Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Blog 15, Wednesday, November 8, 2017

It seems like EVERY year I am posting a blog topic about GUNS.

Recently, the following acts occurred:
LAS VEGAS - 59 dead, 527 injured
NEW YORK CITY - 8 dead, a dozen injured
TEXAS - 26 dead, a dozen injured

When will this END?

What is your view on GUN CONTROL?



  1. Unfortunately, I don't think this is the end of shootings. There tends to be more and more and I don't think it will stop anytime soon. I believe that anywhere in the world, guns shouldn't be sold whatsoever. That should decrease the amount of shootings drastically if that is done. Guns should be illegal anywhere in the world. The only people who should be allowed are the people in the military.

    1. I agree that only people in the military should have guns. It's the safest bet. Great blog!

    2. same thats what i wrote in mine, great bolg

    3. sadly wont stop people from selling illegally

  2. I think that people who are in the military should be the only people who have access to guns, as well a police men/women. In the U.S.A, they've banned Kinder Surprises because the little children could swallow them, yet they won't ban guns, which kill a whole lot more than a Kinder Surprise would. Gus are son dangerous and so are Kinder Surprises (due to very small pieces) however guns are deadly. There was a shooting in a Texas church and the president, Donald Trump, said that it wasn't a gun issue, he said it was a "mental-illness" matter. So basically he's letting people with mental illnesses have access/possess guns.

    1. I agree! the whole kinder egg thing is really crazy.


  3. I don’t think that this whole gun situation will end any time soon. People in the United States are allowed to have guns, and this will only end when guns are banned and illegal not only in America, but in all other countries too. Canada has significantly less shootings because of our gun restriction laws compared to the USA. I think that it is a stupid idea that guns are legal because it will just cause more people to die.

  4. In my opinion, its all up to their president to make the change because there is nothing we can do about it. a lot of people in the US die every year because of this issue that Canada doesn't have because of gun control. its absolutely insane that these people dont want to change their lifestyle to save other lives. yes, in a way gun control can be a good thing but it endanger so many people when they come in the wrong hands of people who dont deserve them. these people only want to do harm and hurt others, which is a huge reason why we have already eliminated the gun issue in canada.

    1. I agree that the US should do something or at least try to do something about guns. Great blog!

  5. I think that the only way this will end is if we make guns illegal everywhere. only the military should have guns because they need them. Us everyday people shouldn't need guns. if your being robbed the person cant shoot you so you might be able to wack the thief with a baseball bat or call the police. WE must make guns illegal to stop the violence. Also gun control endangers so many people so they only way to solve it is to give consequences to whoever has a gun or whoever uses one. unless youre at a shooting range.

    1. I definitely agree with you Will. Nice blog!

    2. I agree with you point of everyday people should not have guns. Nice Blog.

  6. The only way to end gun violence is if we either strict laws so that they can only be used by people with permits and in certain ares reserved for shooting guns like us in Canada or we can totally ban them. I don't belive violent criminal acts will end because there will always be someone in this world that has the intention of doing something unspeakble. Litteraly an hour ago my mom told me that a kid went missing monday and that he was most likely kidnapped. I do believe that gun violence will end if we end the existence of selling guns but I don't think that this will be passed through the American Senate because 1: most of the goverment income comes from gun companies and the taxes they pay and 2: Gun companies can bribe politicians and members of the court to go against anyone who is against guns.

    1. I agree gun rules should be a lot more strict!!!

  7. I am for guns. I am not saying that anyone should be able to take hold of such weapon as easily as in america. I believe that Americans should have strict gun laws about who may carry one by using a simple thing called a license. I also believe that Americans should not be able to own RPG's unless they are part of the military. In conclusion I believe that concealed firearms should be legal with strict laws as long as they are not ginormous death machines.

    1. I agree. A license eases the control of guns. Great blog.

    2. All guns are "death machines". Regardless of the type of gun, they are all designed to harm and kill.

  8. I think that the fact that anyone in the U.S. can go into a store a buy a gun is ridiculous. There are some people that have bad ideas in their heads and since they have such easy access to guns they can do terrible things. It would be extremely smart if the Government of the United States made it illegal to buy guns without a license. This way, only people using guns strictly used for the military or for hunting would have access to them. I remember hearing on the news that a woman went to the store with a gun in her purse and she put her purse in her cart next to her infant. The infant went through her purse, got hold of the gun and shot their mother. This goes to show that to some people guns are just ordinary objects that everyone should have. This is a terrible message to share with your kids. If they grow up seeing their parents and the people around them talking about and using guns like it’s normal they’ll grow up thinking that guns are normal and they could end up doing terrible things.

    1. Exactly, it should not be as simple as it is, though the right to bear arms interferes with human common sense. Good blog Jenna!

  9. I believe shootings will not end soon unfortunately. Especially with terrorist groups such as ISIS today, I believe we are no where near the end. I believe that the american government is not protecting their country enough with the fact that anyone can purchase a gun and carry it around. That might be one of the causes of the amount of shootings in the States. I believe that if you want a gun, as a normal citizen, you should have a license which can control the amount of people who posses a gun and who posses one. If you are in the military, having a gun is a necessity in order to survive.

    1. I agree. Hopefully these shootings end soon. Having a license for weapons will definitely help the government keep track of everyone.
      Great blog:)

  10. Guns. Well I think are they really necessary or is there a real point to letting everyday people having guns. my answer is no, because some people have them to hunt, now that''s okay in my opinion and some have no real reason, now that's not what i'm okay with. Also there is no real mental health check before you are given a gun. but there are also the police and military that require a gun for their job. In conclusion if you're a regular person the only time you should be able to have a gun is at a range not on the streets where anything could happen.

    1. i strongly agree with you, guns need to be taken off the streets. Great blog

  11. I feel horrible for all the people and their families who are suffering because of those horrible acts. I am not a fan of weapons at all. I think that you should only be able to have a weapon if you have a license for hunting. There is really no other reason why you would need or want to bare arms. Many people in the USA have weapons for self defense and for safety. It’s sad to say that in order for you to feel safe, you need to carry a weapon. There have been so many accidents involving weapons, but people continue to buy and have them. Our world is not learning from our mistakes. These devastating attacks will never end unless our world changes for better and bans weapons for good.

  12. Tragedies like this will keep on happening and we can't stop them. guns are dangerous and people get hurt. They can be used in important ways like protecting yourself or if you go hunting but I think that we should ban guns from citizens in America. Statistics prove that guns kill a lot of people but Ametrica does nothing. IT sucks to say but gun will never be safe. There are better ways to protect yourself than guns,I don't think it should be allowed, America's logic sometimes make no sense. They once banned kinder surprise eggs because it's a choking hazard but can't ban guns because it's for self defense.

    1. I agree about the kinder surprise thing too. Great Blog!

  13. In my opinion the only people that should have guns are cops and the military. Especially in the United States because as my grandpa said, you can walk into a big store like Walmart and buy a gun, just say you're going hunting and no one will ask any questions at all. Tat's the reason that you very rarely see a shooting or someone with a gun (other than a police officer). Even if the United States didn't ban guns they could at least have a background check for everyone that buys a gun. Most tragedies can be stopped using a background check because almost all (or maybe all) of the tragedies listed above happened by someone who has either tried to do something like that before or had some mental disease or something like that. All in all I think there should be a gun ban.

  14. Shooting won't end. Nowadays it's such an often occurrence that we forget the incident within a week. With guns being accessible to anybody in some countries, it greatly increases the chance of something happening. One story in particular had a toddler pull a gun out of her mom's purse and shoot her accidentally. It's just the lack of responsibility some people have causes dumb things like this.

    1. I totally agree. There are more negatives than positive to guns! Great blog!

  15. Sadly I do not think that shootings will end soon. I do not think anybody should be allowed to own a gun for any reason. They should be banned. Without guns less and less people would die each year. It is such a tragedy when we hear about these shootings that happen. Guns are not needed in this world we do not have to have them. they do not impact this world for the better only for the worse. Guns should be banned.

    1. I completely agree with you. Guns have no purpose. Great blog!

  16. I think guns need to be taken away from Americans because they are not using them for good purposes. Guns aren’t being used for ‘protection’ but rather being used to harm others. Everyone is complaining how these attacks need to stop happening and it should be harder for people to get their hands on guns but yet nothing is changing. They are still giving out guns to whoever not bothering to do background checks to find out their mental health or to check if they will be a danger to others if they obtain such a weapon. I think guns are stupid and are doing more harm than good, the only people who should be allowed to have a weapon are the military and the police officers other than that, guns should not be accessible to the public.

  17. I think that everything that is happening in the world, with all these attacks on innocent people are horrible and someone needs to put a stop to this. Many people say that guns are good for protection, but I don't understand that. I mean if shooting someone means you're safe then I don't think anyone can be safe. I think that the world has become too dependent on guns and other weapons to protect themselves. They`re relying on bombs and missiles to destroy things they don't like, or that they don't want in this world. I`m not sure if this madness and chaos and fear will ever end. And with all the terrible events that have happened in this world recently, no number of guns will ever make anyone truly safe ever again. Someone needs to do something now before it's too late to go back. Too many lives have been taking away, and I don't know how many more innocent people have to die for people to discover humanity.

  18. The people who are doing the bombing are doing it for a reason. They are doing it so that they could force or persuade someone or a group to do something. It's a powerful and violent way, but it works. the person might yield to you, but what are the price? is it really worth it? will you get what you what?

    1. I honestly never really thought of it that way... Interesting. You have interesting ideas and perspectives; nice blog!!

  19. This year, guns in the United States were more easily acquired than other things that have way less importance to the safety of our society. There were way more amounts of illegal firearm repurchasing, as well as legally. The amount of information needed to purchase a gun is way less than what it should be. There should be a full background check procedure before being considered to purchase a gun, of course the NRA would think otherwise. Simply flashing your ID should in no way make you able to buy a weapon. In every firearm store, people have the possibility to buy a pistol or small gun for hunting or self-defense, though most also give you the option to buy a gun specificallly designed for the military. Gun ownership should not be as simple as buying alcohol, and this is one of the reasons Canada is a great place to live.

  20. Last year with Mr. Canuel I wrote an essay on how the gun control laws should be way more strict. I honestly get really worked up whenever I think about it! Honestly, can someone tell me why a human being should be able to own a machine gun??! It's not like you need a machine gun to protect yourself or to hunt a deer. Machine guns are war machines and are used to kill people. Furthermore, statistics over the years have proven that less people get shot in Canada than in the states! Hmmm... Rocket science? I strongly believe that there is no reason to have a loaded weapon in your house. (Especially if you have children) All of these acts of terror that occur are so horrifying and something needs to be done.

  21. This topic gets me mad!! The logical solution for eliminating shootings is obviously eliminating guns. It's as simple as that. But ignorant people tend to use the Second Amendment as an excuse to bear arms, and that "guns don't kill people, people kill people."They could make any excuses they want, but they're pretty much saying that the lives that were lost don't matter enough to them to give up their idiotic wanting of guns. Without a doubt, guns are the cause of gun violence. It would be refreshing if pro-gun activists would start contributing to resolving gun violence instead of constantly trying to find fault with the one solution that we do have: Gun control.

  22. my opinion on this topic is that i think people should be allowed to have guns to protect them. in all of the examples shown above it wasn't the guns that were the problem but more the person with it. nowadays guns are very accessible which makes it easier for these kinds of things to happen. i think we should put more effort into only giving guns to people who have a license and are trained but i don't think making them completely illegal is the answer

  23. I honestly think that having guns is not okay. I can understand if people like police officers have them because they are meant to protect us, but if everybody has them, then it won't necessarily be protecting ourselves as much as hurting others. It really is sad how easy it is for someone to get a gun! I don't think that guns will ever come to a complete stop, unless the US government starts a law against guns and enforces it.

  24. I think guns should be illegal and only non-lethal weapons like a taser or pepper spray which are way cheaper and much more ethical. Hunting for food is fine but you don't go hunting in a school or in a concert or in a church. In youtube videos I see of people pranking others like ringing the doorbell and hiding with their camouflage gillie suits, the owners of the house are like "You have to be careful, I could legally shoot you if a wanted to." That is by far the most canceress response anyone could make to a bunch of teenagers being teenagers.
