Monday, April 9, 2018

Blog 46 - Monday, April 9, 2018

There will only be ONE (1) blog this week! (No School Friday)

April 11 is a day where people from around the world will be telling a story about why they LOVE their SCHOOL.  The hashtag (#LoveMySchoolDay) will definitely go viral.

For this blog, I would love to hear why you LOVE YOUR SCHOOL.

Use the hashtag (#LoveMySchoolDay) and TAG any people you would like to mention (if necessary).

(If you have nothing nice to say, make something up!)

Image result for love my school


  1. I love St-Thomas High School because they are relatively lenient with the rules. Even though sometimes the dress code can be a little annoying, the rest of the rules aren't very strict. There is also a certain teacher that makes this school great. This teacher happens to be the teacher of this class. Mr. Katz is my favourite teacher in the school. He makes the school great!

    1. very true the dress code can be annoying. nice b;log

    2. Yeah I find the rules are not very strict either. Nice blog!

    3. I agree that Mr. Katz is awesome. Nice blog.:P

  2. i love st thomas becasue of th school spirit. its off the charts with all of our activities like dances and carnivals. st thomas has greta teachers, students that all want the best out of everyone.our school is great academicly also as througout the two and a half years ive been here ive learnt so much. so many of which i cold use in the future. its great that no matter what everyday is a fun one at st t and it greta being with great friedns and teachers.

    1. I agree! Days at Saint-Thomas are always fun!

    2. St Thomas is just all round a great school!

  3. I love Saint Thomas! Our school has so much school spirit.We have carnival weeks, and dances which are great. In all of our activities there are people who show up. For example I know in some schools, for dances and things like that nobody shows up but in our school many people come. I find days really do go by fast also. Most of my my teachers are not strict and they do not really care if we talk as long as we're doing something productive which makes work not as boring. I love Saint Thomas it is such a great school!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I love the teachers here too! Great blog!

  4. I love st thomas for so many reasons! We have great school spirit and our dances are really fun. We always go all out furing pride week, and at assemblies. Also, our dances are known to be amazing by oher schools. My friends from other schools always want an invitation because the dances are always so good! Another thing I love about st thomas is the time we end school at. Even though we start super early, we also finish really early.

  5. God this is going to be hard. I love St-Thomas because the homework there is SO much easier than the one at my previous school a Sainte-Anne. Most teachers here are indeed very enthusiastic about school and make he kids have fun and there a lot of school activities like pride week, carnival week, etc... The dress code for guys is very unstrict but I know that for girls it's a lot more complicated but I won't go into that subject.

    1. Lol, that's true. Dress codes here are pretty stupid but I don't think it makes Saint Thomas a bad school. That is true though we don't get a lot of homework at all!! The only class I get hw in is math which is another reason why I love St. Thomas.

    2. I agree guys have a very unstrict dress code.

    3. First time I've seen Johnny make a blog that wasn't the size of the Bible, I am impressed.

  6. I love Saint Thomas because the teachers and classmates are all so funny. It sounds kind of weird to say but I just find a day at Saint Thomas so funny; I find myself smiling and laughing all the time. The reason why is probably because I surround myself with great people and friends that make me laugh at school. I'm always with friends, so that's pretty much the highlight for me. If I didn't have friends, I would still love Saint Thomas because I like how it starts early so I'm home by 3 PM everyday. Most other schools aren't like that. Lastly, most of the teachers are good and I learn a lot here. There are a lot of fundraisers here too. The fact that Saint Thomas has a whole pride week and carnival day makes it extraordinary!! I'm so happy to go here.

  7. I love Saint-Thomas because of the people here and how buy it is. Most of the people at the school are really nice and all the friends I have today are amazing and I love them all. Although it may seem odd that I love how busy it is at Saint-Thomas, it's because there are so many fun activities going on all the time. From Carnival week, pride week to field trips, there's always something to keep you busy and happy. I am so glad that I chose to come to Saint-Thomas since it's an AMAZING school.

  8. I love St. Thomas because of all the pride and school spirit. We have so much of it and it makes all the carnivals and dances so much better. I also love it because my 4 best friends go here and if they didn't, we wouldn't be as close as we are now. It's the best school to go to because the staff is amazing. This school has clubs and sports for everyone. Everyone is always busy with something to do.

    1. I agree! We have sooo much school spirit!
      Great blog:)

    2. I love the school spirit too! Great blog.

  9. I love St. Thomas! There are so many great things that make our school a great place. Firstly, our school is full of wonderful teachers who are there to help us and try their best to make school a fun place to go every day. Our school also has amazing sports teams which also make school so fun. But, the thing that I think makes our school stand out from the others is the students. Everyone at St. Thomas is so friendly which really helps make our high school experience so enjoyable. I really love St. Thomas and I wouldn’t want to go to any other school!

  10. I love my school because they give an assortment of fun activity and I really liked it. The event prevented use from getting really bored from the everyday school lives. I also like to see my friends over there where we can have fun. it's also a place where I got all of my friends. it's a good school and I really love it.

  11. There is a lot of negative things about are school but there are many more positive things to talk about. One positive thing about our school is app the students, everyone is so nice and friendly. St Thomas also has SOME really good teachers such as Mr Katz. Another positive thing is the carnivals, everyone looks forward to the carnivals. Carnivals are one of the most fun parts about St Thomas, we miss class and get to eat and have fun instead.

    1. I agree that our school has some amazing teachers, and activities to look forward too!

    2. I agree about the carnivals and teachers! Nice blog!

  12. So, a lot of people are probably going to talk about school spirit and stuff, which I love and all, but what I really love about this school is the activities. Right now, the school is doing the Chamber, a series or riddles to see who school's most analytical and smart student. In a little bit, they will also be doing the heist. These activities are so creative and it is a great way of having fun with friends.

    1. Ya! don't forget about the heist too! That's going to be tons of fun

  13. I love St Thomas’ school spirit, we have great danes and a great carnival week that most schools don't even have. We also have a great teaching staff. I've been here since sec one and I couldn't be happier, our school is the best like I can't see there being a better one. Let's be real though there is probably no school with more school spirit than our and that has to be my favorite part of our school.

    1. yup i agree, no other school has the same school spirit as we do, great blog

  14. I really love my school because of the teachers and my friends who make every day at school interesting and a lot of fun. St. Thomas is known to be one of the best schools (academically) in the West Island. This is really important for my parents and I because I would like to have the best possible education to prepare me for my future. I met some really awesome friends which makes it even more fun. #LoveMySchoolDay

  15. There are many things I love about St.Thomas. Even though there are negative things about the school, I wouldn’t want to go anywhere else. Most teachers are amazing. Each teacher has a different and unique way of teaching and I think students really need that when they have 6 classes a day. I also love the school spirit St.Thomas has. There are so many extra activities that most schools don’t have a chance to enjoy and our school goes above and beyond with pride week, carnival week, pep rally,etc. I am so grateful that I can spend everyday with my friends at an amazing school that most kids don’t have a chance to go to.

  16. There are many things I love and hate about St. Thomas. Since I cannot rant I'll focus on the good stuff. First off, the color, and the slogan, "Bleed Green". It's pretty sick if you ask me. I love how not confusing the school is, unlike Lindsey or Rennie. Our school takes the meaning of school pride to a whole other level. With all of the pep rallies, big robots, pride weeks, carnivals, etc. All the teachers at our school have a good heart, even though it might be harder to find which is always good to have. #LoveMySchoolDay

    P.S. I am tagging @McMillan for the extra grades and protein shakes.

    P.P.S Also Holly because she is @SharkHead.

    1. Sharkhead for life. Also Dylan's graveyard of dreams and Crazy Frog Earrape for life. Good blog.

  17. I love this school, even if some aspects aren't so good. The people here are great, they've got your back. But the one thing I love here more than anything is how proud of their school most people are. There are so many people that pour their heart and souls into this school, whether it's being on a sports team, glee club, SC or just showing up to help. Another thing is that teachers here care about their students (mostly). They actually care when they ask how you are. #LoveMySchoolDay

    1. I agree! I appreciate the time and effort that so many people put in to make Saint Thomas a great place.

    2. Also @OliCaraman because he said I had to tag him on my blog.

  18. I love pride week!! I'm so proud of our school spirit! I love the days that they've come up with this year. The classics like pyjama day and pride day where you have to dress in green and new ones like meme day and band shirt day! Pride week is when we get to be proud of being a Saint Thomas student, and being apart of something important and amazing! I love our school because it’s filled with great people. I wouldn’t want to give anywhere else #LoveMySchoolDay

  19. I absolutely love this school! Every school says this, but St T really has something for everyone. I need three years I’ve managed to take part in multiple clubs, groups, activities and sport teams. St T is so much more that a place where we come to learn, and I really enjoy coming to school! #LoveMySchoolDay

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I’m a couple of words short so.... I also really love the amount of pride that our school has. We go far and beyond to show our pride and our whole pride week is filled with awesome activities!

  20. #love my school

    i really like the heist. i really like the pride week. I like carnival day their all really fun. Im exited to do the heist this end of the month i hope its as good as last year. i like the heist cause its done in the dark. I like how there are air blow up activities for carnival day.

  21. i love st thomas high school, mainly cause it’s a pretty chill place. Most of the teachers are nice and every teacher is different in their way of teaching which is cool. here we have a lot of school spirit, our pep rally’s and carnival weeks are so much fun and i look forward to them every year. i truly can’t picture myself going to another school because i know it would be as good as this one and the environment just wouldn’t be the same. #lovemyschoolday

  22. One thing I love about our school is how much school spirit we have. I know kids who go to other schools and they don’t have nearly as much spirit as we do. You can really tell that the students here have a lot of enthusiasm towards the pep rally’s or sports teams or even dances. I think it’s great that we all love to be at this school
