Monday, April 16, 2018

Blog 47 - Monday, April 16, 2018

Today, you saw the play "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller.

What did you think of the play?  What did you like/dislike? COMMENT on it!

What was the best/worst play you have ever seen?


Image result for the crucible memes


  1. The best play that I've ever seen was the book of Mormons. The book of Mormons talks about 2 Mormons traveling to Wankand- I mean Uganda.(#Wankandaforeva) They try to convert the locals but there is a warlord ruling over there called Butt F*cking Naked, seriously, that's his name. The locals have already heard the story of the Mormons so one of the two missionaries changes the story but the Mormon president notices that he's telling lies and fires him but the Mormon stays there. He eventually creates his own religion named the book of Arnold named after him and uses his made up story as his story in his new book. The other mormon approves of this and joins him as well as the locals and Butt F*cking Naked. The end.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. That play sounds very...odd! Nice blog though!

    3. That's an interesting play...

    4. Yeah I heard about that! I'm pretty sure it's made by the guys who do south park

    5. You're always one of the first to complete your blogs.

  2. I loved the play! I was the stage manager this year so I got to see it multiple times. Every time I saw it, my mind was blown. We have such talented actors at our school and I was very impressed! The play itself is a little bit strange and I wasn’t sure that it was going to be any good, but I was pleasantly surprised! The cast and crew put in so much hard work for this play and I’m sad that it’s over but also very happy to get my weekends back! The worst play I’ve ever seen has to be one that I saw when we went to Stratford. I can’t remember the name of it, but it was so boring! The actors were good but I was just so tired and didn’t have the energy to understand the play. Therefore, I didn’t really like it nor did I understand it!

  3. I didn't dislike the play but I didn't love it either. I found the story was kind of hard to follow but I ended up kind of knowing what was going on in the play. I don't know what the best play I've ever seen but I think the worst play was the french play we went to see. It was too say the least... interesting. One thing I did like about the french play is that it kept you guessing on what was going to happen.

    1. I agree, they lost me as soon as it started

    2. I agree that the story was hard to follow and that the French play was so boring!! Great blog:)

  4. I enjoyed the play that we saw today. I loved seeing people that we know act in front of us. I was very surprised and impressed as to how talented the actors were! But, I do have to say that I definitely was a bit confused as to what was going on at times. I also found the names of the girls very similar so it was hard to remember who was who. I am not a huge fan of watching plays but this was for sure one of the better ones that I’ve seen.

    1. I really liked the play that we saw today also, and I agree that it was fun watching people that we know.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I don't remember any of the plays that I have ever seen, because I normally just sleep or talk during the play. The only two plays that I remember is the french play this year and The Crucible. Out of the two plays, I really liked that both, but my favorite play was the french one. Because, it kept me awake (most of the time), because of the couple of funny scenes. But, it was mostly the actors and how they were really loud, which kept me attentive. I have to say, that it was fun seeing people that we know preform in The Crucible.

    1. I agree, it was funny seeing familiar faces in the Crucible. In the french play, the murder scene was really well done!

    2. nice blog dude

  7. The Crucible was actually very well done in my opinion. The music seemed to fit the play, and that acting was pretty good. The only problem is that I didn’t understand the story. The best play I’ve ever seen was the Lion King. The setting, characters and music were so good, and the costumes were really well designed. The story was well told where even someone who had never seem the movie knew everything about it after the play. I would definitely go see it again!

    1. I thought the music fit it well too

    2. I agree, the music was very well done. Great blog!

  8. I thought the play was ‘ok’ at best. I felt like the actors were great, except for the constant laughing during scenes. I feel like they poorly executed the plot. My friends and I did not understand what was happening during most of the play. I have not seen any plays that I have truly enjoyed. I think plays are more of a thing of the past, making it hard for them to be truly enjoyable by this generation.

    1. I agree that the acting was amazing for high schoolers but there were just too many names to remember. It's like Game of thrones but... Actually, it is just like Game of thrones. Great blog.

  9. I actually really like the Crucible. I was so amazed at how good the actors were and knowing that they go to our school and some in our grade was really cool. They were all so talented. At some parts though I was really confused and then I had to really focus on the play to get back on track. I do not really remember any of the plays I've watched.

  10. I thought the crucible was a great play and was very well done by our school. I liked it a lot its a style of play I enjoy. Though I think my all time favourite play was one I watched while in stratford with the school. It was Romeo and Juliet, I just personal love the plot and story of this play. I’m actually really excited that we are reading it in class now too.

    1. i wish i went to stratford to see that play, great blog

  11. I am definitely not a big fan of plays. I did very much like though that the performers were people we knew. That was pretty cool. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings here but the play wasn't my favourite. I may or may not have fallen asleep during it but that's my fault, my bad.

    1. Shawn fell asleep too, y'all can twin now

  12. I am indeed a fan of plays, makes me seem more proper. I have seen many plays when I was a kid since my mother and I would go once every two months, I never appreciated them though... what regrets. The crucible play that was put on by our school was actually very very good. The scene was well made, you can tell they knew their lines correctly, very good, except when they broke character... but it was still funny, definitely made top 10. My favorite play had to have been the Salem witch play from Salem itself, why? Because no play has ever made me want to crap my pants like that one... also it made Aidan cry.

    1. I am forever making fun of Aidan for that now. Good blog.

  13. I loved this play. It was applicable in the message it sent to our every day society, about how everything is now a witch hunt now that we have technology. I have seen many plays, and though this was no broadway production, you can really see how much time and effort was poured into it. From another side though, I understand why people were so confused. It’s a very hard play to follow, most of the things that allow you to understand are very subtle. The people around me didn’t even know that the first scene was a dream until the hooded figures were long gone. Other than that, i think my favorite play has to be les misérables. I relate to Marius because I too am a 25 year old rich French man.

    1. I love les miserables too! Great blog.

  14. Going into the auditorium, i thought the play was going to be terrible, but it actually turned out to be pretty good. A few of my friends were in the play and im surprised that they were actually able to act. But even though the play was good, i didn't understand one bit of it, I have no clue what the crucible was about. I think the worst and yet the best play i ever saw my baby cousins graduation play. It was a reenactment of the Wizard of Oz, and like even though it was adorable and very funny, they kinda just stood there and kept on falling over.

  15. It was a really tight play where there were many gut wrenching moments where we thought that they had the upper hand before all of the hope came crashing down in a heap. It made me really salty in these moments and I don't like being so salty. that play even added even more salt to the injury by adding the final cut of all the people suffering and small light of hope before snuffing it out again.

    1. I agree. It was pretty morbid

  16. I really liked the play on tuesday, it was really well done! The acting was so good and the soundtrack was cool. The best plays I've seen were two of the plays we saw in Stratford this year. I loved the plays Romeo and Juliette and Guys and Dolls. Romeo and Juliette was good, but you could see all the actors spitting as they talked because there was a spotlight and that was really wierd. Guys and dolls was a really fun play, because there were so many dancing scenes with tons of people in them, and I love the time-period it is set in.

  17. I really liked this play. I liked the story and the acting was really good. One of my best friends was in the play and I thought she did an amazing job. My favourite plays that I’ve seen was the ones in Stratford. We saw Guys and Dolls, Romeo and Juliet, and H.M.S Pinafore. They were all amazing plays and I really enjoyed them. I also remember seeing a play when I was like 11. It was my first and only time going to New York and I saw Les Miserables. It was incredible. My mom is a huge fan of the movie and I love it too. My whole family likes the movie and so it was a really fun thing to see has a family.

  18. One thing I love about our school is how much school spirit we have. I know kids who go to other schools and they don’t have nearly as much spirit as we do. You can really tell that the students here have a lot of enthusiasm towards the pep rally’s or sports teams or even dances. I think it’s great that we all love to be at this school

    1. Nice blog! I'm not quite sure what this has to do with the play we viewed on Tuesday, but I still enjoyed reading this blog and I agree.

  19. I thought the play was interesting yet confusing at the same time. I feel like I would’ve enjoyed it better if I had an easier time following it, I always was feeling confused but that’s probably because I was talking to friends and getting distracted, I felt like it was well rehearsed and practiced so that was nice to see

    1. yeh I talked a lot too and didn't fully understand either!!

  20. the play on tuesday was really good, i found it confusing at first. I didnt really understand anything was going on. In terms of acting I think it was really well done. People didn't really forget and it was planned all really well. It had his funny parts which made it better. I think the voice acting really enhanced the overall play.

  21. The play on Tuesday was good! The acting was really good and I really liked the plot of the story. The only thing was that I was confused at some points. I didn't understand what was going on during some parts and would often find myself turning to the person sitting next to me asking what was going on. It wasn't the best play I had seen; it was only a school play. Everyone still acted really well though and tried their best. My favorite play I've ever seen was Guys and Dolls on the Stradford trip. I really love plays and hope we'll get to see more of them at this school.

  22. I really liked the idea of the Salem witch trials. It’s really interesting and a good idea for the a play. I also found the beginning of the play where the girls were dancing very captivating. It really hooked me into the production. However, some things were unclear so by the end of the play I was pretty lost. Also, when the actors were laughing it really took away from the play and made it kind of aggravating. Overall, it was really good and I was very impressed with what our school put together. My favourite play ever was the play my elementary school had. It was Peter Pan! It was such a great play and it was so fun being in it . I was Tiger Lily!

  23. The play was amazing! The actors, the music, the props, costumes, etc were outstanding. I've never really seen any major plays, but The Crucible was fantastic. I found that some audience members were being inappropriate in terms of reactions. However, the actors still remained in character, they remained calm, despite the audience's behaviour.

  24. I think that our school play was alright. I really liked the begining. I don't know why, but it seemed interesting. It must have taken a lot of practice for all of the girls to be so in sink. One thing I really did not like was how the actors were laughing a lot at certain points in the production. I get it we knew a lot of the actors, the actors knew a lot of us, but they should to a certain extent be able to maintain it. I have not seen many plays, but one of the worst was La Souricière, or whatever it is called that we went to go see this year in french. I thought it was really boring. I did not like how it all took place in one room when the actors were constantly going to do things in other rooms.

  25. I think that for a school production the play was amazingly put together. the actors were really good and the set up of the stage was amazing. the only thing I would change would be the lights productions. the lights allowed us to see all the people moving the stuff around stage and it didn't make it seem like we were in the real scene. despite that, my favourite thing about the play was definitely the actors and the story line. I loved watching about the Salem which trials because all the play was actual facts. I go to Salem every year and I know for a fact that that all really happened. I loved it so much
