Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Blog 6 - Wednesday, September 27th, 2017

On Wednesday, you were given the opportunity to review tweets, articles and videos related to the subjects of race and technology. In small groups you responded to this content and answered a few prompts. For this blog, I want you to reflect on your conversations.

What were some of the more interesting points that came up during your discussion?

Did someone mention an idea that you had not considered before?

Why do you think activities like these are important?


OR if you were absent answer the following question:

Do you think there should be a governing body that controls Internet and technology use?

Consider the possible effects of the latest technological advancements… Could they pose a threat to society?

Should the government or an outside group try to protect citizens from technology?



  1. My team and i discussed the Donald Trump situation and there were a lot of interesting points that came up. We mentioned that the way trump is labeling these people as all terrorists is absolutely ridiculous. He is banning these people from coming home to their families just because of the fact that they are born in places that rethought of for terrorism acts. These people are american citizens, and they can't come home. Imagine if that was you? He is only cause more chaos than whats already going on. After listening to Owen, he enlightened me on the fact that by speaking up about racism and sexism, its making more people come out and support these same things. its creating more hatred in this world than good. Activities like this are super important because it helps us understand how others think and maybe it can change our prospective on different things, these type of discussions are crucial in learning.

    1. Yes, I do agree about what you are saying. It was a good discussion! Great blog!

    2. I totally agree with what you've said! Trump has definitely done much more wrong than right and I 100% agree that discussions like this allow something like this not to happen in the future! Great points and great blog! Really enjoyed reading it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We spoke very much about Donald Trump and his current situation. We agreed that he has not been making the best decisions regarding his speeches. You can say that he doesn't have a great filter or that he doesn't have a filter whatsoever. We believe that the ban for Muslim countries is not because he wants to "protect the Americans", I believe that he is racist towards Muslims and I very much dislike that.

    1. Same here he is very racist

    2. I agree with what you are saying fully, trump does not do it for the safety of Americans but for his own beliefs and for his own "safety", because from what he has been saying, I do not think the other countries really like him.

    3. I agree, he is not making good decisions with his power and is being super racist towards Muslims. Nice blog!

  4. During our discussion we spoke a lot about Donald trump. We discussed that he is racist and shouldn't talk bad a bout people just because of their race. many great points we given such as the citizens are being censored and how diversity in a society is beneficial. the government can also control us threw the internet. such as putting ads on popular sites to give us an idea so that thought stays in eh back of your brain until you think of it again. the government also hides many things from the public so they don't look as bad a they are, so they don't shoe there true nature.

    1. I can't disagree with anything you said in there. Nice blog btw.

  5. Some interesting points that came up during our discussion were that Trump has the right
    intentions and there should be an app that helps you control your time spent on technology. Everyone in my group agreed that Donald Trump sometimes has the right intentions and he is trying to protect his country but he just doesn’t know how to do it. He is is a businessman who does things in a way that they benefit him and not the citizens. Owen also brought up a good point by saying that instead of having someone controlling your time spent spent and what you’re doing on technology there should be an app or resources that help you control you time on technology. This way, the world won’t become overrun by it. Before this discussion I hadn’t really considered Donald Trump having the right intentions but after listening to people talk about it it made me realize that it might actually be true. These discussions as groups are important because they open our minds to new information and they make us think.

  6. We mostly talked about Trump and his misconceptions. When Trump said he was going to build a wall between Mexico and USA, he estimated it to cost 1 million. Then he reestimate it to me 2 million and so on until 24 million! Some people calculated the cost to build and keep it intact for 100 years and it was estimated to cost 750 million dollars!

    1. That’s actually pretty crazy... your blog was a little short but I was still very interested in it. Thanks for sharing!

    2. That's a large number and it would cost even more when it needs repairs.

    3. That's a lot of money especially when the wall originally supposed to cost only 1 million. Great blog

  7. I was absent on this class so I’m not really sure what any of this is about. Sorry! However, judging by the other blog comments it looks like everyone seemed to be talking a lot about Donald Trump. If I was present on that day, I definitely would have had a strong voice about Donald Trump. He is one of the many things wrong with the world right now. I read almost all the comments here and can say that I agree with the majority of the blogs here, that internet can indeeed be very controlling and some of random the conspiracies about the government controlling us interested me too. I really wish I could have been there that class.

  8. During the group talk we talked a lot about Trump and his racist acts and how he thinks he is always right no matter what people say. A point that really stood out to me was how he blocks out other peoples thoughts and forces his into peoples minds, and when people say something differently it is considered "fake news". These types of activities are important because they let us and other people express and understand their opinions and thoughts, unlike how trump does it with force.

    1. You had some really good points. I agree about what you said as well. Nice blog too.

    2. I agree with everything you said. He is very racist in my opinion. Great blog!

  9. Our group and I talked quite a bit about Donald Trump and the situation. One of the group members pointed out that he ight go crazier than he is now which I generally thought was impossible. I pointed out that the tension between Kim Jong un and Donald Trupm might lead to war or even a third world war. The reason why we did this was to think from a different angle and to look at a situation with the full picture and not just the part of it.

  10. For the point of the discussion about technology, we raised the point that technology could actually help some people and not be dangerous to society. Another thing that a person brought of that I didn’t think about is that something like virtual reality might ease the thinking of a stressed man. Activities like this is important so we can revise and think more carefully of what we create when we build robots or machines

  11. My team and I discussed about how Donald Trump was not letting immigrants into the country. I think that our group had discussed some very interesting points about many things that these articles have said, these articles have spoken about many common things that are happening in the world today. For example the main one was about how Trump isn’t letting immigrants into the country. I think that Trump is being very racist and stereotypicalising other races. Some of the people that he isn't letting in are americans from the country that he is now president of. I think that Trump should put his focusses into other main problems of the United States, such as guns being legal in the states. Activities like this are super important because it helps us understand how others think and maybe it can change our perspective on different things that we learn in class.

  12. In are group we pretty much only talked about trump and his shenanigans. I like the way that he is the biggest anti communist leader in the world but he is banning everyone that is not a US citizen, He is also trying to centralize america by making everything sold in america made in america, not a communist move at all. Otherwise he is a hypocrite by doing a travel ban even though the only reason america is america is because of migration from Europe in 1600's. Trump is causing attention but not getting the right reactions and he does not realize that.

    1. I totally agree! He is being such a hypocrite.

  13. my group and I mostly discussed the topic of Donald Trump and more specifically his travel ban. We talked about how the countries he banned are not actually the countries where most terrorists come from. We also discussed how he said this is to keep his country safe. the other questions we discussed a lot less, but over all I think we had a good discussion and brought up a lot of good topics

    1. I agree that Trump needs to realise that not every person, who is not American, is a not a terroist. Great blog:)

  14. In our discussion, we spent most of our time talking about Trump. Many interesting points came up, and also many points that people commonly link to Trump came up too. What Trump is doing, is trying to stop terrorism, but he is doing it in the complete wrong way. He is stereotyping every Muslim as a terrorist, which is completely wrong. I think in a way, he has some good intentions (not saying i agree with him), but he has no clue how to act on them, so he banned every country that has basically had terrorism. Ever since Trump became president, lots of people have brought out their true selves. They feel safe calling out gays and hurting them, same with other races.

    1. Interesting topics. Great blog

    2. Donald Trump really has to change his way of thinking, not all muslims are terrorists and no one should be judged my their race , culture, etc. Great blog

  15. My group was very good at discussing the topics in depth. Firstly, we found the real meaning behind many of Donald Trump's actions. Trump is censoring the U.S citizens from things that he’s against, not because they are bad. He is trying to change the U.S by taking away all of its cultural diversity. When it came to the questions about technologie, my group came up with some strong points such as that there should be a United Nations like body that decides and controls our worlds technology. If that much power gets into the wrong hands, the consequences could be fatal. I really enjoy doing group discussions because you get to bounce ideas off of one another, you get to see other points of view as well as get new ideas. I hope that we do more group discussions throughout the year!

  16. In my group we talked about trump not letting Immigrants in the border. We thought this was unfair and just plain stupid. A person in my group, a person told a story about the NFL and Donald Trump and how that blew out of proportion. We talked about stereotypes and how Trump thinks everyone else who isn't american is lower than him. With the shut down of organizations like DACA it ruins peoples lives. Many immigrants are forced to flee the country they've lived in for a long time.In conclusion, My group and I thought that Trumps reasoning was wrong and he has made terrible decisions. He may change america as a whole but not in a good way.

  17. During my discussions there were many interesting points that came up. We talked a lot about how Donald Trump’s idea of a multi-billion dollar wall. One point that I brought up was that putting up a border wall to keep citizens who aren’t even harmful and some of which do make up american communities would not do anything. It would not keep out those who really want to get in. First off, there are these super cool things called ladders which are pretty much available EVERYWHERE. And these super cool things called ladders help you reach and get to higher placed things. And Ladders are also super affordable they sell some for like 20$ at Walmart. Donald Trump’s whole process of neutralizing America is only ripping families as well as our society apart. In the long haul, it is not doing anything but causing more problems and not solving any solutions whatsoever. One more appropriate solution to Donald Trump not being satisfied with undocumented Mexican Immigrants would be to invest in helping them get documented and be more welcoming period with them.

    1. I love that this blog turned into a rant about Trump vs. Ladders, but your points are very well said. Good job Melissa.

  18. In my group, we discussed many interesting topics. We discussed donald Trump, and we talked about technology. We think that Donald Trump is censoring some information from the people in the USA. He is promoting his ideas, and claiming that anyone opposing him is lying. We also believe that he is a racist, and that it’s not right to ban innocent people from entering the united states. We talked about how technology is progressing really fast, and there should be people controlling the use of it, like a branch of the united nations or something, so that it doesn’t get out of hand.

    1. I couldn't agree more with what you wrote. I loved reading this. Great blog!

  19. In my group, there were some very interesting points that were brought up. We spoke about how Trump has been labeling these people as "terrorists" and "the people who bring drugs into the country". He has no intellect and he has no idea what he is doing/what he is supposed to be doing. He always tweets things on Twitter like "If North Korea wants to enter a nuclear weapon war, go right ahead because they're just committing suicide", he has no chance of winning that battle. He has no clue as to what he should be doing as president of the USA.

  20. In our group we mainly talked about Donald Trump and how he is not fit to be president. A lot of interesting points were said about how Trump has a short temper and speaks in 140 characters on twitter, rather than getting in front of cameras like a normal president and addressing the matters in a helpful and presidential way. Instead of making matters better, Donald Trump has stirred up a lot of stuff between the U.S. and North Korea, and in our group we discussed how it could even lead to a 3rd world war. We also discussed a lot about his travel ban and how he presented it as a way to protect the U.S. from terrorists but instead the places listed on the ban are actually where the least amount of terrorists are from. Overall we all agreed how Donald Trump is destroying the United States and he should be impeached before he says or does something that he can't take back.

  21. I don't really remember much about Trump and Technology discussion. As for Trump I disagree with his referees and wall ball cause he's just assuming everybody is a druggy/terrorist. Technology can be both positive and negative. I can influence our everyday life making it easier but too far and it will make it to the point where everything is already done for us and we will not know how to do anything.

  22. When we were talking, something came up that at our table that I hadn't really thought about. We all said that there should not be someone regulating what we do on the internet, though I never really thought as to why i answered that. Though regulating and banning certain things is the definition of censorship, there are reasons that it is a good idea to regulate. It could stop bad things from being conducted online, but also, it limits what a person can see. I think that these discussions are necessary because they make you think about what you're answering, they also show you what other people's points of view are. To finish, all this thinking has made me doubt which way to answer this question, but i will say that this conversation has definitely gotten the wheels in my head turning.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. My group and I talked a lot about Donald Trump. We talked a lot about his travel ban and how Donald Trump is banning other countries to protect the U.S. from terrorists but the countries he is banning are places where not a lot of terrorists come from. We also talked about North Korea and the U.S. and how it could lead to a war. We all said Donald trump is not fit to be president and is not helping the U.S. with his ridiculous ideas and laws.

  25. in our discussion there were a lot things that we brought to attention, the main point of the conversation was as expected Donald Trump, the thing that stuck with me is when we came up with the idea that when he talks about terrorism its really just a cover up for how he simply does not want them in his country because of the color of their skin. he is stereotypical. this ban is not fair and should not exist.

    1. I really like this subject. I wish I was there to discuss it!

  26. I was absent that day so I'll doing the 2nd question. I think there should be a governing body controlling the internet, but to a certain extent. Internet is so big nowadays and is becoming quite powerful in a way. Having it controlled could protect our society. But finding the right people to control it would be tricky because if the power is in the wrong hands, they could easily manipulate and take advantage of it which can be very dangerous. It's a very complexed subject that you can't necessarily break down in black and white. There are consequences and benefits to both the ideas of government controlling the internet or not.

  27. I don’t remember much said that class lol. I can’t remember any interesting points that came up (so that probably means there weren’t any). Since I’m pretty optimistic and spend a lot of time online, I can’t recall hearing any opinions regarding Trump or technology I haven’t heard of (only remember Muhammad doing everything in his power to disagree with us). I think it’s very important to sit down and get different opinions and thoughts on situations so we can get a deeper understanding of other people’s perspectives, leaving us with less conflict between each other.
