Monday, February 12, 2018

Blog 34 - Monday, February 12, 2018

The Olympic Games in South Korea will draw the attention of many Canadians.

Have you ever dreamed of being an Olympic athlete?

Will you watch some of the events? Which events? Will you be cheering for Canada?

What one WINTER sport do you think you'd compete in?


Image result for winter olympics meme


  1. Now that I think about it, I actually have dreamed about being an olympic athlete before. When the olympics were in Montreal, my aunt worked at the olympic stadium with the gymnasts. I used to play gymnastics as well as my cousins, aunt and Mom. It's very big in our family.I dreamed about doing gymnastics in the olympics. All of the girls who I saw on tv were always so pretty! I haven't really watched anything yet, but I'm cheering for Canada in every sport. If I could compete in one winter sport, it would be the skeleton. It seems risky/dangerous. It looks so fun.

    1. I never knew that the Olympics came to Montreal. Great post.

  2. I've never dreamed of being an Olympic athlete, however it seems cool. I like just playing soccer in house league. I won't watch the Olympics because it doesn't spark an interest in me the way soccer does. I will be cheering for Canada but I won't watch the Olympics. If I were to compete in one Olympic sport, I'd do either ski jumping or snowboarding. I've always wanted to learn how to snowboard. I ~know~ how to ski btu I want to do really big jumps. Seems fun.

    1. I would love to try ski jumping too! Great blog!

  3. I've never really dreamed of being an winter olympic athlete. I am more into summer sports. I always watch the olympics though. I love watching hockey, ski jumping, figure skating, and slopestyle snowboarding. I will obviously be cheering for Canada, but I'm also cheering for Italy. The winter sport that I would want to learn is ski jumping because it is almost like flying, and it looks sooo fun.

    1. I'm more into the Summer Olympics too! Nice blog!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I have definitely dreamt of being an Olympic Athlete! I much prefer the summer sports and I’ve always wanted to be an Olympic swimmer. I love swimming and in the Rio 2016 olympics the Canadian Penny Oleksiak set a bunch of world records for swimming and she was only 16! I wanted the be just like her! Sadly, I’m nowhere near good enough to be any Olympian! I love the Olympics so much and I watch all of the sports. Some of my favorite winter sports to watch are skiing, figure skating and the luge. If I were an Olympian in the Winter Games, I’d do figure skating! I love how the figure skater is the only one on the ice and I’ll eyes on on you! Plus, the outfits they get to wear are so pretty! Finally, I’m definitely cheering for Canada! I mean, who isn’t?!?!

    1. I would do figure skating too and I agree the costumes are gorgeous. Great blog!!

    2. The costumes are so pretty! And apparently really expensive

  6. I've never dreamt of being an olympic athlete but I would definitely love to compete. I would probably compete as a figure skater since I already dance and it's basically dancing on ice, right? It seems like so much fun and don't get me started on the costumes. They are so pretty and shiny but they are extremely expensive. Figure skating is the only sport I watch during the winter unless my parent's force me to watch curling. Lastly, I am most definitely cheering for Canada because Canada's amazing.

    1. Yeah, just don't fall on your face while trying to do an elaborate ballet move! ;) Great blog!

    2. I love watching figure skating !

  7. I was never a big fan of sports and I've never intended to watch the Olympics in the past so I've never thought about being in the Olympics. If I ever do watch the events, I sure as hell would be cheering for Canada. One winter sport that I would compete in is bobsleigh because it just looks awesome on tv. When you see ll of the ski sports and the luge and then you see this monstrosity appear. It reminds me of a military tank.

    1. I never thought of being in the Olympics either

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I LOVE the olympics. More accurately, I love pointing at the screen and saying "i would've done that way better", which is of course very untrue. I already watched the luging event and the figure skating, but I will be watching the skiing event with a lot of passion. I get very into it, even yelling at the judges on occasion when they make a stupid decision ( which was most of the time that they gave a bad rating to a French or Canadian skier). I would most likely be in the skiing competition, not only because I ski kind of ok, but because I can't skate without falling flat on my face and watching the luge makes me anxious for my safety.

    1. I do the same thing! The athletes make it look so easy!
      Great blog:)

    2. I think the same thing (even though it's a lie). Great blog!

    3. Easier to say it than to do it.

  10. I think that every athlete has once dreamt of going to the Olympics. Even if your not into sports, you still dream of going to the Olympics! As you watch the athletes come out and complete, you imagine being there and feeling all the stress and excitement that they feel in the moment. I have thought of one day being in the Olympics competing with our hockey team. But, I won’t count on it because it’s extremely difficult to go. I will try to watch as many of the events as I can because it does only come every 4 years! I will watch the skiing, snowboarding and hockey events and of course be cheering for Canada! I hope that Canada does great and takes home multiple gold medals!

  11. I am watching the Olympics everyday as soon as I have the opportunity because I love seeing the Canadians win. I watched the snowboarding slope style and one of my favorite athletes won, his name is Redmond Gerard, even though he isn't Canadian he is still my favorite because of how well he lands his jumps and how he is super young. I think that out of any sport I would love to compete in its probably the snowboarding slope style because I myself am a big fan of the uni-ski. I love doing jumps when O go to a snow park at any mountain. I also love going really fast in the off road section in the woods. I haven't gone snowboarding in a while and I can't wait to restart doing it.

    1. Great blog, I would also do that!!

    2. i like to ski, but not competitively

    3. completely agree! great blog

  12. I like watching the Olympics. but I only really watch the snow boarding and hockey. I don't really watch just for Canada or have a favourite country. I more or less just watch since I snowboard and I play ringuette which is close to hockey. I did end up watching some of the figure skating with my mom since I was bored. I didn't really understand how it worked though. I normally end up watching most of the sports out of boredom.

    1. I watched some of the snow boarding but got bored...

    2. Yea the Olympics can get a little boring and confusing at times, great blog

  13. I've never wanted to be an Olympic athlete. I was never really the sporty type. I watch certain competitions in the Olympics. Mostly hockey because everyone in my family plays hockey except for me and my mom, and even we love watching it and we know a lot about it. I always cheer for Canada obviously. I hope Canada does well and gets as many medals as they can.

    1. I never wanted to be one either

  14. I couldn't care less about the Olympics. Whenever my family is watching it, I normally just play Stardew Valley or whatever. I’ve never wanted to do anything that has to do with Olympics. I don’t really care for sports. I guess I’ll cheer for Canada, but if they win I won’t really care. I wouldn’t compete in any sports since I don’t like sports.

  15. I dreamed of being really good at skiing a back in like grade 3, not so much anymore. I'd just like to do it for entertainment. I don't really plan on watching much of the Olympics but I have tuned in occasionally for the skating performances. I don't really have a country in going for so I guess I'll just support my home country. If I we're to compete it would be skiing, I was been skiing for quite some time and doing jumps and stuff would be cool.

  16. No. I have never dreamed of being an Olympic athlete. I have been apart of highly competitive teams before, but getting to the Olympic level would be a very unrealistic goal for me as I have multiple very serious injuries. I have a twisted spinal cord and my hips are not aligned, making my spinal cord injury even worse. No, I will most likely not be watching the winter olympics. The winter Olympics are ridiculously boring. Like sorry but watching some athletes who give up their time, to travel to somewhere foreign,and play in the snow somewhere, where it is colder and windier, than here in Canada. I do not think that I would ever compete in the winter Olympics.

    1. ya same here, id never compete in the Winter Olympics!

  17. I never dreamed of being an olympic athlete. As a kid I always had my mind set on being an astronaut. I never even thought about being an athlete. Even though I never wanted to be an athlete, I will definitely watch the Olympic games. The events that are my favourite are ice hockey, skiing and definitely skating. Weird I like ice hockey because my whole family loves to watch the MontrĂ©al Canadiens play, and this is all of Canada’s best players on a team! Secondly, I like watching skiing mainly because it’s entertaining. And lastly, I love to watch the figure skating because my cousin was an amazing figure skater, and she was on her way to the Olympics however she got injured which made her quit. It is just beautiful seeing them dance on the ice. I will definitely be cheering for Canada! If I had to choose any sport to compete in, I would choose cycling in the Summer Olympics. I don’t know why, so don’t ask, I just like the thought of it.

  18. I never really dreamed to be a Olympic athlete physically nor figuratively. I don't really like these kind of shows and find them boring. But if I was forced to look at it, I guess I'd cheer for Canada. I don't really like competing in any winter sport so I won't think about it.

  19. I really don't get watching sports. It seems really boring to me. There's a lot of slow parts that would drive me nuts. I don't dream of being an Olympic athlete I just play sports for fun plus I doubt I can make it there's too much competition. I'm definitely cheering for Canada but I think Russia,USA or germany are going to win.

    1. I agree with all of your points, too long and boring.

  20. I have never dreamed of being an Olympic athlete since I've never had an interest in that type of activity. I will probably not be watching the events since I do not find it interesting, I will either be cheering for Canada or my home country Romania. If I had to choose a winter sport to participate in it would probably be downhill ski because I'm somewhat good at that.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm good at downhill skiing too! Great blog!

  21. I've never really dreamed of being an Olympic athlete. I've obviously dreamed about becoming a pro sports player but in sports like basketball, football and soccer. I never really pay attention to the Olympics because most of the sports except for hockey in the winter and basketball in the summer don't interest me. Even if I don't find the sport interesting doesn't mean I won't watch it. If the Olympics are on tv and I don't have anything to do then I'll watch them but I won't really go out of my way to watch them (like my mom who woke up at 5 or 6 am to watch the opening ceremony). When I watch the Olympics I obviously always cheer for Canada, no matter what sport. If I were to do any sport in the winter Olympics it would probably be downhill/alpine skiing or slalom. I used to do both of these activities when I was younger and I still downhill ski but I don't do slalom.

  22. When i was little, i always dreamed of being an Olympic athlete. I was a very sporty child so i participated in so many different sports at school and i loved getting compliments from friends, teachers and family saying how good i was, so i thought i actually had a chance of becoming famous Olympic athlete. Now this was back when i had stupid confidence in myself, i soon realized that my dreams were foolish because the chance of actually get realized was very slim and also, i was absolutely terrible at many things. So even though i know it will never happen, every time i go snowboarding and im on the top of the hill, i still dream that im an Olympic athlete representing Canada with people cheering me on from all over the world, but then my dream will get disturbed by me wiping out in the snow. I do not watch the Olympics, i believe im a jinx to Canadians. Every game in the passed that i have watched, Canada lost, so i dont tune in but i still cheer for Canada and i am always checking my phone for upcoming events and to see if we won or not.

  23. i have always loved watching the Olympics but i am more enthusiastic about the summer Olympics than the winter ones. when i was younger it was my dream to become a professional soccer player but that faded as i got older. i do enjoy some of the Olympic winter games, for example i love watching snowboarding but that's pretty much it. after i do like the winter Olympics because we do live in Canada.

  24. I played ringette almost my whole life. It was inevitable for me to fantasize about making it to the top, to make it to the Olympics! Sadly, that dream had been put aside a long time ago because ringette isn’t an Olympic sport, even though it definitely should be. It’s an amazing sport that is played in countries like Canada, Finland, Sweden, the United States, Japan, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, France, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic! I think it’s too late for me to ever play ringette in the Olympics, but I hope that ringette girls younger than me could somehow make this dream a reality and go to the Olympics! I’m definitely cheering for Canada this year and I’m trying to make an effort to watch it.
