Monday, February 5, 2018

Blog 33 - Monday, February 5, 2018

There will only be ONE (1) blog this week!

Your BLOG topic this week is FREE CHOICE!  You could blog about whatever it is you want, except what you've already blogged about!  You could go on a rant or you could simply blog about something important to you.

Be creative and write about something you feel important or something you would like to tell your audience. Write about something you are passionate about.

You must remember your audience.  It is not simply me (Mr. Katz) reading this blog!  
If you will be ranting about a certain individual, you need to leave their name out of this.  You could give them a pseudonym (example: Mr. Ed) or simply leave their name as anonymous.
Make sure your language is appropriate.  Do not go on swearing tangents and try not to blog about blogs :)

Image result for freedom meme


  1. For my free blog, I'm going to talk about The Glass Castle. I think it's difficult to read The Glass Castle without feeling some sort of emotion. Whether it's sadness or anger or happiness, The Glass Castle has a lot of meaning. I am personally very disturbed by what I just read. Jannette's parents are clearly mentally derranged. I don't understand why the father would find pleasure in watching his daughter struggle for her life. If I were Jeannette, I would be devastated. I think it's messed up that her parents were fighting like that in front of the whole neighborhood, not to mention their children. Their situation is just awful. They're so broke. The worst part is that there are so many families in the real world exactly like them! :(

    1. I completely agree with you. Great blog!

    2. dad probably was happy the daughter was trying, if they're struggling their at least trying to an extent

  2. For my blog this week, I will be writing about a few of the countless things that really bug me. First off, it really bugs me that you can not edit a tweet. Like what if you make a spelling error? Or you forget to hashtag your tweet with #GC18KATZ? Yes you can delete a tweet and then retweet it, but you will then lose all the comments and likes on your post. Secondly, I HATE the new snapchat update. I hate the way they rearranged the list of friends when you are selecting who you want to send the snap to. I also HATE how you can’t change your username. Like really? So many people made their accounts in like what the fifth grade maybe? They chose their usernames when they made their accounts not thinking about the future. Many people also did not know ahead of time that you would not be able to change your username. I also hate the way the stories are placed as well as how the bitmojis are placed next to everyone’s names. Like seriously, did they really have to ruin yet again another app everyone loved and was perfectly fine with? Like yes okay I get it they wanted to make some changes, but they could’ve done so in other ways.

    1. I agree with you on the not being able to edit a tweet! I always forget to add the hashtag and then I can't do anything about it!!

    2. This blog was so funny.It's so true in every way. As for the snapchat update part, everyone I know hates it. It's so annoying!

    3. If twitter is reading this, please make our tweets editable (I think that's how you spell it). Great blog:)

  3. For my free blog I am going to talk about the Super Bowl Halftime show that just happened last night. First off, I like Justin Timberlake and all of his songs, but.... I really didn't like his halftime show performance. Last year Lady Gaga did the halftime show and she was amazing! She literally “flew” onto the stage. The year before that it was Bruno Mars. I mean, who doesn’t like Bruno Mars?? He was awesome as well. This year the performance was boring. There were no cool props or creative stage setups and I found that Justin Timberlake wasn’t very fun to watch. Hopefully next year they choose someone more enthusiastic and fun to do the halftime show. #SorryJT

    1. I agree. The show was nothing special, at least compared to previous years.

  4. To start I must start, and to start I must write, and when i write I must finish writing at one point or another. To finish writing obviously means I had to start and how do you do such thing... I must have an beginning! and when you have a beginning you must have an ending. To have a blog, you must have a plot or a story line with a beginning, and what story is a story with no ending. To have a good story line you must have literary devices and with those literary devices you can foreshadow the ending of your story with a beginning and a plot and a rising action. There is no such thing as a rising action if there is no climax so add that to your blog with an ending that consists of a beginning. Now here's where it gets weird, I must end by starting and start by finishing when writing a story with a beginning and a ending which consists of literary devices that foreshadow the ending of a story with a beginning that starts form the beginning and finishes at the end with a great rising action and climax.

    What is English my fingers are bleeding.

    1. my fingers bleed twice a week, I get the feeling

    2. interesting and unique blog, nice one

  5. for my free blog I'm going to talk about one of my close friends, haley. she's super amazing, she's kind, sweet and hilarious. I don't know what I would do without her. she's in my math class, and thats the only class we have together. we barley do any work, but fool around a lot. when we do work though, she's always there to help me when I need it. outside of school were also close too. we hang out all the time and we have so many great times and funny memories. I remember the time we went to fairview with Mac and she met up with people and we just left because it was too awkward. I love her so much and I don't know what id do without her!

  6. SCP, (secure, contain, protect), is a foundation made to contain or to protect mystical creature/object. there are scp-001 to scp-3999. Despite some are unknown because we don't have data on them, there are a lot of them. The scp themselves usually are contained or concealed if the scp is too big or cannot be moved. There are some famous ones out the like scp-142. it's basically the weeping angel but it's simply a human shaped statue. You must keep looking at it or else it will snap your neck. Another famous one is scp-682 "hard-to-kill reptile. It takes on a form similar to a crocodile. the reptile has high regeneration and adaptation power. Seconds is all it needs to change itself against it's aggressor/environment. Scp-682 has also been on top list of elimination it has the ability to end the world just because it didn't like it. One of the encounter that happened was when scp-682 was "exposed" to scp-142. when scp-142 was put into the enclosure, scp-682 maintained eye contact. After a while, when scp-682 doesn't seem to break eye contact anytime soon, the doctors ordered sniper to shoot out the eye of scp-682 and to halt observation. When observation resumed, there were gashes on scp-682 and what seem to be pieces of skin on scp-142 hands. Then scp-682 adapted. It grew extra pairs of eye along the body. All attempt to make it blind has failed so far. The test was terminated. One of the reason that scp-142 was unable to kill the monster on first try might be because of the weight class.
    I'm goin to end it here, but if you want me to talk about other scp, you can ask me in the comment section or in class.

    1. Nice blog I completely agree preach

  7. In my blog I would like to talk about what has sucked up almost all of my free time for the last few weeks, which is, probably one of the most creative and beautiful video games I’ve played, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The game starts you off as Link, the appointed knight of the princess Zelda. You have nothing, and you find yourself in a world with seemingly no one else alive. There was a great war, where you and 4 other champions were appointed to protect the princess and destroy the enemy, Ganon. The battle went south, and once all of the four other champions had fallen, you had no choice but to flee with the princess. Attacked by a bunch of enemies, your character dies, but no later than 100 years do you wake up, with the task to destroy Ganon. I love this game do to it’s beautiful artwork, and original story. The game is open world, meaning if you see some place you want to go, you can go there. There is so much to explore and new enemies around every corner posing a new challenge. With 120 shrines each bearing a challenge or puzzle, there is seriously so much to do! You can cook food, find new weapons, shields, armor, and buy a house! You can even get your sword that you fought with 100 years ago. Once completing the tutorial, you are now capable of exploring the whole world. What I love is that you are never told something to do. The game has so little structure. For example, you can fight the final boss right as you finish the tutorial, but it won’t be so easy however. The final boss isn’t even that hard, because all though that may be the main story point of the game, there is so much exploring and easter eggs and quests to do, that completing the game just takes forever. I have now just finished the story, and I’ve played 70 hours (70 hours that I can never get back :( ) and I’ve only completed 30 some % of the game.

    1. "70 hours that I can never get back :("

      but you're okay with that, aren't you? ;)

  8. for this blog i will be talking about the superbowl. even though i dont watch football or even knew who the eagles were i was happy that they won. they were the underdogs by a lot and weren't supposed to be much of a challenge for the patriots. although they proved them wrong. one big part of their victory was that foles knew how to catch a football and tom brady didnt. i thought it was a very interesting and nail biting game that will make me want to watch the superbowl again next year.

    1. I love your idea so much that I copied it (look below). Nice blog!

  9. For this blog I would like to talk about the super bowl (definitely not copying Will). Even though I don't watch football or even pay any attention to it, I still enjoy watching the super bowl. For the super bowl my family went to our friends house and did what we do every year. Watch the super bowl and eat wings, lots of wings. To be honest I made my self believe I was cheering for the eagles because I hate the Patriots, but the real reason was because my dad was cheering for them. Lets be honest was boy doesn't cheer for the same team as their dad.

  10. Since it is very, very rare that we are able to blog about anything, I'm going to blog about things that annoy that living soul out of me. 1) People who walk slower than an 100 year old tortoise. No one has the time to walk that slow or walk behind someone who walks that slow. 2) People who don't know the difference between "you're" and "your". It's not hard. 3)People who don't know the difference between "there", "their" and "they're". It's not rocket science. 4) When people chew with their mouths open. No body needs to/wants to see the stuff you chewed. It's nasty. 5) People who don't know what personal space is. Whether it's on the bus, locker space, plane, etc. They just squish you and you feel claustrophobic even though you don't usually have claustrophobia. 6) People who yell while talking to you even though you're not even a foot away from them. 7) People who laugh obnoxiously loud. 8) People who don't know when to shut up. 9) People who talk during videos, movies, and plays. 1) People who go on their phones at the movie theatre but their phone is at the maximum brightness so it distracts me.

    1. OMG I completely agree with you!!!!!!!!!

  11. You know that I'm gonna talk about history just how I answered all of those questions the actors asked about in the play. So today I will be taking about the greatest byzantine emperor of all time: Justinian. A bit of context before we start, remember the Roman Empire? Yeah well things are going sh*t for them. The empire was divided, their economy crumbled, revolts happened a lot, barbarians invaded just for fun, the Huns had fun killing them, winter was a pain, famine broke out as well as disease, trade ships were intercepted, their emperors weren't good at their job, there were a lot of civil wars, their soldiers killed almost all of the emperors and a lot of people died. That's what's been going on for the western roman empire, who owned, Gaul, Britannia, Illyria, Hispanic. northern Africa, the alps and Italy. The EASTERN roman empire was doing quite well, they repulsed the attack of the Huns, their economy was booming, they had beast walls in Constantinople and everyone was generally happy. The WESTERN roman empire died in 476 A.D. but the EASTERN roman empire was alive until 1453. The only problem was that the eastern roman empire was't in Rome anymore so they renamed themselves to the Byzantine empire, the original name of their capitol. So there were a few byzantine emperors but in 518, when the emperor Anastasius 1 died, he had no son. So Justin, the leader of the military garrison in Constantinople was all like "Yo everyone I got guys with spears in the capitol. If no one calls me emperor, I'm just gonna have to kill you". So everyone in the city was all like " Whatever dude, just don't ruin the chariot races" And that's how he became emperor...sort of. So he became under the command of the Balkans, Anatolia, part of the middle east and Egypt. He was a legit emperor but when he died in 527 he named his nephew, Petrus, to be the new emperor. Petrus was all like " Don't worry uncle, I got this 'cause of all of the years of the military I did thanks to you." So he became emperor and renamed himself Justinianus, now known as Justinian. He got in love with an actress named Theodora but it was illegal to marry actresses since they may of also done prostitution. His first move was to get three guys to get the empire back to its feet: John the cappadocian, a very well taxpayer who everyone hated because he was a taxpayer; Tribonian, a guy who rewrote the laws and made the Corpus Juris Civilis, and (pardon my language) MODA F*CKING BELESARIUS, a military general.

    1. your blog is so long I couldn't read past the second sentence... great blog though!

  12. So there's an empire in modern day Iran called the Sassanids and they were at war with the Byzantines and the Sassanids were winning so Justinian told Belesarius " Yo dude, I'm giving you 25k troops to go against an army of twice of your size. You think you can handle it dude?" "Yeah don't worry dude, I got this". So at a city called Dara, Belesarius got a message from the Sassanid general to prepare him a bath in the city for him. Belesarius was all like "Oh hell no. Everyone start digging trenches" So the next day there was a huge battle and Belesarius won. Remember those chariot races I glimpsed to you before, well it's gonna get important because chariot racing was SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT for like everyone in the city. There's 2 teams, the greens and blues. At one point, everyone in the chariot stadium go wild and all scream "Nika!" for reasons that would take too long to explain. So Justinian was like " Call back Belesarius, we need his awesomeness". A riot broke out in the city of Constantinople. Everyone said that Justinian wasn't a true born emperor which was sort of true and they torched the city to the ground, as well as the church. Belesarius finally came back and they slaughtered everyone who was pillaging the city. After that, Justinian was like "Yo dude, what if we built a crazy big church" "Sir that would be really expensive" "WELL I'M EMPEROR SO DEAL WITH IT!" And they built the Hagia Sophia. Yeah, it was built by emperor Justinian, not literally. At one one point Justinian was like, "What if we took back the the lands of the western Roman empire?" " Sir we're still at war with the sassanids" "Whatever just give them 60 million pounds of gold then they'll be happy". So they bribed the sassanids with peace and gave the order to Belesarius to take back Africa who is currently held by a barbaric group named the Vandals. They took it and then they were like"Let's go to Italy guys!" And they took Italy as well as Rome but the Sassanids took this opportunity to declare war with the Byzantines and Justinian was all like "Yo Belesarius, come back now we need you to defeat the sassanids again" "Just lemme finish this siege and steal a Ssh*t ton of money then I'll come back. So after Sacking Ravenna, he went to Jerusalem where they were being attacked and everyone is all like "were screwed" "Nah bro, we got Belesarius" So they prepared for war but then the Sassanid armies retreated because its time to introduce another enemy:Disease. That's right everyone, disease has attacked everyone in the East including Justinian. "Oh, sh*t, Justinian's dead?" "Nah dude, he's just in a comma" "Well who's in charge then?" "I am!" said Theodora. But everyone else was like " but your're a woman. You can't manage the empire" "Try me". So a bunch of people tried to overthrow the government and become emperor but Theodora had a sick spy network and overthrew them all. Justinian had finally gotten out of the comma and was back at it again. He was all like "Yo dude, how's been the empire when I was asleep?" "Your wife took over and we lost Italy and Africa" "Oh that's nice of her WAIT WHAT!?" So he sent Belesarius back to Africa but he didn't have enough men to take Italy. Stuff was OK for a few years until Theodora died of cancer in 548. He tried to untie the church multiple times but that never worked. After that things were OK and Belesarius retired. A guy who worked with Belesarius named Narces took over and finally got enough guys to take over Italy. Justinian died in 565 a.D. as did Belesarius a few months ago. Thus ends the tale of the greatest Byzantine Emperor.

    1. thanks johnny


      whos mans is this

    2. What do you mean?

    3. I'll admit i didn't read it all, but how do u have the time to write all that.

    4. did you find all this in wikipedia?

    5. This is just common knowledge. And history dates from Wikipedia but that's about it.

  13. For my free blog I will right about my dance. Many of you know I dance everyday and for 25 hours a week. I absolutely love dancing. I started dancing at 3 and have been at the same studio since I was 4. I love everyone at the studio and I love everything we do. We're doing 5 competitions this year. I love competitions because we get to perform. I spend most of a weekend there hanging out with my friends I have there. This year, I am doing a ballet piece on pointe and a contemporary piece. They are both really cool and I love dancing in both. It's hard to explain how much I love dancing and what these pieces are. Lol. Also it keeps my fit for my cardio.

  14. For this blog, l'll talk about This Is Us. IT'S SUCH A GOOD SHOW. I usually don't like these type of shows, but this show is an exception. You become so attached to the characters it's crazy. The show goes over so many relatable issues that a lot of people face today. It's mainly about a family that has a whole bunch of problems. They are far from perfect, but how they come together as a family and how they need each other is so beautiful and emotional! It definitely pulls at your heart. Also, I know that last night something really big was revealed BUT I'M ONLY ON SEASON 1 SO DON'T SPOIL IT IF YOU KNOW.

    1. This is my favourite show ever I love it so much! I wrote about it for my blog too. Great blog!!

    2. probably one of the best shows to ever exist

  15. ok

    weeb time

    So this anime called Violet Evergarden is, in my opinion, anime of the year (so far, although it's only February, this doesn't mean much). The series is about the journey of Violet Evergarden to figure out the meaning of the words "I love you", the last words of her "boyfriend" (kind of?), but she doesn't know he died to save her. Violet begins her journey as an Auto Memories Doll, and comes face to face with various people's emotions and differing shapes of love. All the while searching for the meaning of those words. Well I'm over 60 words so I'll finish by saying how beautiful the animation is. No joke, I'm fairly certain every frame can be used as a background.

  16. This Is Us is the best show I have ever watched.I am obsessed with this show and the reason I am writing about it is because there has been many new events happening in this show (which I won't say) and it has me hooked on it. This show is about a big family and it shows their lives when they were younger and their lives now and all the problems in the show. I have never cried so much over a television show and there has been very few This Is Us episodes where I did not cry. I have watched every show and when you think that there is nothing that the show can do to get any better it does. There is always something new popping up in one of the characters lives and it is really good and makes sense and goes along with the story. The actors are also amazing and everyone fits their role perfectly.

  17. For my free blog, I’m going to talk about school. I find the whole idea of homework really stupid. You already are forced, by the law, to be in school 7 hours a day, then teachers go and give even more work, that keeps us up until like 2am. Home and school are two different things. If we aren’t allowed to talk in class about other topics, or use our phones in class, or bring our personal life to school in general, we shouldn't be allowed to bring our school life home either.
    Also, when teachers wait 10 minutes after the bell rings, staring at the class in disappointment because we were talking, and taking up their time, they can’t get mad, because they do the same thing to us. They give us schoolwork that takes up OUR time at home. And the 5 minutes of their time we waste, doesn’t ever compare to the 5 hours of our time wasted.

  18. I'm going to write about air. Air is really amazing. Without air we wouldn't be alive. As learned in science, air diffuses in the lungs allowing us to get energy with our blood and stuff. I don't remember exactly but it's really cool how things that keeps us alive is free but we want things that aren't needed and cost a crap ton of money. Air is honestly magical, you can't even see it.

  19. Cookies. For anyone who doesn't know my favourite thing in the whole world is cookies. I know it sounds really weird, but it's true. I mean who doesn't love cookies, they're great. There are so many different types of cookies too. I’m obsessed with them. Whenever i'm sad mad or happy or in any mood really, Ill always have a cookie. Its a problem for me honestly they're not the healthiest thing in the world but they're great in my opinion. Also if you read this can you please bring me a cookie tomorrow. I’m kidding don't actually bring me one.

    1. i would bring you a coookie but im broke...great blog though, i love cookies too

  20. for my blog i am going to solve the discussion of whether water is wet or not. WATER IS NOT WET. being wet is defined as being covered or surrounded by water. if you poor water on to a table then the table will be wet, but you cannot pour more water on to water to make it wet. for example fire burns things but can it be burned? ABSOLUTELY THE FRICK NOT. it is the same concept for water. fire burns things but cannot be burned, water wets things but cannot be wet. now i could go on but you all have lives

    1. I TOTALLY AGREE OML. Great explanation. You seem very passionate about your belief. Great blog.

    2. I agree with you 100%! Water is what causes you or something to be or to feel wet! Great blog:)

  21. For my free blog, I have chosen to write about my school hockey team. I am writing this blog on the bus coming back from our game at Heritage High School in the South Shore. We lost our game 4-2. It definitely wasn’t one of our best games. Our bus was 1 hour late picking us up and because of the road conditions, it’s going to take us close to 2 hours to get back to school. We have lost a total of three games this season which is pretty good. Depending on how the other teams finish, we will either be finishing 2nd or 3rd for playoffs. Hopefully we play well in the playoffs and take home another championship!!

    1. I believe you guys will pull through, good blog Holls!

  22. For this blog, I'd like to talk about the upcoming Winter Olympics. They are being held in PyenongChang (hopefully that is right), South Korea. I absolutely love the Olympics, whether it is the summer or winter one. It is where the best athletes in the world get to showcase their talent and where a lot of athletes get recognized on an international level. My favorite sport in the winter Olympics is hockey and in the summer it has to be waterpolo because I absolutely love the sport. I get to learn from the best of the best!

  23. For this blog I will be talking about sleep. Sometimes it can be really easy but some other times i just can't. There are times where it takes me 2 hours to go to sleep. It's usually on Sundays where I'm used to waking up late and falling asleep late from friday and saturday. There are also times where i sleep at 12 and wake up at like 3 and it drives me nuts. It takes too much time to go back to sleep. Recently I've been going to sleep pretty quick. My trick is to watch videos really late at night and tire myself out so I go to bed immediately. Nowadays I've been getting less sleep and I can't lucid dream anymore. i used to be able to control my dreams all the time and now I can't. i really miss it but it's nice having the randomness of dreams. For me the most exciting thing about the weekend is me getting good sleep and it fells amazing when I wake up. Thanks to school I get a low amount of sleep and feel terrible every morning

  24. For this blog, I will be talking about some of my favorite things. I am usually a pretty private person so I thought this might be a good opportunity for people to get to know me. First off, I love red. It reminds me of warmth and passion and I just feel comfortable around it. My favorite food is French food, it just has a very classic and precise way of getting made that makes it extra good. My favorite solo artist is Lana Del Rey ( no I am not depressed/hipster) My favorite group is Maroon 5 ( I apologize to my family for the shame this brings ) My favorite sports are boxing and skiing, as well as watching UFC. I hope this gave you a bit of insight into my personality or helped you to get to know me better!

  25. For this free blog, im going to talk about yawning. For the longest time, i had no idea what yawning was, why we did it and why it was so contagious. Well there are many theories about why us humans (also animals) yawn but the main one is for our brain temperature. We yawn because if the temperature in our brain is too different than what it should be, then inhaling air should cool it down. We mainly yawn either when were tired and board or when we see someone else yawn. The reason why we yawn when we’re tired is because our brain is slowing down which causes the temperature in our brain to drop so we yawn to get air to our brain to even out the temperature. When we are bored, our brain doesn't feel stimulated so its slows down just like when were tired, so we yawn to get the air to our brain to even out the temperature. Yawns are also very contagious, now i still don't understand the reason why we yawn when we see someone else yawn but apparently it’s because of empathy. Depending on how empathetic you are towards others, you'll yawn more when seeing someone else yawn. It’s why people with autism who have trouble feeling empathy don't yawn as much as lets say a ‘normal’ person would. Anyhoo, hoped you enjoyed the science lesson

  26. So since I can't repeat the same word over and over again sixty times I'm going to be talking about how potatoes are under rated. I mean anyone ever thought about it. If you want breakfast, hash browns. Lunch? Fries. Snack? Potato Chips. Fancy dinner? Baked potatoes. Wanna party hard? Ever heard of vodka? Potatoes consumed at all times in any occasions and we don't even realize how blessed we are to have these miracle vegetables.
