Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Blog 45 - Wednesday, April 4, 2018

There will only be ONE (1) blog this week!

Your BLOG topic is FREE CHOICE!  You could blog about whatever it is you want, except what you've already blogged about!  You could go on a rant or you could simply blog about something important to you.

Be creative and write about something you feel important or something you would like to tell your audience. Write about something you are passionate about.

You must remember your audience.  It is not simply me (Mr. Katz) reading this blog!  
If you will be ranting about a certain individual, you need to leave their name out of this.  You could give them a pseudonym (example: Mr. Ed) or simply leave their name as anonymous.
Make sure your language is appropriate.  Do not go on swearing tangents and try not to blog about blogs :)

Image result for free choice meme


  1. This blog, I will be talking about my favourite family tradition. One of which is a french holiday called "chandeleur" In this holiday, which comes either February 2nd or 12th. We eat a special cake with a ceramic piece representing that year. We have to eat as much cake as needed until we get the ceramic piece in one of our slices. This piece represents good fortune and wealth for the upcoming year. My grandmother always makes a huge deal of it, we eat crepes for dinner, we eat plums and stay up super late eating cake and talking. I know it passed a while ago but I'm very excited for the upcoming one. Picking the ceramic piece to be baked in the cake is always great, but it's a constant fear that I'll break my teeth biting into it.

    1. That sounds cool Dylan! Plus... who doesn't want to eat cake?! :)

    2. Never heard that tradition. Is it just for your family or is it know more across France? Either way it sounds awesome. Great blog.

    3. That sounds like such a great tradition! What flavour of cake do you normally eat?
      Great blog:)

  2. For this blog, I’m going to talk about something that my mom and I are going to be doing this summer. Right after the Christmas break, my mom and I started doing yoga. We took an introduction class that taught the basics of yoga and lasted 10 weeks. Sadly, 2 weeks ago... it ended! When our yoga class ended, I was so sad. I love, love, love doing yoga and looked forward to going to the class every Saturday afternoon. You’ve probably heard this a bunch of times before, but yoga seriously decreases stress and helps you relax. Ever since starting, I’ve noticed a huge change in my ability to deal with stress and just letting things go. So, this summer my mom and I are going to take part in the Montreal Lole White tour. This is an event that has been going on in Montreal for couple of years now where a bunch of people all dressed in white get together in Downtown Montreal and practice yoga. I’ve looked at a bunch of pictures and this event is SO cool. There are thousands of people dressed in white all doing the same pose. It is incredible and I cannot wait for my mom and I to take part in it!!

    1. My mom does yoga, and no matter how many times she does it, I manage to irritate her again :)

    2. u should do the yoga every second monday with ms graham

  3. Since I don't know anything else other that the gym or fitness, I am going to talk about how much I dislike cardio. Like why? Why do I have to do cardio? To lose weight and strengthen my heart and lungs? Who needs that? Well apparently I do. The terrible thing is that I do it three times a day, or every two days. Now hear me out, there are multiple types of cardio and some of them are fun, like swimming or jump rope even. But I'm going to be focusing on the most basic one, running, and a little less basic one, rowing. These are my least favorite types of cardio because: running just hurts. If you do not stretch, oh my god the injuries, and the pain it leaves you with in your waist and torso. Also doing cardio, three times a day, twice running, on top of having gym that day, is not good for my knees or ankles either, because of all the impact I put on them landing, now you ask yourself, why don't you just do something like swim, well, I don't have a pool... and its cold outside. Rowing is one of my least favorite cardio exercises because, although it works out your whole body, it is sooooooo boring, same movement, same place, for 10-15 minutes, and it goes by so slow too. Anyways, aside from the fact that cardio is BS, you have to do it.

    1. Cardio can be pretty annoying. Great blog!

    2. I hate cardio too... great blog

  4. for my free blog, I will be talking about some shows that I really like on Netflix. One of my favourite shows that I have been re-watching for quite some time now is “Bob’s Burgers”. I don’t know what it is, but that show will always be my favorite. it’s funny, emotional, educational and it could really help you learn a few life lessons. It’s about a family that goes on some crazy adventures even though they don’t have the most money. Their dad, Bob, has a feeling restaurant and your mom, Linda, is kind of crazy. The three kids that are in elementary school have all their adventures with their family and friends. Another show that I really like would be “The Office”. That show is hilarious and it gets really emotional when you get into the higher season. Unlike Bob’s burgers which is an animated, The Office is real life and it even has Steve Carell! He’s an amazing actor and he really makes that show come to life! It's about an office at Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, and so much crazy things happen in a place where non-office things are frowned upon. The fanbase is huge and when the show ended, lots of people were devastated.

    1. I love "The Office" as well. It's so funny!

    2. I love The Office! It's literally playing in the backgreound right now!

    3. The office is great, but I think people underestimate the british version, is the original after all. Good blog Kass!

    4. i used to watch bob burger

    5. i just started watching bob's burgers and i love it so far!

  5. For my free blog, I will be writing about how blessed Canada is. More specifically how much Tim Hortons is AMAZING. I am so happy to have it here. I don't know how I would live without Tim's. They provide us great coffee for a very affordable price. Like $1.75 for a MEDIUM. Which isn't even a small at Starbucks. They also have very good food so yay. So I love Canada for having Tim's (and other reasons).

    1. I love getting a breakfast sandwich at Tim Hortons. I don't know why but I always have a weird craving for breakfast sandwiches. So I agree, I like Tim's.

    2. Tim's is great! It's always our first stop on every family road trip lol!

    3. I love Tim’s!

  6. So yeah I’m a weeb and I don’t know what to talk about but I tricked you because I actually do. Since I’m a weeb, I want to talk about an anime I watched recently that is actually really popular called Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. It is the story of two brother Edward and Alphonse Elric, who are both experienced alchemists. Alchemy is the science of understanding the composition of matter, deconstruction of matter, and reconstruction of matter, and can be used in many helpful ways. They follow the law of equivalent exchange, where to gian one thing, you must give something of equal value in exchange. With that power, gold can be created, people can be helped, but sadly, people can also be killed. One day, young Edward and Alphonse were playing outside, where the came home to see their mom dead. Their dad had left them a while back. Doctors say it was a disease, and that it was not a murder. Edward and Alphonse missed their mom so much, so they tried to bring her back to life using Alchemy. Using the exact composition of a human being, and a drop of their blood, the tried to bring her back to life. However, just that was not enough. Edward would go on to lose his leg, and Alphonse, his entire body. Edward couldn’t bear the thought of losing his brother, and then used his arm to fill the slot for equivalent exchange to attach his brother soul to a suit of armour. What they brought back to life was barely human. As doctors rush in to help Edward, they attach and automail arm and leg to replace his old ones. While recuperating, Edward and Alphonse are greeted by Roy Mustang, better know as the Flame Alchemist, who is a state alchemist ranked Colonel. With his help, Edward would become a dog of the military and is given the title of the Fullmetal Alchemist. He would know go on to research the philosopher's stone, a stone where equivalent exchange can be completely neglected. With this stone, the would once again do human transmutation to get their bodies back. I really loved this anime. The characters are super well developed and the animation is great. Although some parts may seem rather serious, there are many funny parts which I really love. The combat is great, and the plot is honestly so original. Japan can come up with a lot of crazy ideas, but this is the first I’ve seen like this.

    1. HFAB is great, however now you've entered the stage where you dunno what to do with ur life so u end up wasting your time on stuff that'll never benefit you-

      the chamber


  7. Socks. Socks are great. They keep your feet warm when cold. Without socks, our feet would get really, really sweaty in our shoes which is disgusting. They also hide people's nasty feet and or toenails. I definitely cannot live without them. The only bad part about socks is that I can't sleep with them on. Or when they get wet, that's disgusting. And they also stink sometimes. Wait are socks good after all?

    1. I also LOVE socks and i have a bunch of weird socks.

  8. Jesus. Another free blog? It honestly feels like you ran out of things to talk about and let us have the freedom to chose. I LOVE IT!:) Anyway, I will be talking to you about Charlemagne. Now the country of France gets it's routs all the way to the lands of Netherlands and Belgium and they conquered quite a bit of the lands of the failing Western Roman Empire in Gaul Modern day of France and Northern Italy. They had a lovely time fighting a barbaric tribe named the Burgundian's and would only defeat them like 1000 years later. Fast forward to 768 ad. The Byzantines are getting massacred by the Muslim Empire who has expanded all the way to southern Spain. The coasts of England are being ravaged by the vikings, the pope is now rising into power, the lombards have taken over most of northern Italy and more importantly, Pepin the Short, leader of the Franks and father of Charlemagne has died. When a monarch dies, it is traditional for all the sons get an equal amount of territory of his fathers empire and Charlemagne got the norther parts as well as the region of Bordeaux for him. His capitol city would be Aachen. His brother got the more defendable half and the grand city of Paris as well. When Pepin died, there was an uprising in Gascony, the region of Bordeaux and Charlemagne got to show his Badassness in that campaign. Charlemagne married some girl from the Lombards and tha created an alliance and Charlemagne and the Pope, I think his name was Alexius...Bombardus...whatever had this SUPER dope alliance. Carloman, the brother of Charlemagne (I know those names are confusing but trust me, Roman names get even worse) dies of natural causes which I doubt. But when he died, Charlemagne inherited the entire Frankish Kingdom. At some point, the Lombards decided to declare war against the pope and Charlemagne was in trouble. He either had to go with the Lombards with their marriage or go with the Pope and their SUPER dope alliance. Charly(I'm gonna call him Charly) went with his dope alliance with the pope and Invaded the lands of the Lombards and managed to starve out their capitol. The lombards lost the war and their leader gave up. Charly was now officially known for his loyalty towards the pope around the christian world. At some point he invaded the lands of the Muslims who were controlling most of Spain but that went in disaster and Charly had to make an uneasy peace with them. The one problem at the time was that Germany was Pagan and Most of western Europe at the time was Christian so Charly had a thing for going to war against pagan nations and forcing his religion upon them. Charly went really crazy at some point and killed over 4,500 pagans at the massacre of Verdun. The most important day of his life would have to be on christmas day at 800 a.d. where the pope crowned him the holy roman emperor. By doing so there was now 2 roman empires the latter was the Byzantines. Charly went to war with the as well as a nomadic tribe called the Avars and subdued them. But when he died in 814 A.D, he divided the empire to his sons just like his father did. He had 3 of them and the three new countries were named east francia, west francia and the third one was like Lothngrian...? Whatever you get the point. But what's important was that East Francia would become the holy roman Empire and West Francia would become France. And by my calculations I have written more than Owen so that's good enough for me. Peace. Also, his daughter had sex with a 13 year old kid at the age of 8. Maybe even younger.

    1. I was expecting more words. Really disappointed :(

  9. For my free blog, I have chosen to write about my soccer team. I have been playing soccer for as long as I could remember. I love it because every position has an important role and because I love to run. I stopped playing soccer when I was 12 because of an injury which prevented me from being able to play. I’m so happy that I’m back to normal and that I get to come back and play this year. I have so many close friends on my team that I’m super excited to see and I can’t wait for the season to start!

    1. The injury must have been rough, but it’s good that you pushed through it.

  10. For my free blog I’ve chosen to write about fortnite. Fortnite is the only game other than mine craft that I’ve ever played on my pc, so I’m clearily not that great. Another reason why I can’t kill anyone is because I run at 20 frames a second, and everyone still complains. I have so many reasons why I am so trash at fortnite, another one is because I play on pc servers where all the “hardos” play. How many hours can you possibly play ya may ask. The answer is, as many hours as I play. Atleast I try my best, isn’t that what really matter. I know this blog was all over that place, but cut me some slack... I’m trash at fortnite.

  11. I never know what to write for free blogs!! I'm going to talk about netflix because I love netflix. I always have something on netflix playing in the background while I'm doing my homework. I am always binge watching shows, and I think it's probably not healthy. Oh and also I saw somewhere that Canada is the country that does the most binge watching on netflix in the world lol. Thats probably true. right now I'm watching Gossip Girl and I'm so obsesseddddddd.

  12. I personally find free blogs really hard to come up with a topic for. so for this blog i'm going to write about my favorite type of clothes sweaters. it you didn't already realize I wear them all the time. I don't know why I love them so much, I just do. I actually wear them all year round even in the summer. I don't have anything else really to say other than get yourself a sweater.

    1. i completely agree with you. sweaters are awesome

  13. I can’t wait for summer!
    I can’t wait to get a golden tan and streaks in my hair
    I can’t wait for fireworks and barbecues
    Bonfires and star gazing
    I can’t wait for late nights and sleep ins
    I can’t wait for road trips and camping
    Swimming and boating
    I can’t wait for freckles and reading in the shade
    I can’t wait for hammocks and long naps
    I can’t wait for popsicles and traveling
    Hiking and sunrises
    I can’t wait for no school and no homework
    I can’t wait for summer!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.


  15. Olivia JamgotchianApril 6, 2018 at 8:02 PM
    For this blog I will be talking about homework. I find it so stupid. We go to school for 6 hours a day and then when we get home, we have like 3 hours of homework. And then there are some days in the year where your teachers all give you tests on the same day and you have 5 tests in one day! There should be a rule that you are only allowed maximum two tests per day. So you are studying for these tests and then you have homework to do on top of it. There are some nights where I just want to go to bed but I have so much homework left so I go to bed late and I am so tired the next day and it sucks!

  16. I'm going to talk about fortnite. Most of you already heard of this game I'm sure and probably cause it's really fun. It's better than PUBG just saying too. The game is pretty much 100 people who jump out of a parachute on an island and then the last man standing. People just fight to the death with whatever guns there are.

  17. For this free blog i'll be talking about why i think pluto is really a planet. I believe that scientists declassified pluto as a planet because they didn't want to attract attention when they started their alien go fund me page to secure peace between the nations. This all started back in 2016, when the government came to the scientist of the planets and asked them to help them a secret project. Little did anyone know- that taking away pluto’s happiness would cause an outburst with the millenials. The scientist were shocked. Because of course, everyone knows pluto is part of the family and everyone knows you don’t leave family behind. Anyways, the scientist and the government set up a secret website that the aliens could easily find and it turned into a go fund me page- and since then our relationship between the two species have been amazing. They enjoy all the help and say that it will make their plans for our world much easier if they had a lot of money. Wonder what that means?? Well, after some deep and careful research, I assure you that one- aliens do exist, two- they have internet on pluto (their hometown obviously, duh), and pluto is a real planet and has many loving habitants and citizens huggins it with their feet. This is ALL true.

    Spread the word.

    1. Great blog, but please take this down immediately.

  18. Since I'm so excited about it, I guess I'll write about The Chamber- the school wide scavenger hunt organized by Mr. Canuel. If you haven't already began it I really suggest you do, it's all extremely well done. It's hilarious watching friends and even my younger sister scramble around in hopelessness for clues and hints to all the riddles and questions, even though the clues could be dangling right in front of their face. As The Game Master might say it, their greatest motive will be their greatest demise- greed. Basically some people are only doing it for the like $300 prize and not the actual fun of the Chamber, which I'm mostly fine with because The Game Master has even boggled the mind of the Dr. Owen Golden PhD himself, so all else might as well save their time.

    im joking


    pls keep playing ;)

    1. im gonna win dw about that nobody boggles me i boggle other people I have a PhD in PhD's thats pretty biggly boggly in my opinion. Whats impressing is that the "Game Master" has boggled Dr Lorne Golden PhD (my dad) and yeah he kinda knows what hes doing especially when it comes to computer but hes my secret weapon so dont tell anyone

    2. very intersesting blog

    3. We're definitely going to win

  19. i hate free blogs because i never know what to write about. i rather be givemn a topic and write on that. anyway i will be writing about my hockey equipment. im very picky when it comes to my equipment. i have to have certain things and have to be exaclty how i say i want it. the other day my dad and i went store to store trying to find a stick because i wanted a specifique one. also once i wear a piece of equipment and i like it good luck trying to make me change it. also even though something may be broken i play with it since im so picky and superstitious.

  20. I'm gonna be talking about a show I watched called Archer! It's a James Bond type cartoon that I was completely addicted too. The show has so many memorable moments and gags and the characters are so funny. The show is about a super top secret agent named Sterling Archer and his mom owns a spy company called ISIS. It's about him doing spy missions. It takes the classic James Bond formula and adds a lot of adult jokes. The best part about archer i my opinion are the characters. It makes you fall in love with every character and each one is super balanced and
    distinguishable. It's not a family friendly show, it has a lot of adult jokes and humour but if you're used to that this show does not disappoint!

  21. For my blog I am going to write about free choice blogs. These are always the best type of blogs to do, instead of being forced to write about something that may not be interesting to you, you get to write about anything you want or something that you actually care about and find interesting. That’s all for my blog today I hope you all realized how great these free choice blogs are
