student's first priority. I honestly think that homework isn’t done properly. Homework shouldn’t be extra work given to the students, it should be unfinished work from class. That will make catching up for students easier, since they won’t have to freak out over classes of homework if they work hard in their 50 minutes of class.

  17. I agree with this statement. A lot of people (me included) get very stressed over school in general. All high schools have a heavy course load which is a major reason on why we are so stressed. First of all, we have to go through 6 50 minute classes during the day. Then after that when we get home, we have minimum an hour of homework sometimes it can be up to 3 hours. If every teacher that we had in one day, assigned just 30 minutes of homework, we would have to be doing doing 3 hours of homework during what is supposed to be our down time. That's just the homework, if we have any kind of test or quiz, test, essay etc that adds minimum 30 minutes (depending on how much you know of the subject). Let's say one day I get home from a long day of school and look in my agenda and I have homework in every class, a test tomorrow and a project due shortly, I would have up to 5 hours of homework. Personally I find that having this much extra work on top of an already long 6 hour day is insane. This is why I think homework a main source of stress in a teenager's life.

  18. I agree. Nowadays, there are very high expectations for students to achieve and do good in all of their classes which is making them very stressed. I am very stressed out about school. My brothers are very smart and do really well in school which is hard for me because i’m not exactly the brightest kid. When i get a test back and i see a 70% i’m really happy about it because i know i worked as hard as possible to achieve that mark but to my parents, it’s considered a fail. Their expectations are so high that i have trouble to meet them. Also teachers expectations are also very high because they think that when they teach a subject, everyone will understand and grasp the concept very quickly with an easy explanation but for people like me who have trouble, it’s hard to keep up with the rest of the class. I am very stressed out about school because i have so many classes to do homework for, and to study for that i find myself up at 2am trying to understand what math is. Also the amount of homework that teachers give students is crazy because they all expect the homework done for the next day not realizing that we have 7 other classes that are more important, also some of us have after school sports that take up 2hrs of our evening and all of us have lives that we would like to live spending time with our family and not with our faces in textbooks learning information that we are probably never going to use in the future. I think if we want to reduce the amount of stress students are under, the school board needs to update their curriculum and teach us information that is actually necessary for our futures like learning how to pay taxes or what a mortgage is. Also i think teachers need to find a way to teach better and manage the 50min they get with us per day so then they can gives us less or no homework.

    1. I honestly couldn't agree more, amazing blog!

  19. I agree with the statement 100% because we already go to school for 6 1/2 hours, we really dont need 2+ hours of homework. Personally, I have a lot of stress and anxiety with getting to class on time, having all my material, etc. Although I do procrastinate a lot, I still do my homework. Its funny how teachers are one of the many people that say students need 8 or more hours of sleep, yet they give us tons and tons of homework, expecting it to be done in a matter of 1 0r 2 days. Except when we go to school, tired and exhausted, they ask us why were so tired, we say because we had so much homework and they're shocked.

  20. We have been built to absorb stress. Though we may not realize it, we from a young age have been shaped to react better to stress than our parents. They didn’t have as much is the workload as we did, though they expect us to do two times the work that they did and learn it in the same amount of time. The biggest cause for stress in my opinion, is the higher expectations around you when you’re at school. We’re constantly comparing our grades to that of our classmates and we are constantly trying to better ourselves, not for our own personal gain or growth, but to prove that we are just as important as others. Another important factor that people don’t often consider is the amount of homework. People can complain about the amount of homework they have but they don’t sincerely realize that how much it is. If I did you say that you have a light homework load and you have about 45 minutes for your homework for that class, times that by the amount of classes you have. Recently in the past month or so school I have been doing more than 2 1/2 hours of homework per night maybe up to four on a very busy night. It may be because I work hard but it’s also because that’s what the minimum is for you to do well in a class or for you to understand the material you’re being taught. I think that a good improvement for this would be to put a limit on the amount of pages a teacher can I sign if there’s no big test coming up, or even just putting a limited time restriction that you cannot be penalized for staying within.

  21. First things first, if you're stressed in high school for the work load its your own fault, you have to be on top of your game, work hard, play hard. I tell myself that everyday, also no freeloading, you cant go to school and not do your work expecting that it wont reflect back to you. Spread the message and don't make yourself stressed. I get stressed sometimes but its not because of the work due today, i'm stressed from the work due yesterday and the day before that and the day for that day. Mans smart.
