Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Blog 30 - Wednesday, January 24, 2018

This will be the final blog for Term 2!

How do you think Term 2 went?

Term 3 is the longest and worth 60% of your school year.

What will you do so that you have a successful Term 3.


Image result for last term meme


  1. Term 2 was just another regular term for me. Nothing to special or nothing to drastic. The most important part was the exams but even that's usual for term 2. I got good notes in most of my classes except for math which I still struggle in and I continued to do my homework and blogs. To be successful I'm going to 1) have to study more for math and science,2) lock myself in my room to actually do so so I don't get bothered by my mom and 3)...There is no part 3, it really is just studying.

    1. I agree, studying is the key to success! Great blog!

    2. It’s good that you planed out how to get better marks. Nice blog

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Term 2 for me was a typical kind of term. Nothing or special about this term except for mid-terms. I am getting good grades in most classes except for History and Math, which I will continue to work harder and try m best to get better grades. The way I will work to achieve those good grades are: 1) doing my homework and trying over and over until <I get the right answer, 2) asking more questions, 3)studying and reviewing more often and 4) being more productive on the weekends.

    1. agree all the way, couldn't of said it better myself!!

  4. In comparison to Term 1, Term 2 was not as good, although I still didn't do all that bad. The class that took the biggest hit this term was history. The reason why it got lowered is because of the mid-term where I didn't do all too good let's just say. To succeed in Term 3 I need to spend ore time studying material that I may not know and not procrastinate as much. I believe if I do both those things, I should have success in Term 3.

    1. procrastination is a huge deal for me too, great blog !!

    2. Now that I think of it, I need to stop procrastinating as well. Nice blog and good luck for next term.

  5. in my opinion, term 2 went alright. term 1 sucked a lot and didn't go as well as id expect. however, I tried really hard for term 2 to be better but it really still sucked. I wasn't doing as well as I hoped in math, even though I spent countless hours with books and studying. history also went quite badly for me. I thought I knew what I was doing, but turns out I did WORSE then in term 1. to sum it all up, school is going terribly for me and all I can do is hope and pray for the better. term 3 is going to be my best term. I'm going to be hitting the books harder than ever and I. going to go out of my way to make sure that I do amazingly.

  6. This term went really crappy. I did really crappy in history and I did a bit crappy on 1 test in science, and math wasn't the best but my biggest concern is history. I got sorta lazy and I guess that will reflect in my grades this term. I hope to do better in term 3. I should probably ask more questions, but I can't really cause I don't know enough to ask a question. I guess I'll just try to listen a little more in class and work and study a little longer.

    1. Aiden, me and you, same struggle. We can make it through this!

    2. Yeah I have the same problem as you. Hopefully We'll do better next term. Great blog by the way

  7. This term was not the greatest term for me in history, I failed my tests and exams but in the rest of the classes I am happy with my grades. To do better in the third term I will have to focus more on studying for history and not winging it anymore. These dates are all really important and I did not even know. At least I passed my other classes.

    1. I agree, history is hard and it's important to study. Great blog oli.

  8. Term 2 went pretty well, except for history. My grades aren't as good as I would want them too. I can't really complain because I don't study and don't really listen in class. AT home, I am always procrastination, doing my homework at 9 for 2 hours and I get very tired in the morning. In term 3, I will listen more in class and do my homework earlier so I can get a better rest.

    1. same here for history, nice blog

    2. History is a really challenging class and I also procrastinate a lot!!
      Great blog:)

  9. term two went very well. i did good and got great marks in every class except for one. history ids usually one of my best subjects but this term i did worse than what i expected and wanted. for term three i will study for longer periods of time pay closer attention in class and get insanely good grades.

  10. i will also make sure that when im studying im not listening to music so that my studies will be done efficiently

  11. In my opinion, term 2 flew by!! I don't really remember doing anything in the term except the exams. I think that term 2 did go very well. I succeeded on all of my exams and tests/projects. Term 3 is definitely the most stressful term because it’s worth so much and it’s very long!! In order for me to keep my grades up, I have to keep doing what I’m doing and I’m going to definitely have to study more! I have a tendency to only study the night before a test or quiz and then when I get my mark back, I realise how much better I could’ve done if I studied a couple nights more. I hope that term 3 goes as well (and as fast) as term 1 and 2 did!

  12. I think my time in term two went pretty well. It was full of fun stuff and I laughed a lot with my friend. Term three might be tough, but I'm sure I'll make it through. Of course I have to work more but I'll study hard so that I can learn more stuff and prepare for my final exam. Well, I'm sure we all look forward too our year.

    1. Nice job Ray, keep up the good work!

  13. I think my term 2 went well. I did really well in all my midterms and most of the tests and projects from the term too as well. I think I improved my grades as well form term 1. I didn’t study that much since I had a lot going on outside of school. I’m not the type to study to begin with but I studied less than I usually do. I did well considering how busy I was. I want to improve even more in the next term since it’s worth the most.

    1. Aye you already really smart so im sure you'll do great in term 3, great blog

  14. I think that term 2 went amazing! All of my midterms went well and I have been working hard. I am proud of myself for continuing to keep my grades up in math, which is my hardest subject. To have a successful term 3 I’m going to make sure that I continue to do my homework and study. I really hope term 3 will go as smoothly as term 1 and 2 have!

  15. This term was better than term 1 but not by much. My history mark went way up because I put in effort. But science went way down. I should have not just studied for the history midterm and should have studied science. i didn't get anything lower than 80 on all my midterms though. i did worse in french but did better in math. Next term I'm gonna study twice as hard and i'm praying I'll get honor roll next term

    1. You can do it Mo! I believe in you :D

  16. I think term two went really well, and am excited to see my report card. I did great on all my exam. For term three, I don’t necessarily plan on changing too much. I mean, I’ve done so well so far, why change halfway through? I guess I will start to practice more math though. Sometimes, I don’t finish all my homework, and don’t want that to have a negative effect on my performance in math.

    1. I have some improvement to do on math as well, and you dont have to fix what’s not broken! Good blog.

  17. To be quite honest, i kinda forgot we were in term 2. I thought we were already in term 3. But i think term went well. I'm pretty positively sure that i'm doing really extremely bad in french but hopefully i did good in other classes to raise my average. I WOULD say that for term 3 i'm going to study really hard, i'm going to pay attention in class and stop procrastinating at home so then i could do my homework and go to bed at a decent hour, BuT i know that's never going to happen. So for term 3, i’m crossing my fingers and i'm hoping for the best.

  18. This term has been very long for me. I’ve been getting my stress levels under control, my math grades have gone up and kept steady grades in the rest of my classes. For term 3, I will allot times to do each subject’ homework, that way I don’t get suddenly overwhelmed by the crazy amount I have. I will also start listening to music as I work. It seems that silence makes me on edge for stressful work, but blasting Lana Del Rey helps somehow. I really hope teen 3 goes well, that my grades keep up and I don’t take on to much.

    1. It's great your getting your stress under control, great blog!

  19. This term has gone by so fast! I do not think I did as well in Term 2 as I did in Term 1 though. I find the material for some classes got harder in term 2 and I was used to how I studied in term 1 which was the night before and it did not work out. For term 3 I need to study like 3-4 nights before the test so I am not cramming all the material in the night before. I really hope I do well!

  20. Term two went by so fast, I don't even remember term 1 happening. I feel like the days and weeks go by really slowly, but months go by really fast. I think my grades lowered a bit in term two, because as the school year goes on, I get less and less motivated to do my homework and study. In term 3, I'm going to do all of my homework and procrastinate less. I say this after every term, but I will actually put in an effort not to procrastinate this term.

  21. i think term 2 foe me was an upgrade from term 1 but it is still not a great term for me. i think towards the end of term 2 i started to work a lot harder and that helped me get through it easier so if i continue like this for term 3 it should go well or at least better than my other terms this year.

  22. I will have to study, work my ass off, study more, obey the teachers, work some more, go to sleep for 3 hours, get up, skip breakfast, work, eat, work some more, obey to the teachers (Basically a slave), do homework, have a great weekend and sleep in, go to work, obey the teacher, work some more, work hard and play harder. What a great life.
