Monday, January 15, 2018

Blog 27 - Monday, January 15, 2018

Last week, Donald Trump, the President of the Unites States of America, commented on immigration.

He asked why the U.S. was taking in people from "SHITHOLE COUNTRIES" like Haiti?

What is your opinion of the President of the United States?

What do you think makes Canada such a GREAT country? 

Would you consider ANY country as being a SHITHOLE COUNTRY?


Image result for SHITHOLE meme


  1. I personally hate Donald Trump. He makes many bad decisions and says some things that I definitely don't agree about. The fact that he is against transgender people serving for his country, immigrants are going to kill everyone and the wall. Don't even get me started on the wall. I believe that even though there are some muslim terrorist groups out there such as ISIS, not all muslim people and immigrants are bad and are terrorists. Transgender people are also people and do not have to be punished because of who and what they are. It shouldn't be a punishment to be who you are and being kicked out of the army. Canada is such a great country on the other side. I could not be more happy to live where I do. First of all, we have Tim Hortons so I can get coffee that tastes good for cheap. Second, our president has made some bad decisions but we are a way better country than the USA. We are accepting of everyone no matter the sexuality, gender, race, religious belief. We accept immigrants from the struggling countries.

    1. exactly canada is the best, great blog

    2. I completely agree. Great blog!

  2. In my mind i dont find Donald Trump to be a bad guy its just at times he does really things that cross the line mainly because he doesn't think or really care. right now the USA economy is doing amazing and hes done alot of good things for the country. Although hes done many irresponsible and stupid things during his presidency i think hes a pretty good president. Canada is a great country because we treat everyone equally and accept everyone. we are helping countless lives bringing immigrants into our country and helping the poor and making sure everyone is equal. even though some countries dont have the same wealth as canada does not mean they are a shithole country. i would never consider any country as a shithole one and no one should as we should try to bring everyone together and become all equals.

    1. I completely agree with you. Great blog!

    2. I don't think he's a bad guy either... but he sure does make some bad decisions! Nice blog!

    3. I actually never thought of him that way. Nice blog:)

    4. Trump makes good money, we should rob him who's down?

  3. Personally, I think Donald Trump can be a great president, but his questionable decisions that he has made up to now would say otherwise. I believe he means well for the United States but it never comes out the way it should be delivered. I believe Canada is one of the best countries in the world and I am very happy to be living in this beautiful country. I agree with Will where he says that even though some countries may not have as much wealth but could still be great countries in other aspects.

  4. Personally, I really dislike Donald Trump. Ever since he was running for president I always found that he was in it simply for fame. Trump is a business man and a celebrity, NOT a president. He is completely unaware of what is going on in the world and he thinks that the whole world revolves around his beliefs. Therefore, he calls other countries “shithole” countries because he simply feels like it. I don’t think any country is a “shithole” country no matter who their president is, where the country is, etc. Donald Trump needs a serious reality check. I think that Canada is such a great country because our leaders, all though not perfect, at least speak and act kindly and they aren’t racist or rude. They allow immigrants into the country for them to have a better life whereas other countries won’t even consider it. There are so many other reasons why Canada is such a great country, but I’ll stop here!

    1. He is definitely in it for the fame, not to make a difference.
      Great blog:)

    2. I totally agree, it seems like he'll say anything to get the attention of the press. Good blog.

    3. He really does need a reality check, great blog, i completely agree with you

    4. I agree with everything you said. Trump is really not fit to be president. Great blog!!

  5. As the average human in the world except for those trump supporters, I hate Donald Trump even more than world leaders do. He's doing such a bad job that he tweets in the middle of his meeting. He's worse than Lindon B. Johnson. I can say though that his tactic of becoming the president was indeed intelligent: give the common people a fear a present them a solution only he can do. (reminds me of Hitler) Ever since I heard Donald saying that I thought "Damn, Canada's even more awesome than america than I thought". I wouldn't call disadvantaged countries ****hole countries, I would call them literally anything anything else than what Donald said.

  6. Donald Trump can be seen in so many different ways. I personally think that he is a very smart businessman, but not a very smart leader. He obviously knows how to invest his money to make fortunes. But when it comes to being president, he needs to remember that not every American is white and wealthy like him. Like every country, Canada has its flaws. But in all, we are a wonderful country to live in. This is because we are a polite, civilized and caring nation. I would never consider a country as being a shithole country. However, I do believe that some countries are extremely poor which often leads to corruption. In conclusion, I think that Donald Trump should make a formal apology for the things he said and that he should definitely think before speaking in the future.

    1. I agree, he needs to apologise, great blog!

  7. I’m not really a fan of Donald Trump. I respect him as a business man, because he obviously had to work for his billionaire status, but I don’t like him as a person or president. He is helping the United State’s economy, but he has no filter at all. He says whatever he feels like saying and always ends up getting backlash for it. He is a political leader now, not a superstar, so he should start acting like one. For one, he has to learn what is acceptable to say and what is not. Canada is a great country to live in because we are known to be nice, and peaceful by other countries. We accept everyone’s beliefs and lifestyles. I don’t think any country should be considered ‘shitholes’. Some countries are poorer than others, which makes the crime rate go up, obviously, because people are resorting to stealing things they need. However, Donald Trump doesn’t know these people, therefore he doesn’t get the right to judge them.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree the guy can’t shut up and mind his own business. 🤐

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. When you're high up in the hierarchy, it's sometimes hard to imagine yourself as a poor person.

  8. I honestly don’t like Donald trump at all, The United States president. I don’t like him because of the way he acts and th dumb decisions he makes. He talks like he’s the most strong and powerful person in ththe universe, but let’s be honest he’s not. If Donald trump had some humility and atleast accepted that he’s not the best person in th univers, then I wouldn’t have a problem with him. Another reason why I don’t like him is because f the decisions he makes, such as talking. The man never shuts his mouth and says the dumbest things, he non stop talks trash about everything that he gets his eyes on. In conclusion I think the man needs some mental help, and needs to learn how to have some humility. 👍

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    1. So much like me, all I hear is my mom ranting on about how he is so horrible, but I guess I've learnt to trust my moms judgement...

  10. I don't like Donald Trump at all, the way he acts and talks about other countries is generally very rude. hehe acts as if he's better than everyone just because he's the president. he he was more humble I might like him a little more than i currently do. First of Canada is a great country, we allow immigrants from other countries. our country is also known as a very peaceful country. there is no reason to call any country a shithole country, no matter the history or people within the country.

  11. I’ll start things off by saying that there are NO shithole countries, and in my opinion, every country is great in it’s own way. Secondly, my family and I are really not big trump supporters. Honestly, the things he does and says are completely racist and wrong. Other than the fact that my home is in Canada and that everyone that I love lives in Canada, I don’t really have much reason to love Canada, although I do think we are a great county.

    1. I completely agree. Great blog!

  12. The current president of the United States is a man that should no longer be allowed an opinion, but the press and the people enable him, often because they think what he says is funny. He speaks in a way that is really terrible for the United States' relations with other countries. Canada is a great country for it accepts immigration, gives healthcare to its citizens and is recognized for its peace during difficult periods. Just because our country has done bad things or gone through difficult ones, like many others, does not make it a shithole country. No country is a shithole country, often either under bad rule, or stuck in bad circumstance.

  13. I think Donald trump is a guy that shouldn't of been voted in. he might have these thoughts but that doesn't mean he has the right to say it. its been so long and I'm not even surprised about this anymore. the amount of stupidities that come out of this guys mouth is ridiculous. who ever thought this man would be a good president is absolutely insane. we are so lucky to live in a place like Canada because its so amazing. we have gun control which is important, we have freedom of speech and we also have, this one being super important to me, free healthcare. i think free healthcare is important because I personally get hurt so much, always twisting my ankles and I practically live in a hospital. if basic medical care wasn't free, I would cost my parents a fourteen. its also important for the people who don't have much money, and they are still human, they still deserve healthcare. Canada is an amazing place, however everyplace in the world has its pros and cons. there isn't a shit hole , just best and worse places for certain things

  14. i think Donald Trump is the definition of a racist. The things that come out of his mouth are wrong, disrespectful and hurtful. I believe he is the worst president ever voted into office and he should be impeached before he blows up the country. In our world, there is no such thing as a 'shithole country'. I believe that there are countries that need more help then others and who are less fortunate but that does not make them a shithole country. I think what makes Canada such a great place is the fact that we have free health care, we have gun control and we have such a peacefully and respectful country with leaders who are not perfect, but who speak with respect towards everyone and who are polite. i am very proud to be a Canadian and that i live in Canada.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You had such good reasons for why Canada is an amazing country!

  15. I do not agree with anything Trump said. They are not "shithole countries" they're countries that need help. A juggernaut like America should do everything they can to help out those countries. Some of Trump's ideas aren't terrible and he has his own way of think about things, but the things that he's said should not have gotten him elected. When he says things like "grab her by the p*ssy" it completely changes the way I think of
    him. Someone who said that should not be the face of one of the biggest countries in the world even if he apologized. Canada has it's problem but we're more of a community. Our president who may not be perfect has a sense of what he's doing. We allow refugees and immigrants come in and we greet them with hospitality which is the strongest strength of Canada in my opinion.

  16. I don't really care for Trump. Some of the stuff he does is funny to me. As him being a president, I can't really say much since I'm not keeping up to date with what's going on. But saying countries are shitty isn't the kindest of words. I think Canada is good cause we have really good maple syrup, smoky bacon and our drinking law is lower than the US by 2 years.

  17. I never really trend a lot in the news, never tried to listen to him in the news, and only see him a few time on the news saying something that I don't understand. But from what I got from his talking and the people who are talking about him, he seems like a horrible person. He rants about building walls, blaming immigrants for the bombing and forcing people out of his country. The only problem is that I heard these things from people, so I have no way of knowing if it's true. Canada is a great country and it's not that much of a bad place. Sure there're some horrible peoples or places, but it doesn't make our country rock bottom bad.

  18. I hate Trump. I hate what he says, does, and what he stands for. He is nothing but a racist and sexist man. I was not surprised when I heard about what he said about those countries because that's the type of person he is. It was so disrespectful and unkind. People should be proud about where they from. People like Trump do nothing but tear down people's pride and self-worth. What makes Canada an amazing country is that we are WELCOMING. We embrace all religions, nationalities and cultures. We welcome refugees into our country. The United States should learn from us and do the same!

  19. I do not like Trump for many reasons. He's not a good president, he's in it for fame, he's against transgender, gays, lesbians (etc.), he's racist, so many other reasons. I also do not like him because when his name comes up during family dinners, it just makes everyone mad and nobody talks much for the remainder of the night. My grandpa loves the news and he always asks "So, what are your thoughts on Trump?" even though he knows it starts things up. I think what makes Canada so great is that we accept everybody for who they are, what they are/want to be, we aren't against other races, religions, cultures, etc. Even though there are some Muslim groups such as ISIS, that does not mean that every Muslim/Indian/Pakistani...etc. is a terrorist. Also, we are helping the countries in need by taking them in and giving them shelter of some kind. I, under no circumstances, think that any country of any part of the world should be called a "shithole country". These countries are struggling and we need to help them. There are so many people that have no homes because of bombings, shootings, natural disasters and they need homes and shelters and food and warmth.

  20. Donald Trump should definitely NOT be our president. He is extremely racist and very judgmental. He is a good business man, but not that great a president. His decisions and ideas are ridiculous. I really do not like the fact that he says that every Muslim is a terrorist. For some reason that really seems to bother me. I really like Canada because we are accepting of those around us. Even if someone is not like you, we are still accepting of them and what they choose to believe. I do not believe that there are shithole countries. There ARE countries that are not as great as other but no country is a shithole country.

  21. I believe Trump is a good business man but not a good president. He has made a good living as a business man and should keep it that way. Not by running our country. Canada is a great country because of these two reasons: Free medicare and the Quebecois accents. Yes I would consider some countries a SHITHOLE COUNTRY, on one condition, if they have a giant hole in the ground designed for people to take poops in them, then they are literal shitholes

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  23. to be honest i am not great with politics and i don't know much about it but i do know that there is something wrong with Donald trump being the president. i don't understand how he was elected in the first place. he is completely racist and disrespectful without even realizing it. i think that the gun law in Canada really helps our country stay nice and safe in addition we have a good prime minister rather than a complete idiot. i wouldn't classify anything as a "shithole country" in my opinion i think its just rude to classify someones home like that and could've been much easier by simply saying a third world country.

  24. To be honest i try to ignore almost everything happening in the united states, especially the president. It's far less stressful to ignore problems that don't affect you, huh? I will say that this shithole country thing was pretty stupid. Whether or not that was just a slip of the tongue this isn't gonna slide very easily like some of his other stupid actions ok goobye

  25. Donald trump... where do I begin. I can write about how stupid he is, how brainwashed everyone who voted for him is, and how america won`t survive with him as president. But I won`t, because hopefully you already know that. For Canada, i think what makes us such a great country is our acceptance, our diversity, and most of all, we care. There are so many stereotypes about how Canadians are so nice and so passive. But nothing is wrong with that. We care about EVERYONE. We accept everyone and we don`t discriminate. We are a peaceful country. the only problem with canada is that were neighbors to usa. I would never call any other country a `shithole`` because i think all countries are beautiful weither they are rich or poor.

  26. I always wanted to move to San Francisco with my best friend but then realized, there are many earthquakes and I am very good here in Canada because hello, free health care and no Donald. I like it here in Canada because I feel like its more peaceful and kind than the United-States. Last time I went to the united states I had to stay 2 days on standby because of stupid Delta airlines. Hate that airline plus the seats sucked and so did the customer service.
