Monday, October 2, 2017

Blog 7 - Monday, October 2nd, 2017

In Fahrenheit 451, Montag has an outburst when he hears the jingle for Denham's Dentifrice on the subway.

What is one commercial that you dislike beyond others?

What about it is so annoying?

How do you react when you see or hear it?


P.S. - SHARE the link!

Reminder! This will be your only blog for this week!

Image result for memes about annoying commercials


  1. I don’t only dislike this commercial, I really hate it. It’s about the new mentos pure fresh gum. The way it is made is just so cringe, I can’t get over it. It shows an “inside view: of the gum, and there is literally a blue yeti dabbing, and for some reason I just can’t get over it! A lot of the times, even if it's just a few seconds, when I see it (normally on Youtube) i'll just switch videos since that normally changes the ad. At the end, the guy and girls eyes both go blue, since they both ate the gum. I hate it when ads are like that because you are not going to relate to some random person on the street after eating the same gum. Just doesn't add up, and it’s definitely not getting a buy from me.

    1. I agree, it doesn't make any sense at all

    2. I conquer with what you've said/wrote. It's so annoying.

    3. I hate those ones so much too.

    4. Since the yetis are in the candies, wouldn't that mean they'll get eaten?

    5. Mentos are gross, but they're fun to shove into a bottle of coca cola.

    6. Yeap, doesn't make sense, agreed dud.

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  3. The commercials I hate the most are skittle commercials, and the subaru crosstrek commercial. They make no sense at all, and I just get really annoyed when they play on the tv. The skittles commercials are so weird, and they are really annoying. They don’t have anything to do with actually selling the product, and they are so disgusting it probably scares people away instead.
    There are a lot of other ones, but those are the grossest.
    I also really hate the subaru crosstrek commercial, just because it bugs me. It’s kind of like they are trying to be funny, but not succeeding at all. It's just weird and it makes me cringe.

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    2. This made me laugh Tahlia!! I really dislike the skittles commercial with the boy who has skittle's pox and the girl eats skittles off his face... They are kinda disgusting! Great blog! :)

    3. Don't hate on skittles they taste great and the commercials are super dumb but super funny too, but I definitely agree with the subaru commercials that have nothing to do with the car at all.

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  7. I hate every commercial that has ever existed, per say I go on my tv and I want to watch Rick and Morty because I am a smart person, boom a commercial at every 15 minutes. Its actually not that bad, I just have to witness little timmy spill his orange juice because he is troubled but nooooooo, Mommy is here to clean it up with her special and exclusive bounty paper towel that absorbs it all in one swipe. Or again when I have to see people have such a great time a PARK SAFARI, hip hip hurray, I get to watch kids getting abused by beluga's. Just any commercial is useless to me in this period of my lifetime because I do not spend my money on any of the stuff advertised, I have no use for it. I am a child that is in its prime and I need to be entertained and enjoy my childhood instead of watching adults ruining their's. Ya done now.

    1. I can see how you don't like any commercial. Great blog!

    2. When I read your blog I started dying of laughter. I love how you used the name "Timmy" and used so much sarcasm.

  8. The commercial that I hated the most was the spiderman Homecomming trailers during this summer. Before july 7, the ads on youtube we're a living hell with these commercials for 3 different reasons. 1: They lasted for 30 seconds and you couldn't skip them. 2:They played those ads almost everytime I looked up a video on youtube and 3: When you finally watch the movie, the ads spoiled all of the good parts and the fight scenes making the exitement for the movie not as great as other times.

    Yeah I couldn't find the videos so...No links.

  9. There is one commercial that I really dislike. The Alarmforce commercial... I have heard the Alarmforce commercial multiple times for years now whether it be on the radio or the tv. The commercial itself isn’t bad and the dog one is especially cute. What annoys me is the jingle! Even without the words you instantly know that it’s the Alarmforce song. When I was younger my dad would drive my brother, our friend and I to summer camp in the mornings and the three of us would sing the jingle time after time. We would make out the numbers with our fingers and we would sing it at the top of our lungs! (We all knew...and still know the number for Alarmforce by heart!) It drove my dad crazy! Who knew that an extremely annoying jingle could remind me of awesome memories!

    The commercial with the cute dog:
    The annoying jingle:

    1. I LOVE THE JINGLE OMG WHAT IS THIS! I agree tho it can be annoying..

  10. I hate all shampoo commercials. I hate them so much because they deceive the viewer. They pick the most beautiful girl so you think that if you use that shampoo you're going to look like that. In reality 90% of all these shampoos will not make you're hair look like that. Every time I see it i wanna smash my head against the wall because they're so annoying. They do the same thing with men as well they say it's the shampoo but it's actually the haircut.

    1. link:

    2. I cannot agree with you more! The amount of times I think that I should try a new shampoo on my hair, and it doesn't work or do what the commercial says. This blog is so true and good points!

    3. This is such a good point. A lot of commercials do similar things, where they twist the truth of results of their products. Super misleading and disappointing.

  11. One ad that I despise is for Advil about a lady (Danielle Schon) who just talks about her experience at work welding. This ad is on YouTube and you cannot skip it. Her voice drives me around the bend because she speaks annoyingly slowly. Thus, I have to hear her complaints about pain day after day. Fifty percentage of the time that I watch a video on YouTube, I see this ad. By the third repeat of this ad, I want to throw my phone at the wall! Advil may help her, but this ad sure gives me a headache.

    1. I've seen this commercial too and its really annoying. I hate that YouTube practically got rid of the skip ad option because i would definitely like skip this ad. great blog

  12. I never pay attention to commercials. I usually don't find anything in them that annoys me. The only thing that makes me not happy is when an add pops up while I'm looking at a video, when I'm playing games or when I'm trying to do something. Despite that sometimes the commercial gets me interested in it in a way. For example when it is really eye catching.


    I know a lot of people will disagree with me, but the Budweiser "Lost Dog" commercial really annoys me. First of all, it's so beyond sappy. There's wasn't a well thought out story line. They just put dogs and horses in it and expected it to be a heart-warming commercial. Their goal to woo over animal lovers was so blunt and obvious that it wasn't appealing anymore. And the sense of patriotism was too strong for me. Also, it bugged me when they portrayed the wolf as an evil animal who harms dogs when in reality it's humans that harm dogs the most! The ad unfairly demonized the endangered gray wolf population.

  14. If there is one advertisement that bothers me the most, it would definitely be the Happy Campers Dairy Farmers of Canada. Whenever I am watching a youtube video, it would always pop up either before, during, or after the video and it aggravates so much. The reason why I hate it so much is because I always see it. It is pretty much the only advertisement I ever see. I can't for that day when I won't have to see it again.


  16. The one commercial that has really been aggravating me is the Milk commercial about the "La Famille du Lait" commercials where all you see is a compilation of Guylaine Tremblay smiling and someone talking about milk in the background. It all talks about how milk equals calcium and how she smiles nice. Like we understand, milk is tasty big deal.


    1. I hate that commercial also, it's so annoying.


  17. The Meow Mix commercial is one that I STRONGLY dislike beyond other annoying commercials. Like sorry but nobody really wants food that makes their cats meow even more than necessary. I don’t know about other people, but I’m like always telling my cat to shut up, so I don’t think it’s very necessary for us to buy it some food to make it meow even more. I find the part where it’s literally a two minute commercial of a cat meowing the annoying part. That and my cats meow back to the commercial so that makes the commercial even more annoying. Whenever I see the Meow Mix cat food commercial come on, I turn my tv on mute look at my cat who normally watches tv with me and say “go away” but it just sits there and meows.

    1. I agree. Whoever thought that cat's meowing for 2 minutes would be cute must be deaf! Great blog:)

    2. So true! The meowing on and on is so annoying.

  18. A recent commercial that I really didn’t like was the LeBron James Sprite commercial. The commercial involves LeBron telling the viewers that he would never tell us to drink Sprite, but that we would drink it anyways because he’s in the video. I find that he acts very arrogant and conceited throughout the commercial. When this video plays on TV, I usually start by rolling my eyes which then follows by me changing the channel. If this commercial plays while you’re watching TV, don’t waist your time and change the channel!

    1. Yeah, it just proves what others think of him, being very narcissistic. This was obviously not one of the best ideas the marketing department has had.

  19. My least favourite commercials are all of the Progressive commercials, I mainly hate the ones with that one lady. It just gets me mad when I hear her voice. These commercials were always playing and I didn’t really mind them until they hired that lady to act in their commercials. I absolutely hate how they always try to make the commercial funny, it’s not funny the jokes just get me annoyed at the commercial. This is one of my least favourites because of how they tried to make it funny:

  20. My least favorite commercial is less commercial and more infomercial. The one that annoys me the most is the infomercial that advertises for the Snuggie. It is infuriating that this woman has an inability to get warm and her solution is to wear a giant pile of fleece in random locations. The people in this ad are way to excited to wear their snuggies in strange places from movie theaters to going camping. This always plays on kids channels along with Orbeez and Pillow Pets. It seems as though every time it plays, even if in the other room, creates an instinct to run upstairs.

  21. for me the most annoying commercial would have to be the yop commercial. i'm sure most people have heard of it, its not the song that i mind its just the way they give those kids heavy Jamaican accents and you can clearly tell that its fake. it also the way they make they're faces look with the unreasonably large mouths. but the part of that commercial that is the worst for me is when the mom says the famous line "yop for when the morning come" its just annoying because the voice just does not match her at all. when i see this commercial i get so annoyed i'm tempted to throw my remote at the tv but i manage to pull myself together
    listen and youll understand

  22. I do not really dislike any commercial but there was one that is not on television now but from awhile ago. It is the little baby's ice cream commercial. If you watch it on youtube you would really wonder if it was real or not. When I first saw it I had to look up if it was real because it was so gross and creepy that there was no explanation to why the owners let that commercial happen. It is a video of an "ice cream man" scooping ice cream from the top of his head and eating it. It is so disgusting and when I first saw it I felt disgusted and creeped out and confused on why this was their best idea for a commercial.

  23. I generally hate Volkswagen commercials. The way they're promoting cars doesn't make sense. One of the VW commercials has a person go into a supermarket to buy a car. If I'm in the market for a car, show me it's features, feel economy, etc. Another thing that bothers me is WV advertised their diesel vehicles to help the environment which was a big scam.

    Here's just one of the ads -

  24. I honestly hate most commercials. If I go to watch something on TV I go to watch TV and not commercials. If I had to pick one as my least favorite/most hated I think it would be the Lincoln adds with Matthew McConaughey in them. I especially hate the first one where he says that he doesn't drive a Lincoln to be cool or make a statement he just "likes it". The first time I saw this ad I just wanted to turn off the TV and never watch TV again. If you haven't seen these adds here's a link to all his Lincoln ads. (watch at your own risk)
    -Even just clicking on the video to get the link and listening to it for 10 seconds I wanted to turn it off.

  25. I like a lot of commercials no matter how stupid but one that always gets me is the Canada Dry commercials where a girl is grabbing for her Canada Dry drink and she pulls a man out of the cooler. This commercial gets me riled up because it's not physically possible to pull a full grown man out of a cooler. This guy (supposedly named Jack) was on his farm, and then magically gets pulled out of a cooler by some random lady in the middle of a party and everyone is pretty chill about it. Obviously i know this is a commercial, but it's not funny and it doesn't make any sense. I have nothing against Canada Dry cause i love the drink but the commercials are just strange.

  26. There isn't a commercial in particular that annoys me. Although those very long commercials that say guaranteed every second word. And offer two for the price of one and a useless object you'll never use. Those commercials really bug me. For starters they're extremely long, the length of one of these commercials is the same as the normal commercials happening twice. Also the make one average person look the the majority of people and make them look like fools unable to complete a simple task. So someone's creates something and guarantees everything from the durability to the performance. I react very negatively when i see one of these commercials because the commercial is basically saying that we're stupid and aren't smart enough to complete everyday tasks. Like hosing our lawns.

  27. wow i hate those commercials to there so annoying

  28. One commercial that really annoys me is the toy store interac debit card commercial. Whenever I do the Nutcracker, I'm constantly hearing the music in that commercial and it gets really annoying. I admit the first few times I saw it, I loved it. But everytime I watch a show or YouTube video it seems like it's always on during the holidays. I always try to avoid it by switching videos or fast forwarding through that commercial.

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