Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Blog 37 - Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Here are some numbers for your brains:

11 - ELEVEN school shootings in 2018
17 - SEVENTEEN deaths in the latest Florida shooting
16 - SIXTEEN more in critical condition and hospitalized
4 - FOUR KILOMETERS from where I stay in Florida
 + an infinite amount of other students, parents, teachers and staff scared of a repeat

Even though Canada and U.S.A. have VERY different GUN LAWS -  does the latest shooting scare you?  Does it make you think that something could happen here?

Do you believe WE do enough to prepare our students of a CODE RED?

What suggestions do you have?


Image result for gun laws meme


  1. The latest school shooting in florida does not scare me and doesnt make me think that it will happen at ST Thomas. Canada is a very safe country with very stricked laws in order to make the people of Canada more safe. i dont think schools prepare their students enough in case of the events of this happening. all we learnt was to all huddle in a corner and lock the door. but what if someone comes in what are we supposed to do then. i believe schools could do A BETTER JOB at preparing students for the worst possible outcome. but the things schools can teach us are limited such as they cant teach us hand to hand combat. or how to dodge a bullet. even though i watch Naruto and play fortnite so i should be alright.

    1. Canada does have better laws then the USA. Great blog!

    2. I'll shoot an elastic at you tomorrow, let's see if you can dodge it, you know what they say "if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a bullet."

  2. I believe that Canada has better gun laws then the USA. Until I had to write this blog, I wasn't scared that it could happen here at St-Thomas, but now that I think about it, anything could happen. The laws in the USA need to be looked at again so they could be changed or fixed to make the country a little bit safer. It is a problem that guns are for sale as it could easily get into the wrong hands. I think every school must practice for unlikely situations like this in case of gun emergencies.

    1. We already do code Reds but other than that I agree with you. Nice blog.

    2. true our laws provide more safety when it comes to gun violence, nice blog

  3. The latest school shooting doesn't scare me as much as I have anger for the american government. I mean, come on, you couldn't pass a single law because of all of the donations or should I call them bribes the NRA. The NRA is so powerful and rich when it comes to politics, they might as well become our next dictators because of the amount of legal bribes they're giving away. It seems like no one in the senate gives a crap about the security of their own country but they put more attention to Iraq or Afghanistan. Shouldn't they secure the security of their home rather than someone else's first? Every school is at risk to a school shooting in my opinion but the ones in america have a much higher chance of happening everyday compared to Canada. What bothers me even more is that when 1 Mexican does something illegal, they need to build a wall but when it comes to 8 school shootings, they won't even lift a finger and all they say is that their thoughts and prayers are to the departed. We really can't do much when a code red happens. Staying in a corner is definitely not the right idea since we're just a glaring target to the shooter and anyone can break glass windows with or without a gun. We can't just teach kids how to fight in 1 class. I've been doing karate for 6 years and I still can't do a punch perfectly. We can't just teach all of that in 1 class. And no one can do anything against a speeding bullet when its coming your way. So basically, fix gun laws like now. I know it's already one in Canada but fix it before more kids start dying.

    1. i totally agree they're government isn't the best.

  4. I have something to say about these shooters involved in school shootings. If it's a Muslim, there is no question of mental illness. The government just assumes it's some terrorist attack. However, if it's a caucasian, mental illness is the only thing the government talks about. There was a post on Instagram. On the left side, there was a black man who was being held down and arrested for selling cigarettes. He was being held down by 5 or so policemen, and he was being restrained to the maximum possibility. On the right side, there was a caucasian who killed 17 people. He was being held down by only 1 policeman, the policeman was barely holding the man down. The man who sold cigarettes was practically being sat on, whereas the man who KILLED 17 people was barely being held. THIS IS NOT RIGHT. THIS IS NOT FAIR. Selling cigarettes is not a good thing but a man who MURDERED 17 people was not being handled properly. This just goes to show that there is still racism in the world. I thought that by now, everyone would be treated equally, but I guess not. The U.S. has banned Kinder surprise eggs, but not guns. Yes, you can choke on a Kinder surprise toy, but that's not nearly as deadly or lethal as an M16 gun. In the U.S, as of the age of 16/18, kids can go buy a gun, and it's legal. A kid in high school could just go to the gun shop, buy a gun and shoot his school up. The U.S. government and citizens are worried about us going into their country? We should be worried about them coming into our country. Another post on Instagram said "My daughter came home from school, saying that she needed new sneakers. I thought someone made fun of her for her shoes, but no. She told me that during an active shooter drill, she realized that her light up shoes would give away her location. My baby is 8 years old". THIS SHOULD NOT BE AN 8 YEAR OLD'S CONCERN. U.S. gymnast, Alexandra Raisman, posted " What are you supposed to tell your little sister when she asks 'What do I do if a shooter comes in? Do I hide in a classroom or run for my life?' No one should have to live in fear. Something MUST be done". I don't think that our school does enough to prepare us for a shooting. When there is a CODE RED, all the students huddle up in one corner and hope that the person doesn't come in. What about the students on the first floor? What if the shooter shoots the window and jumps in and shoots the kids? What then? And then what if the shooter goes to all the other classes and kills 10 kids per class? What is the staff going to do then? We live in fear everyday. We think "What if", "Maybe it might happen to us". We should not have to live like this. Some days when I hear there's been a shooting, I don't want to go to school because it might happen at our school or somewhere near us. I don't want to live my life like this. I don't want anyone to live their life like this.

    1. I agree. I don't want to live my life in fear. Something NEEDS to be done. Nice (but long :P) blog!

    2. this blog was really really good... Like I literally felt like crying after reading this. The racism part was so true. The world is disturbing...

    3. Amazing blog. I agree with every single word you wrote.

    4. Amazing blog! You are very right about how people can still be very racist.

    5. i completely agree with you, we shouldn't be living our lives in fear and treating this as if its just a normal thing, great blog

  5. The latest shooting in the U.S. does scare me.... It is one of many that have happened in the past few years and it really makes me wonder if it will happen in Canada soon. Canada has much better gun laws than the U.S. does, but there are still people out there who have guns. All it takes is someone with a crazy idea and a terrible tragedy can happen. I think that we do enough at our school to prepare for a code red if ever it should happen. We all know the basics of staying safe if a code red happens and I think that’s as far as we should go for now considering that a school shooting in Canada isn’t very probable. Although, it’s always important to be prepared.

  6. The latest attacks that have been happening do scare me, sometimes I have trouble sleeping at night because of the thought that people could actually do these type of insane things. In my opinion our school does not do a good job with the code red and here is why: saying code red is too obvious. When we get a code red the principal goes on the intercom and says "code red" which obviously would tell the attacker "that means hide" maybe if we played some nice jazz it would help. Also I believe at least one code red should happen a year and someone should come talk to each class to give specific tips.

  7. Me and my family are VERY VERY VERY disappointed in the gun laws in America. It is so disturbing. So so so so so terrible... I feel awful for anyone that had to go through that. I feel mostly safe here in Canada thoigh, for the most part... even though guns are illegal it’s not impossible to get one. People know how to get around the law. I actually don’t think there’s anything else we need to do to practice for a code red. I think what we’re doing is fine. My dad is a teacher and at his school, they don’t even have code red drills. I already know that if a school shooter ever comes, I’m gonna jump out the window! I’m not going to fall asleep in fear of dying in a school shooting; I am mostly just scared for the world. I get so disturbed whenever events like this happened. I read a blog online that a father posted; claiming that his daughter came home crying one day about her shoes light up shoes... Her dad assumed it was because someone had made fun of them but in reality it was because she was scared that if ever a shooting happened, her shoes would give her away to the shooter. An 8 year old girl is coming home crying... not because she did bad on a test but because she is worried of a school shooting. Everything about the situation is so disturbing to me. My thoughts and prayers are with Florida right now. I’m visiting next month for March break and almost feel anxious. The world is a scary place...

  8. YASSS guns make me scared, even more scared if it's loaded and pointed at me. I don't think anything would happen to us, but I don't think it's really easy to sneak in a harmful weapon. Nobody checks my bags, lunchbox or anything, little do they someone could be hiding a small gun or a knife in there. I feel like we should have more code reds practice to avoid class time and practice in the case of an emergency. None of the drills we do are really taken seriously, people just use the time to talk and stuff.

    1. I agree, no one takes code red's seriously, Great blog!

  9. "GiVe TeAcHeRs GuNs AnD iT'lL aCt As A dEtErReNt"

    Most of these shooters intend to die jesus christ how unbelievably stupid can people be.

    First off, giving teachers guns won't solve anything.

    The biggest problem (one of many), is access to assault rifles. I don't care what you say, nobody needs that. It is a weapon of war. I do believe RESPONSIBLE gun owners should have the right to defend themselves, but you don't need an AR for that. This is not the only issue, but this is one of the BIGGEST issues. Anyway, let's talk about arming teachers. People always say good guys with guns will stop bad guys with guns, so just give teachers and there'll be less casualties, right? In theory, this SHOULD work, but in practice, it won't. It might in very lucky circumstances, but the gains would be negligible. First, how many teachers can actually be trusted with a gun? Like, you realize what that entails right? Not everyone has it in them to end another human life. Simple as that. ESPECIALLY if that life happens to be one of their own students. You can give them all the training you want, the chances that it would be enough to matter in the moment aren't great. You ALSO have to consider the fact that they just might not be able to respond fast enough. In the time it takes for them to hear the gunshots, assess the situation, take out their gun, turn off the safety, aim, and take down the shooter, several people would be dead. this is assuming the armed teacher is even CLOSE to where the shooting happens. The further away the teacher is, the more people get shot in the mean time. Again, this is assuming the teacher is mentally capable of going full terminator.

    ok goobye

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The latest shooting does not scare me whatsoever. I am not scared at all of shootings in Montreal. This is because of our great gun control, meaning we do not have guns at all in this country. I think the purpose of owning a gun is to kill. Why have an object with the goal to kill people. I find it ridiculous how guns are not banned and still legal in the states. Code reds are very important to properly prevent dangerous threats to the school. We definitely do not prepare for these enough. We should practice one in every class, to prepare ourselves for every possible situation.

    1. I agree with you. We are fortunate to live in a country with great gun laws.
      Great blog:)

    2. Ditto

      Lowkey convinced Donald Trump enjoys hearing about shootings on the news, then types up some empty tweet about his meaningless condolences.

    3. I don't think it's fair not to be scared at all... it is still a possibility.

  12. Obviously the latest shooting scared me. Every shooting scares me. Even if I know that shootings would never happen in Canada I still think we should be ready. Shootings would never happen in Canada because we actually have gun laws. I don't think a code red would do much if a school shooter came to our school. The most recent shooting made me realized that school shooters can outsmart us. What happened in the most recent one is that he pulled the fire alarm to bring everyone together then opened fire. A code red wouldn't prevent that at all because they could break down a door then we're just sitting ducks. I think that in the case of a code red we should just run away as far away as we can so then we could get away instead of hiding. Using the famous quote, "You can run but you can't hide".

    1. I don't think running in a herd will help. Maybe during drills they should say code red but for real ones it should be a secret message like " the furnace is cold" so people know it's not a drill.

    2. I agree, we need to change the way we practice for code reds.

  13. The latest shooting does scare me and it might even happen here, but I do think that our school prepare us decently against the possibility. Hiding us into a corner in which will reduce the chance of being hit by a stray bullet and making a specific code made to declare code red is over. I think I know many suggestion that actually helps. The kid at the last school shooting triggered the fire alarm to gather the kids at the same place, a good suggestion is that when there is a fire, you can add a speaker on the fire trigger so that you can actually confirm if there's a fire. Another is reactivating the cameras I don't know if they're actually still active or not, but with the camera, you can detect more suspicious people easily.

  14. I remember after the Sandy Hook shooting,I was too scared to go to the bathroom or go drink water alone. I was so scared that the teacher let someone go with me.I know being scared about a shooting happening here is irrational, but it still gets to me sometimes. Imagine being a kid in the US?!? When I was scared, my parents told me that the gun laws here will protect me. But how do american parents reassure their kids? They can't! I do think that we are well protected here in Canada. But I wouldn't mind if it they improve it. Better safe than sorry!

  15. The latest school shooting does obviously scare me. School is a place where you are supposed to feel safe, not scared. Even though this school shooting happened at a school, it can happen anywhere, even in Canada. We need to be aware of our surroundings at all times in case anything ever happened. We need to speak up about the guns laws that are currently in place in the USA in order to make a difference. I definitely don’t feel prepared for a code red. We practice it maybe once a year and no one takes it seriously! There are so many situations that could happen that we don’t even discuss. Our school as a whole would benefit quite a bit from practicing code red in different scenarios. It would definitely make us students feel safer.

    1. Most definitely, our school should do more to prepare us. Very insightful blog Holly.

  16. I am constantly terrified that something might happen to us at school or another school. I don't want to be scared, but I can't help it. We live in a world where the bad overruns the good. I wish people will think before they act. I know they might be hurt inside or mad, but that's no excuse to purposely hurt or kill innocent people. One of my best friends moved to Florida in this pass summer. She was less than 20 minutes away from the school where the shooting happened. She heard everything; the police, ambulances, firetrucks passing by. When I heard about the Florida shooting, I texted her right away. It was scary because that could've easily been her. I don't want this fear to be a reality anymore. I don't want to have to text someone to see if they're okay and safe. This shouldn't be happening and someone needs to do something. There have been protests all over Florida. And there is a solution. There is something they can do. I don't know why they haven't done anything for gun laws or solved this massive problem. There is racism, and hate in this world and the NRA and government and police are seeing right through it. I can't even express my anger for this subject. It makes me so upset and I can only pray for the victims and families affected by not only the Florida shooting, but by all the other attacks.

  17. After I heard about the Florida school shooting, it made me really terrified that something like that would happen to our school. Even though we have stricter gun laws in Canada, there are still a lot of ways to illegally buy guns. I find it really ironic that the USA had that 'travel ban' and isn't letting some countries into their own country, when it should be the opposite, because it is obviously becoming a dangerous country. 11 school shootings in 2 months is not supposed to happen. And the NRA is just making a profit out of all this. The more school shootings, or terrorist attacks, the more random people buy guns to protect themselves, and the more money the NRA makes. It is ridiculous. No company should be making money because of people being scared of dying. I also don't think we do enough for the 'code red' drills. All we do is huddle up in the corner of a room, hoping that the shooter will think no one is inside the classroom. This shooter obviously came because they knew there was school that day, and kids would be in class, so why would anyone think this would work. Honestly, what is the school board thinking. They want us all to gather close together (which would make it easier for us ALL to be killed anyways) and hope for the best. I think we should learn to defend ourselves in gym class or something, because if you really think about it, the way we are supposed to handle code reds is stupid.

  18. I was very worried when I heard about the Florida shooting. I was wondering if it was ever going to happen here. I know the gun laws are much better here but it still frightens me. 17 people died in the Florida shooting thinking it was going to be an average day at school. 3000 people were affected by this shooting also thinking it was going to be a normal day. I think the school should have more code red drills. One or two a year is definitely not enough.

  19. School shootings have never really scared me. I don't know exactly why, i feel like i should be scared though. They are something that exactly happens often in canada i think thats why im not that scared. The last one did scare me a bit since one of my friend lives in that area of florida. She doesn't go to that school thankfully. It's scary to think though it wasn't an adult that did it either. I think theses things can happen anywhere even in canada. Considering there was the dawson shooting, it can even happen here. I'll be honest i think there is always more we could do as a school to prepare for these situations. No Matter how well prepared we think we are we can always do more.

  20. It's sad to say and admit, but i have been in fear of my life for a while now. What happened in florida was not the first shooting to happen, there have been countless of other attacks and other shootings that have killed, injured, and certainly traumatized people. But nowadays, it’s getting harder to wake up and not ask the ‘what if’ questions, what if today a shooter comes into school, what if i die today, what if today someone i love dies. But it’s also getting easier to get hands on a gun no matter your age or intensions with the gun. I understand that Canada has much safer gun laws then America does but Trump becoming president of the United States of America has shown us that anything can happen. I believe that no matter what we do, its never going to be enough. Doing code reds and practicing will never prepare you enough for the real thing cause you never know what the shooter will do. If we wanted to actually prepare ourselves for this type of situation then i think we should change all the doors in the school to metal doors that can't be broken into easily, also we should get something for the windows so then when we hear code red, the teachers still will lock the doors and the students can put barricades on the windows like some sort of metal panel or a lock instead of huddling in the corner of the classroom. But to truly be safe, i think the only solution to this problem is to teach people and students from a young age that there is always someone to talk to, someone that will listen and that you are never alone so then you can solve the mental issue before it begins. Also removing guns, which should be a given, will work too.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, now Parkland. I wouldn't say that I am scared of shootings in our school, but i am worried. A week ago, a group of kids from BHS just walked in, without anything holding them back, and i did get a bit scared if i'm being honest. At this point, teenagers are taking more of a stand for their dead classmates than the elected officials that make false promises during election season, and break them when they get elected as soon as it fits their agenda. It wouldn't be impossible that it would happen here, after all, it happened at Dawson in 2006. My next door neighbour was in the class right next to the place that was under fire. But since then, we as a community have taken precautions to stop this. But in the United States, it has gotten to the point that the people expected to protect you, the senators and congressmen, even the president, are more interested in money from the National Rifle Association than in protecting their nation's children. When Australia had on mass shooting in 1996, they banned all rifles and semi-automatic rifles on non-hunting grounds. They do full background checks on every person for any type of gun, it also takes a minimum of 28 days of vetting before receiving a gun. They have not had a single shooting since. Now, in the US, they give their prayers and blessings and hope this will heal the hearts of the families who have lost their loved ones, not to a shooter, but to a government that refuses to change. Code reds are not enough, talking about it in one class in not enough, not when children are dying. A suggestion that would be good is having the doors require scanning of student ID's on every door, not just the front one. If one does not have their ID, there could be an intercom to the offie to verify that they are a student. Leaving the doors unlocked is a dangerous thing to do, but finding a way to keep out unwanted intruders would at lest make our students safer.

  23. Blog didn't post for some reason 😒

    As much as the Florida shooting would have scared me if I lived in Florida, I'm not really that scared. Our gun laws in Canada are so different, and it is so hard to actually get a gun in Canada. Although I don't feel like we are even close to well enough prepared for a school shooting at our school, and that we should practice a lot more, I also don't think we need to practice as much, since I think we live in a much safer environment. Yes, something like that could happen here, but I like to think it won't, since we are so fortunate to live somewhere where guns aren't a thing.

  24. It is the most devastating thing to even hear about. I saw a post on Instagram of footage of a class full of students hiding behind their desks while gunshots followed with screams could be heard. This is a problem because no one now can feel safe walking into the only place that people depend on being safe. As far as I can see. As fr as I can see, the US hasn't changed a bit when it comes to safety on school shootings. These kids had to walk out of school walking over their dead innocent classmates that had been shot by a person who had no heart and had nothing better to do. Since he had no life he thought the only way was to kill passioned people who had one. I do think this could happen today in our city. It could happen anywhere. There has been 11 school shootings so far, safety isn't looking good for anyone. I could not imagine being locked in a classroom while a teacher is getting mowed down by an assault rifle just to protect the students. You tell me, who in the right mind would ever want that, NO ONE and if everyone feels that way then why is it still happening. Because people are talking and not doing. The only solution they think is going to solve everything is to permit teacher to hold fire arms. You tell me, do you really think this will avoid school shootings and deaths of students, no. You tell me, do you think what we are doing is going to stop school shootings.
