Monday, February 19, 2018

Blog 36 - Monday, February 19, 2018

On February 28, you will be presenting a PERSONAL and TRUE ANECDOTE to the class.

What topic have you decided to write about?

Can you give a brief explanation to what SENSE(S) you will be focusing on?

How will you incorporate the ATL skill: Use a variety of speaking techniques to communicate with your audience? 


Image result for senses meme


  1. For my personal anecdote, I have chosen to write about my very first injury. This is a story that I love to tell. The senses that I will use to describe how and what I felt in certain moments are sound, smell and touch. I will change the loudness of my voice to add emphasis during the more important parts of my story. I have also decided to bring in a prop to add a visual aspect to my presentation. I am excited to present and to listen to the other presentations!

    1. That sounds like it'll be a great presentation! Good luck and great blog!

    2. That's a great idea! You should describe the pain so well to the point that it makes the audience cringe.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. As some people may already know, I used to play soccer. In my last few years my team was very successful and made it to finals 2 out of the 3 years to win the championship twice. I will be talking about 3 senses: taste, hearing, and feeling. I

    1. sounds like you had quite the team nice blog.

    2. Interesting... I’m interested to know what you tasted...

  4. For my anecdote prject, I will be talking about the first time I went on a roller coaster in Disneyland when I was 7 or 8 years old. I will be describing mostly the sense of sight, but I will try to incorporate all the senses into my presentation. To use the Atl skill of of using a variety of speaking techniques, I will put emphasis on the most important parts of the story and change the pace of my voice.

    1. I'm excited to hear about your experience! Great blog:)

    2. I'm super scared of roller coasters and have never been on one! Super excited to hear about your experience!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. For my anecdote project i will talking about the time my parents and i drove up mount Washington. i was an amazing experience that i am very excited to share with everyone. the senses i will be focusing on are sight, hearing. since the main part of the journey was to observe the great sights i would obviously have to sue sight. also hearing to hear the wind from the high altitudes and my mom whenever she wanted to take a picture.

  7. For my anecdote project, I will be writing about the time that I did cliff jumping because it was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life. I'll be able to incorporate all of the senses, but the main ones will probably be sight and touch. For when I present it to the class, I will try to use pauses because I think it makes it more dramatic and it adds anticipation to it.

    1. That sounds really cool! great blog

  8. I haven’t necessarily decided on one story yet, I have 2 or 3 ideas. I want to do it on a story that has a had a very big impact on my life that has taught me something important. The story will probably not be vyer positive, but has taught me something important that I’ll never forget. I will probably mostly use sounds and try to express my emotions and how I felt while it was happening using literary things. I’m super excited to hear everyone's story, i think they’ll all be great!

    1. Hope you'll find your story. I look forward to hearing it!

    2. i'm in between 3 choices too nice blog.

  9. For my anecdote I'm going to be talking about a vacation I went on in Pakistan when I was 9. By the end of that trip I completely changed without knowing and it had a huge impact on me. It`s not the happiest of stories but it is an important one nonetheless. The main sense in my anecdote will be sight. i saw a lot of things which were either really scary or interesting. I will try to make a lot of dramatic pauses and random jokes so I can keep everyone listening and focused

  10. Im not too sure exactly, but I will probably talk about my families separation that took years. My dad and mom haven't really been on great terms for a while, then after 2 years my dad found out my mom has been discreetly online dating he moved out. It was a really hard the transition from new schedule and a new home, I had got a little stressed and worked up. Once out of the blew, I got really angered I threw my tablet onto the ground and it shattered everywhere. The screen was flickering black and white and it just made the situation really worst. I'll do probably talk about emotional senses. The ATL skills I will use are : communication and collaboration.

  11. For the anecdote assignment, I'm going to tell the class about my trip to Asia in 2017. The main senses that I will be using are sight and taste and hearing. This trip gave me something to appreciate about the world. There were so many things to see and it just amazes me that just one place can have so much to offer. This was by far the most amazing and unforgettable trip, yet.

    1. I've never been to Asia but if I ever went there, I would go to Mongolia and do a lot of horse back riding as well as horse archery.Great blog. #GenghisKhan

    2. Wow going to Asia must have been AMAZING!!! I can't wait to hear your story! :)

  12. I have a few options to what I want to write about my anecdote but my best option is to talk about my stuffed animals when I was a kid. My stuffed animals were my best friends at my childhood and I still have a few but my most memorable one was a webkinz hippopotamus that I named Ben which I nicknamed Beni. The main senses that I will talk about is the sense of touch and the sense of sight during my presentation. This sounds childish to you but I always carried the around. Sometimes I would get all of the and lay them on my bed and I could recite all of their names. I had about a dozen of them.

    1. i loved all my stuffed animals and i still do now, i dont think its childish at all, great blog

    2. Are the stuffed animals the ones that taught you how to be so good at poker?

    3. i got a stuff animal made by my mom too

  13. I still haven't decided what i'm going to write my anecdote about. Im having trouble picking a topic because i haven’t really experienced anything in my life that is truly interesting or worth talking about. I really want to write something that will get yalls interested and curious in what im saying but its difficult cause my life is kinda boring and i have no good stories. Hopefully ill think of something that i could talk about that will involve all the senses too.

  14. I haven't pick what i'm writing on yet. I have 3 different ideas right now. They are all very different types of stories. One is a ore sad story. The other two are more funny. I think i will probably pick one of the funny ones. I want to focus on the senses of sound touch and smell. Since i find they were most present in the 3 stories. I am not sure how i will used literary devices. I want to try and used personification in it though. I will probably include many similes and metaphors though. I think no matter what i write ll make it funny in a sense.

  15. For my anecdote assignment I will be writing about an incident that happened to me when I was younger that I often think back on and laugh about. I will be talking about the time when I slipped on the ice in my driveway and cut my hand open! The main senses in this experience were sight - I could see the blood dripping everywhere, and touch - my hand was pounding and everytime I touched it it hurt like crazy. To incorporate the ATL skill I will make sure to use lots of imagery and be very descriptive so I can bring the listener into my story. I will also use a hook at the beginning so that the listeners are intrigued and curious.

  16. I haven't come to a full decision on what anecdote of my life I want to do, so far the one that is taking lead is the time that I think back to many times to remind myself not to do it again. And that is the story of when I had too much to drink and vomited everywhere. The senses I will be focusing on will be smell, sight, and touch, not good. The ATL skill i will incorporate in my assignment would be reflection since I always reflect on this whenever I go out again not to make the same mistakes.

    1. so exited to see what I whipped ups!!!

  17. For my anecdote, I will talk about my time where I went to china for the first time. I would meet so many of my relatives. My little brother was barely one years old that time. The sense I guess I utilized the most was sight. Since China was actually a big place and much to see. I will just describe everything I remember about my first time there (yes I've been there a second time).

    1. Sound really cool! Awesome blog!

  18. for my anecdote, I decided to write about my first time meeting my INFAMOUS step brother, Anthony. the sense I will be focusing on is sight because thats the sense that I couldn't live without, its the biggest part of my life. I talk about seeing and hearing the way he talked to me and I can say its one hell of a story. To incorporate the ATL skill I'll use imagery, be very descriptive and detailed, so that the audience feels a part of my story.

    1. Sounds interesting. Great blog!

  19. For my anecdote I will be writing about my ski trip to whistler. This was the best ski trip I have ever taken with my family. I had so much fun and the mountain was so big I couldn’t even feel. I’m going to talk about all of the different senses and how they all I did usually made it better for me.

  20. My anecdote will be talking about a really dumb thing I did when I was younger that resulted in me hitting my head and blood going everywhere. The sense I will be using will be touch because I had to feel the corner of the table hitting my head. I also used sight because I saw the blood and I panicked.

  21. Mine will be focused more on my sense of eye sight. You only realize how special and important they are especially when you are losing the capability of seeing properly. I have proscription glasses and they still dont fix my vision in my left eye. I also chose this topic because it would be the only sense I would keep if I had a choice between the others.
