Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Blog 13 - Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Term 1 has come and gone.  We are already in November!

Tell me about your Term 1. How did it go? Explain.

Did you set any goals for yourself in term 1? 
What did you do well with?
What do you still need to work on?
What are your term 2 goals?


Image result for term1 is over meme


  1. this past term went well. I did well in most of my classes. I didn't set my self any goals for this term aside from saying I didn't want to fail anything. which I achieved. I still need to work on time management because I am very busy with sports and can't always find time to do all my school work. My goal for term 2 is really the same as term 1 not to fail anything and to at least get 70% and up.

    1. I agree, trying not to fail to fail is I guess a pretty good goal. Great blog!

    2. I agree that it's really hard to find time to study!
      Great blog:)

    3. Not failing is always something to achieve, great blog

    4. I agree finding time to study is very had to do.

  2. I believe that my first term has gone fairly well. I tried my hardest in every class and I hope that will show in my grades in the report card coming up in the next few weeks. I didn't set any real goals for myself other than just doing better than previous years because I am unsatisfied from those years. I have done pretty well in English, French, Science, History, POP, and Phys Ed. I am not dong as well as I would have liked in Math and Art, but I am willing to work to achieve success.

    1. Same im not doing to good in art, nice blog

    2. I'm also pretty bumpy in math. Great blog.

    3. I am on the same boat as you on the art and math subjects. Art is not an easy subject to do good in, guess I'm not an artist!

  3. Term one went by very fast as usual although this year's term one was a little different. It was a pretty bumpy road with marks hg and low. But it was great nonetheless. I got to see friends i haven't seen in a long time and get back to hockey. For tem one i set only one goal, which was to make honor roll. Since the reports cards rent out yet i'll just have to wait to see if my goal was reached. IN term one i did very well in science. Last year my marks in science were average but now they are much higher. Although there are classes i still struggle with. Such as french and history. I've always struggled in french but not usually in history. This year is a different case though. My goals for term to would be to improve my grades in french and history and continue doing well in my other classes.

    1. It was one of my goals to improve in french too. Nice blog

    2. I'm also seem to drop in French

    3. The school year always goes way too fast.

  4. To be honest, I really enjoy school! I found that term 1 went by super fast! I still feel like it’s still the first week of school. I can definitely say that secondary 3 is much harder that secondary 2! I find that there is much more homework. Term 1 did go very well though. I didn’t really set any goals except for me to try my best. I think that I could definitely study more for tests because I have the tendency to only study the night before. My goal for term 2 would be to still try hard and do my best! I hope that term 2 goes by as fast as term 1 did!

    1. I completely agree with every point you made. Nice blog!

    2. You enjoy school workwise or socially? Good luck in term 2!

  5. My term was in two different schools if you didn't know, my first year was at Sainte-Anne and my second was at this school: St-Thomas. My goals in sainte-anne was to actually pass, trust me it was a pain in that school. My goals in St-Thomas were to keep up with my marks because they were pretty high. I did well at every class, exept for science but I was never did too well in science. I still need to work on my science. I've never had the passion for it. My term 2 goals are too improve my marks in all of my classes and to study more for my tests.

    1. Great past goals and goals for term 2. I wish I had good grades in every class but one.

  6. My term 1 went pretty terrible, I’m not going to name any names, but my math is not doing that great. I think that what I can do to improve my math is : first of all, switch math teachers. Second, try to pay more attention in class and stop talking to others (but switching teachers is still the best option). I had a couple goals for my term 1 this year, I wanted to start the grade 9 year well, but after he first week I realized that that’s not happening, so I decided to just try to pay attention in my poor classes, but that didn't work out either, now you’re all caught up on my school life.

  7. One of my goal in term on was to get better grades and probably play more card games. It seems to me that I'm doing better in math than last year, and of course, yay! there's no more Spanish class. It's not like I hate the teacher or the way she learns, it's just that I'm genuinely bad at Spanish. Knowing three language is already enough for me. Plus I don't know how to write in Chinese yet! Thought in term two, I seek to get better mark in the subject in which I'm receiving low mark.

  8. I am happy with how term one went and I found that it went by really fast. I didn’t set any goals for myself. I am doing well in all my classes, but I find that math is really confusing and the stuff we are learning is really complicated. I am really happy that I am doing better in french this year. My marks have gone way up since last year. In term 2, I want to try and stop procrastinating, and not cramming for tests. I usually end up doing all the homework I have on the night before it is due, and sometimes I don’t realize that I have an essay or project due the next day so I am up late finishing it. I also want to keep all my grades high in term 2.

    1. I agree with you Tahlia... I need to stop procrastinating and staying up the night before a test cramming as well!! Nice blog!

  9. My term one did not go as expected. My goal was to get high grades in all my courses to start the year off well but instead I did not do as expected of myself. I did good in some courses but a couple have low grades. I did surprisingly well with my history grade but I really need to improve my math and sciences in term two. My goal will be to bring my marks higher and get some rest from time to time.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. At the start of the year I thought that grade 9 was going to be the easiest grade. But it ended up being one of my worst terms ever. I wasn't excelling in any class and pretty much failing history and art. My goal was to get a 95 in math but I ended up getting an 85. For term 2 I have to have the lowest expectations possible. I'm going to start studying history more and start reading English and French books. The highest average I can get is an 82 which is terrible for me. I have to remember that next term I have to start working more.

    1. I don't think that you should have low expectations for term 2! Try hard and expect great marks, because that's how your going to do well! With low expectations, that's all your going to get! Good luck in term 2, I hope you do better, and exceed your expectations!

  12. Term 1 was okay. I haven't done the best in Math class because its a hard subject for me and it is not my forte. I hope to do well in Term 2. My goal is to get 70% and higher. My other classes are going fairly well, however I will still continue to work my hardest to get good grades. I thought that Grade 9 would be the easiest grade but it turns out, its not. Grade 9 is the most important years in high school. If you dont do well in Grade 9, it will ruin your entire chance of getting into a good high school.

    1. Hi Kirsten, nice blog but I have to point out some errors. First of all, grade 9 is not an important year. I don't know where you got that information but grade 10 is the most important year because that's the grades that the siegep looks at. Also your last sentence made no sense.
      "If you don't do well in grade 9 it will ruin your entire chance of getting into a good high school." Maybe you should have reread that. Nice blog though.

  13. So far Sec 3 has been going very well! I really like all of my classes and nothing is too challenging just yet. I’m really surprised with how well I’ve been doing in math. Math has always been my weakest subject but so far I’ve been catching on pretty well and I’m very happy with my results. Like a lot lot of other people I need to work on my time management. I have so many activities after school and it’s sometimes hard to find time to get all of my work done. When Sec 3 started I thought it was going to be a breeze. Sadly, I was very wrong! I have never had as much homework as a have had this term. I am constantly staying up late trying to finish it. Therefore, this is definitely what I will try to work on next term. Apart from that my goal for next term will be to continue getting good grades and working my hardest!

    1. I am staying up really late too, sec 3 is way harder than last year!

    2. I’m glad to hear you’re doing well with math Jenna, though you always work your hardest! Good blog!

  14. Grade 9 is okay so far. The worst thing in this term happened a few days ago; I found out I had a science test the morning of. I had missed 2 classes and I was not prepared at all. I haven't gotten it back yet, but needless to say I failed. Nothing like that has happened in all my high school years. Other than that, I am proud of myself this term. I am very surprised about how quickly it is going by. Pretty soon it's going to be Christmas! Anyway, it's my first year doing art class and I thought I would be horrible. But it turns out I'm doing better than I thought.

    1. That’s unfortunate about your test. Great blog!

  15. I think I did well in term 1. I paid attention in class and took a lot of notes. The biggest problem I had was not reading the pages of Fahrenheit 451 when I was assigned them. I think I could’ve done better on the test if I had read what I needed to read so I’d be able to understand the book more. In term 2 I want to improve my time management and try to be a better student.

  16. Term 1 definitely went a lot better than I expected. The only class I am not doing especially great in is art class, but other than that, I’m doing great in all my classes. I didn’t have any set goals, but if I did, I’ve definitely exceeded them. My favourite part of term 1 was doing our Mockumentaries so we should do something like that again hint hint hint. In term 2, I want to do better in art class.

    1. gud to hear, art is cool

    2. eyy buddy hmu for any art tips you know I aced that

  17. Term 1 went mehhhhh. I didn't have any goals so I couldn't say I achieved anything I wanted to. I did mehhhhh in everything except math, math started off really good then it crashed. So I guess that's what I'll try to improve on for term 2 and hopefully not do too poorly. Feels a lot better to get spanish class off my shoulders so I don't have to memorize more orals.

  18. I think that term 1 went well, not my best effort but I’m getting there day by day. If this term has thought me anything, it must’ve been how to really think about what I was reading. Fahrenheit must be one of the only books i’ve liked reading at school. Usually I prefer to read books on my own because I find school over dissects the books, taking out the enjoyment from them, but this one didn’t for some reason. I think that this term I’ve been able to do my quick-writes quite well, putting good thought into them. A thing that I don’t think I did as week on are the formal writings because I’m used to having a week to write and think about an essay, though it’s very much longer than a formal writing and I’m working on doing them quicker. Though I did not have goals set for term 1, my goals for term 2 are to get better at staying within time limits and thinking out my plans faster.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Term 1 went okay. Obviously it could have gone way better but at least it wasn't terrible. I didn't set any goals for myself because I didn't want to be disappointed if I didn't reach any of them. This term, I had really low expectations, from last year being an absolute train wreck, anything I did this term, no matter how small, would have been much better than last year. I'm doing good in about 3 classes (English, pop, and art) , mainly because I actually understand the topics that we are learning, but in other classes (French and history especially) I'm pretty sure I'm failing. I have been procrastinating a lot with homework and assignments because I really don't have the energy to do them. I don't feel like doing work and I'm just so tired that it's hard to function. In term 2, i want to sleep better and actually get 8hrs of sleep instead of only four. Also I want achieve better marks but to do that I'll need to study and to do that I need to do my homework so then I could study so I guess I want to actually complete my homework in term 2. Hopefully term 2 goes well.

  21. Wow this term went by so fast although I feel like I’m going to feel the same way about this year when it’s over. Academically, everything was going fine until ~the start of October. My goal in Grade 9 is the same as some other people’s goals, which is to simply pass the year. Don’t need to get 100%. Don’t need to get on the honor role. Just need to make it to Grade 10- but no, that doesn’t necessarily mean to do the bare minimum. I’m doing pretty good in every class I have done in the English language, however French & History (them being taught in French) is what’s making me believe this Term didn’t go that well. I just need a bigger will to learn the French language. With that, I think I can do better in those classes. My Term 2 goal is the same as my Term 1 goal. Maybe with more will to actually achieve it this time though. Oh maybe also to help make Pride Week my favorite one yet.

  22. for term 1 i wanted to keep an 80% average and i think i did which im pretty happy with and my parent will be as well. one thing that im supposed with is my french mark. im usually in the low seventy's or high sixty's but this term i got over 80% on everything which i think is a good mark. however im not proud of my math mark, last year my math grades were much higher and this is definitely something to work on next term

  23. In term 1, I made more of an effort in math class than I have ever made in the past two years. This lead to me getting the best marks in math than I have ever gotten. I’m really proud of myself because math has always been my worst subject. What I’m hoping for next year is to simply keep up my grades and to keep putting in the time and effort I’ve been putting in so far.

  24. In term one I was most excited to meet once again my english teacher from grade 7, Mr. Katz. I have had a lot of memories of that class, not necessarily good memories, long story short, memories. I also was excited to be able to leave school camus at lunch but I took it for granted and ended up late in many classes. That's pretty much it.
