Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Blog 39 - Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Your BLOG topic to end this week is FREE CHOICE!  You could blog about whatever it is you want, except what you've already blogged about!  You could go on a rant or you could simply blog about something important to you.

Be creative and write about something you feel important or something you would like to tell your audience. Write about something you are passionate about.

You must remember your audience.  It is not simply me (Mr. Katz) reading this blog!  
If you will be ranting about a certain individual, you need to leave their name out of this.  You could give them a pseudonym (example: Mr. Ed) or simply leave their name as anonymous.
Make sure your language is appropriate.  Do not go on swearing tangents and try not to blog about blogs :)

Image result for use your voice meme

Monday, February 26, 2018

Blog 38 - Monday, February 26, 2018

Spring break is right around the corner!

HOORAY! You made it!!!

What was your best SPRING BREAK memory?

What are your plans for this upcoming spring break?


Image result for spring break meme

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Blog 37 - Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Here are some numbers for your brains:

11 - ELEVEN school shootings in 2018
17 - SEVENTEEN deaths in the latest Florida shooting
16 - SIXTEEN more in critical condition and hospitalized
4 - FOUR KILOMETERS from where I stay in Florida
 + an infinite amount of other students, parents, teachers and staff scared of a repeat

Even though Canada and U.S.A. have VERY different GUN LAWS -  does the latest shooting scare you?  Does it make you think that something could happen here?

Do you believe WE do enough to prepare our students of a CODE RED?

What suggestions do you have?


Image result for gun laws meme

Monday, February 19, 2018

Blog 36 - Monday, February 19, 2018

On February 28, you will be presenting a PERSONAL and TRUE ANECDOTE to the class.

What topic have you decided to write about?

Can you give a brief explanation to what SENSE(S) you will be focusing on?

How will you incorporate the ATL skill: Use a variety of speaking techniques to communicate with your audience? 


Image result for senses meme

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Blog 35 - Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Today is Valentine's Day!

Image result for hearts

How do you feel about LOVE?

Is everyone destined to find their soulmate?

Can teenagers fall in LOVE?


Image result for valentines day meme

Monday, February 12, 2018

Blog 34 - Monday, February 12, 2018

The Olympic Games in South Korea will draw the attention of many Canadians.

Have you ever dreamed of being an Olympic athlete?

Will you watch some of the events? Which events? Will you be cheering for Canada?

What one WINTER sport do you think you'd compete in?


Image result for winter olympics meme

Monday, February 5, 2018

Blog 33 - Monday, February 5, 2018

There will only be ONE (1) blog this week!

Your BLOG topic this week is FREE CHOICE!  You could blog about whatever it is you want, except what you've already blogged about!  You could go on a rant or you could simply blog about something important to you.

Be creative and write about something you feel important or something you would like to tell your audience. Write about something you are passionate about.

You must remember your audience.  It is not simply me (Mr. Katz) reading this blog!  
If you will be ranting about a certain individual, you need to leave their name out of this.  You could give them a pseudonym (example: Mr. Ed) or simply leave their name as anonymous.
Make sure your language is appropriate.  Do not go on swearing tangents and try not to blog about blogs :)

Image result for freedom meme