Monday, March 26, 2018

Blog 44 - Monday, March 26, 2018

There will only be ONE (1) blog this week!

Happy Easter, Passover and Greek Easter!

What are your plans for the Easter weekend?
What sort of family traditions do you have?

If you do not celebrate any of the holidays mentioned above, what will you do this upcoming weekend? Remember, it is a FIVE (5) day weekend!!!

Image result for happy easter meme


  1. So since I am christian orthodox because I come from Romania which is the country that takes up 80% of the orthodox religion, my Easter is in fact not this weekend but next weekend. In my religion we all sit around a table with food and painted eggs, grab an egg that seems the strongest to you, say a special sentence with your opponent and then smack eggs together. Whoever's egg does not break, is the winner. Also since I am not doing anything family related this weekend I will probably find other friends that are not doing anything and figure something out with them. Oh yeah, also cardio, can't forget cardio!

    1. Wow great blog Oli, you're a pretty cool cat!

    2. that egg game sounds fun nice blog

    3. sounds fun nice blog

    4. I hope your egg cracks first and you lose. Good blog.

    5. Gotta love cardio

    6. The egg thing sounds like so much fun! Great blog

    7. I wanna play the egg game but cardio sucks, wait i dance and that's all cardio

  2. since i dont celebrate easter, im not jewish and im not greeek this weekend i wont be doing anything speacial or anything. my family does all the chocolate stuff but that it. since its a long weekend and im not doing anything ill probably train and grind fortnite. i ight go watch or movie or hangout with my friends. i never really plan anything when we have a longer than 2 day break. so i dont really know whta ill be doingf this weekened.

    1. Yessir, I’m grinding fortnite and Netflix also. Nice blog!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So basically I didn’t even know it was Easter weekend until I read the blog topic. I just thought we finally got a break from school, but that never happens. For this Easter weekend I’m doing nothing at all. Just sitting at home playing fortnite. My family normally just has a casual Easter egg hunt but that’s basically all we do, nothing special. Also we go to church and have a big meal after wards, but it’s just like a normal weekend for me, I just hang around wth friends and do nothing all weekend. 👍

  5. I don't celebrate anything religious during easter, it's pretty much just a long break for me. I'm gonna be hanging out with a few friends, a few of my friends and I are going thrift shopping, and I'm going to take some time to relax and focus on myself. I have more sports throughout the next couple weeks so I'm gonna catch up on things like reflections and organizing. I wish this blog were eventful or I was doing something interesting this year, but all the interesting things seem to happen unplanned.

    1. Well, I hope that you have a nice, relaxing weekend! Nice blog! :)

    2. I hope you have a nice weekend! Great blog.

  6. I can’t wait until my Easter Break! This year my Mom, Dad, Grandmother and I are driving down to New Jersey to visit my Aunt, Uncle and Cousin! I’m so excited because we only ever see them at Christmas so it will be nice to see them now. Also, I love taking road trips so it will be fun! We are driving down to NJ on Thursday after school and are driving back on Monday morning. During the Easter weekend my brother will be on the New York trip for Grads, so it will be really weird when he’s not around! I’m going to miss him! When we were younger our only Easter family tradition was to have an easter egg hunt. It was always really fun and I really miss doing them!

    1. My family is going to Boston this Easter. Great blog.

  7. I celebrate Easter. When we were younger, my parents would set up an Easter egg hunt around the house for me and my siblings. We’re too old for that now so they stopped doing it. Sometimes we go to church for the Easter services. For dinner we go to my Grandma and grandpa’s house. Sometimes my cousins who live in Ottawa drive down to celebrate with us. I don’t really do anything extreme. We just chill all weekend and go to my grandparents for dinner.

    1. Nice blog!! I hope you get to see your cousins. Have a blessed weekend.

  8. I'm super excited about the 5 day break from school. To this day, every Easter, my parents still hide eggs and me and my brother wake up to go find them. My brother is 16. I find it so sweet how we still do this; just as Santa comes every year. We also normally get together with our family/cousins for Easter dinner, but one of my cousins is in Bermuda so I'm not sure if that's still happening this year. I don't go to church on Easter; I'm not religious. Even if I did, I probably wouldn't get up early enough. My brother and dad go to church though. This Easter break, I'm gonna be with friends every day. I'm really excited.

  9. This Easter I plan on actually leaving my house, unlike March Break. Hopefully everyday of the break my parents will allow me to leave the house. I haven't gone to church in a long time and I don't think I'll be going this time either. For Easter, we we usually have our grandparents over for a lunch. That's pretty much it.

  10. I am not religious at all, so I don’t go to church or anything for easter. We used to do an easter egg hunt every year when I was younger but we don’t do that anymore. I am also going to my grandmother’s house on friday for passover dinner. My aunt, uncle, and cousin are flying in from vancouver for passover and I haven’t seen them since christmas and new years. I’m really excited for the rest of the weekend because I have really fun plans with my friends, and a lot of books to read.

  11. This Easter weekend me and my family will be getting together as we always do. A tradition we have in our family is of course the basic Easter egg hunt. However ours is like none others, it takes place only in the basement and the eggs are extremely well hidden, it is always a competition between me and my brother (I always win) and it may involve tackling and fighting in extreme cases if we happen to both see an egg. So that’s my weekend pretty simple

    1. That seems so fun! I love Easter egg hunts.
      Great blog:)

  12. I was hoping that I would spend my weekend downstairs, playing video games and catching up on my homework but instead my mom decided that we should go to Boston this year for Easter. That might sound fun but its super annoying now since went away from home at march to go skiing and I wanted to spend the time doing video games, relaxing and catching up on homework. I know that I might sound selfish which is totally true but I like to relax and do nothing. What's so bad about that. There shouldn't be punishments for those who would rather sit down than to go out and explore the already explored world. Usually my family and I go to church on Easter and then have a little hunt just for me. Its pretty fun but I don't think that this will happen this year since I'm 15 now but I guess than some people don't want to grow up. I just realized that I'm ranting more than blogging so I'll just end it here.

  13. I love Easter!! Since I’m Catholic, we always celebrate it. I attend the Easter vigil mass and all of the other masses that are taking place before Easter at my church with my family. On Sunday, my brother and I always wake up to a map or list of all the chocolate eggs hidden around my house that we have to go find. That’s definitely the highlight of every Easter weekend! Then on Sunday night, my moms side of the family comes over for Easter dinner which is always nice. I normally go to my aunts house on Monday for brunch where I’m able to see my dads side of the family who I don’t see that much. I’m looking forward to this weekend and I’m very excited to see all of my family!!

    1. that sounds like so much fun, im jealous, great blog

  14. I'm probably gonna stay at home and do whatever I need to do when I'm at home. I don't have much planned this weekend, but My parents also didn't tell me what they have planned so I don't have a good idea of whats happening all week. It also seem like on Friday, my parents and me will be staying at home. My little brother will be practically the only one to leave home for school.

  15. I"m actually doing stuff this break. So tomorrow after school, me, Aiden and Micheal and a bunch of other friends are going to Ready Player one at the Cineplex. I know it's gonna be a fun trip and hopefully a great movie. It's directed by the same guy who made jaws and Jurassic park so I'm pretty sure its gonna be a success. On Saturday, I also have a wedding I need to go to, I'm not the biggest fan of weddings but in Muslim weddings there's always incredible food. This is the only time I've had this much to do and I'm hoping it's going to be a fun break!

    1. Sound like fun! Have fun at the Movie and Wedding!

  16. Im a catholic so im probably going to go to church and stuff but other then that i don't really have any plans for this easter weekend. I am probably going to go over to my grandmother or my aunts house for a big family/easter/jesus dinner. When me and my cousins were younger, we used to have epic easter egg hunts, but now we are apparently too old for them even though i would kill to have another easter egg hunt. Also we used to buy a lot of chocolate to eat and my grandmother would make special easter desserts but now we don't really do that anymore because its too much money and time. Even though i’m not going to do much this long weekend, i am still so happy because we get 5 days off from school so that's great, i can't wait to catch up on sleep.

    1. I'm going to catch up on sleep too

  17. I don’t do much on Easter Weekend. We normally treat it as a normal weekend, just longer. If it’s Easter, I spend time with my mom and we have the whole family over. If it’s Passover, we go to two Seders and eat food and say Jewish stuff. What I’m not happy about is that they overlap this year, meaning I can’t do Easter since I’m at my dad's :( Overall, I’m just happy to have a long weekend to play Fortnite. And don’t get me wrong, I love Passover. Well, I love the Seders, just not the fact I can’t eat bread.

    1. That's great you spend time with family, Great blog!

  18. Before the break though, I'm gonna see a movie with some friends tomorrow. I think that'll be fun. It's just a family tradition to go visit my aunt and grandpa in downtown Montreal whenever we have anything slightly worth celebrating, so I'll be going there this Sunday for good food and giant chocolate kinder eggs. My aunt always makes the same Italian meals as every other get-together, but they're always really good.

  19. I don't have any plans for this Easter break just like every other one. I'm just going to take it easy as I always do. My family never really does anything even before when I was younger and my parents we're together. I'm going to go see a movie after school. Other than that I'll watch utube and play some video game.

  20. On Friday, I have a physio appointment. On Saturday, I'm going to my grandma's. I'm also going to my aunt's cottage I think at some point. I'm not doing much. Usually that isn't something I say because I'm ALWAYS dancing, but theres not dance so I will be very bored.

  21. for the easter weekend, I have lots of family traditions. firstly, on Good Friday, we cannot eat meat. next, Saturday I would stay home and do some last minute shopping. Sunday, need go to church and then have the ENTIRE family over, which is really fun! I am not that religious, but easter ids important to my family. I love easter because I see my family and I get lots of chocolate. and I have a bunny so I hope it poops chocolate eggs on easter!

    1. I wouldn’t trust chocolate that comes out of your bunny.

  22. So for easter every year, we go to my grandparents, well my mom’s parents. We don’t have any traditions aside from going to see my grandfather. We are actually leaving friday and coming back monday. It's a short time but is fun we only see him once or twice a year since we live 8 hours apart. I look forward to easter every year because of it. Happy whatever holiday you celebrate if you do celebrate one.

  23. I celebrate Easter. For Easter, I'll be going to my grandparent's house. We celebrate Easter at their house every year. Our traditions include eating a ton of food, doing an Easter egg hunt, and relaxing. I know some of you think that easter egg hunts are childish, but guess what, I don't care what you think. Easter egg hunts are fun and my cousins and I enjoy it. We just don't do anythin big, like driving down somewhere. We just hang out as a family.

    1. Yeah we do that too. Great blog!

  24. Every Easter, my mom’s side of the family come over to celebrate. Even my cousins from Toronto come over! We usually have a lunch or supper, and then we end up playing board games and card games. For the younger cousins, we do an Easter hunt for them and we paint boiled eggs with them. The rest of the break I’ll be relaxing and pretending it’s summer break!

  25. I love Easter! Every year my moms side of the family comes the day before Easter where we celebrate it and on Easter Day I celebrate it with my dads side. In the morning, we always go to church and then celebrate it with the family later on in the day. It’s always so much fun. There’s also always so much food too which is great too.

    1. Sounds like a wonderful easter!


  26. So this weekend I will be going out for brunch with my moms family. We do not normally do much for Easter in my family. I am expecting a visit from the easter bunny because I have two younger siblings who still believe in that stuff. However, I most likely will not be able to eat any of the chocolate eggs because most chocolate has coconut oil in it, but I am allergic to coconut. Other than that, I am not doing much out of the ordinary. I went over to a friends house thursday night. I went to the movies with friends friday. I went to go see Sherlock Gnomes. It was alright I guess. My dad wants me to go over sunday night for dinner, but I said NO because he is making goat and lamb for dinner, and I am NEVER going to eat goat, because I really want a pet goat. Monday I am probably just going to go sleep all day and watch some Netflix. Same for tuesday, however I have some lifeguarding course at night.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. My favorite Easter was way back when I was 8 or 9. Me and my family used to go to Florida since my grandparents bought a condo on beside the ocean. It always had great weather, always sunny, the water was perfect temperature. Me and my brother would spend the whole day playing on the beach and the whole night chasing crabs. This was back when I thought the Easter bunny as real so I was generally
