Sunday, January 7, 2018

Blog 25 - Monday, January 8, 2018

If you won THE LOTTERY (imagine lots of $$$) what would you do with the winnings?


Image result for lottery meme


  1. If I won the lottery I would buy a mansion. Massive houses fascinate me. I would also travel all the time. My favorite place to travel to is Miami. Me and my family go there every year; sometimes twice. However, this year, my parents are saying money is tight and that it's best we don't go this march break.If I won the lottery I would just drop out of school and live in Miami. Haha. I honestly would donate a lot of give money to the unfortunate. I don't have a lot of money but I'm the type of person that gives all of my change to homeless people whenever I see them.

    1. same i think everyone would buy a mansion, nice blog.

    2. I agree completely, great blog!!!

    3. Big houses also fascinate me, for at least the first few week. Then I get used to it and I start living inside.

  2. If i ever one the grand prize for the lottery there be would many things on my mind to do and many things to buy. Although for starters i would give some of the money to my parents and my brother. since they are the ones who helped me my entire life. it would be my way of literally paying them back. i would buy many things such as a huge house with a lot of land to make a rink in my back yard. i would go on vacation with my family and my cousins. i would also invest that money in order for it to grow so i when then have even more than what i started with in the future.

    1. Investing is a great idea to make even more money. Nice blog!

    2. Investing in Weed Stocks is a good market at the moment, I suggest thinking about that.

  3. To begin with, if I were to win the lottery, I would repay my parents for everything they have provided for me in my lifetime. They have given me so much that it would only be right to repay them. Second thing I would do is store a quite large amount in my bank account so that in the future I have a very good back up for retirement. With the rest of that money, depending on how much it is, I will first go out and buy necessities and then what I would like to have after that.

    1. Storing a large amount of money for retirement is really smart!
      Great blog:)

    2. I like the idea...BTW you may need to pay your parents more than 300 thousand dollars to pay back everything they gave to you. Nice blog ^_^

  4. Winning the lottery is something that very few people are able to experience!! If I was lucky enough to win the lottery, I would start off my paying back my parents for all the things that I was fortunate enough to have. I think that I would also pay off and buy things that my family would like for our cottage because that’s our favourite place to be. I would take my family on a nice, long, well deserved vacation to any destination or their choice because my dad works very hard and he deserves a break! Another thing that I would do is invest my money. Whether I invest it in stocks or in companies, it could be an easy way to make more money off of my earning! Hopefully one day I will be lucky enough to experience the feeling of winning the lottery!

    1. I totally think we owe so much to our families, so I completely agree! Great blog!

    2. That would be a great use for the winnings, good blog Holly!

  5. If I won the lottery, the first thing I would do is get a full sword collection. We're talking like long-swords, shields, katanas, short Roman swords because I'm in love with medieval warfare and I love swinging swords around (I use plastic swords just to be clear). I do it on my free time...I don't claim to be good at it though. I would also but a new computer because the one I'm using is really slow and lags a lot. I would buy a few games on steam because why not, I would buy my brother a new guitar and I would buy my other brother a new game on the PS4...I'll think of something. I would buy my mom more makeup and I would buy my dad a new pair of glasses even though glasses are a total ripoff, then again so is everything else. Finally I would give the rest to charity or to the kids my mom and my dad are helping in Africa just to make them quiet for two seconds because all they do is just complain about how much they give to them. Yeah that<s about it.

  6. A lot of people think that the lottery is easy money, but in fact, it’s not. The chances of winning are so unrealistic! If I was by some chances lucky enough to win the lottery, which with my luck, I probably won’t, but if I did, I would realistically use the money to help my family, more specifically my parents. Hopefully it’s a lot of money because I’ve got a big list. Seriously, I owe so much to my parents, they provide clothes, food, shelter, education, love, support, so much where there is no possible way to repay them. Giving them all the lottery money wouldn't even be close enough to repay them, but it would be a start. Another thing I would do is support my grandmother, who recently had a stroke, and is now recuperating. I would get her into the best possible home so she would actually start eating. She used to own a fine dining french restaurant, and was also a chef, so she is used to very very good food. I would also put money to cancer research. My grandfather passed away due to cancer, and don’t ever want to feel the feeling of losing someone to such a horrible disease. I would love to see a cure to cancer. Lastly, I would put money towards family vacations and whatnot. If we saved the extra money on vacations, and on mortgages, we would be able to do so much more as a family. The rest would go into savings. I believe it’s important to save money for the future, whether it’s a first house, a first car, university, or if ever smart Owen screws himself and runs out of money, I’ll have this extra lottery money. Hopefully I hit 60 words...

    1. I was going to reply to this because you have no replies but i don’t feel like reading this honestly but this is still a reply.

    2. i agree the chances of winning are really low. nice blog

  7. I like cars, so I will buy nice cars. :) I will most likely do my dream build on a car which is engine swapping a benchmark stock Supra which is really rare, then putting a 2JZ motor in it. Then buy a few other cars I like.
    My dad also likes cars, so I will buy him cars too. My brother is looking for one but doesn't want to invest too much, so I'll do it for him. My mom can have a chauffeur because she is always asking "do you know da wae?" I'm not sure how much money I have, but if it's a lot I'd probably buy the few things my parents desire. I'll then save my money and donate a bit to the charities.

    1. I would buy my family cars as well! Nice blog!

    2. Nice, Buy me a supra too. Great blog by the way!!!

  8. If I were ever so fortunate to win the lottery the first thing I would do would be going on a looooooong vacation! I would take my entire family somewhere super expensive like Tahiti and we would all get a relaxing break. I would then buy my family a Tesla....or two and I would buy an inground pool for our backyard. Then, before I continued to spend all of the money I would definitely invest it something so that I could use it sporadically throughout the rest of my life!

    1. investing is a really good way to make money, I would do that too

  9. If I won the lottery, I will try to invest in it so I can more worth out of it, then I will donate a large sum to the unfortunate, then I will do whatever I can do with my money, like getting games, maybe my own house or do whatever I'm able to do with my money. Don't Have actual plan because I don't actually expect myself to win the lottery sooner or later.

  10. If I won the lottery there would be so many things on my mind to buy. But I think the first thing I would buy is a mansion. I always wondered what it would be like to be lost in your own house. I would also give some money to my parents and brother because they deserve it for helping me my entire life. With the money I have left I would invest it so that I can have more money as I go along in my life and then can buy anything that’s new and looks fun to have.

    1. That’s almost exactly what I would do, I would share a lot with my family also

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. If I were to win the lottery the first thin I would do would be to give my parents enough money for each of them. And then I would buy some things for my self such as, a boat, a private jet, a vacation for my entire family (excluding my brothers). With some of the remainding money I would dav it for a Tesla roadster coming out in 2019. Now with all thmy remainding money I would invest and save. ✅

  13. if i were to win the lottery. I would probably donate some of it to charity. At the same time id probably have no idea what to do with the money so i think i take my family on vacation, since we all enjoy vacations to warm countries. I’d also probably buy something really expensive that dumb. If i had money left at this point i’d probably keep it and save it for another time, or use it on basic everyday needs.

    1. I would donate too, love the blog!

    2. vacation would be really good way to spend time with family , great blog

  14. If I ever won the lottery, first off, I would repay everyone for all the things they've given/bought me. Secondly, I would keep some for the future and third, I would buy a mansion and travel the world, depending on the amount that's left. I love travelling and I would love to go to Australia, Greece (specifically Mykonos and Santorini), Fiji, Turcs and Caicos, Paris, Maldives, etc. I love to travel everywhere, no matter how bad the jet lag is or how long the ride is. I love travelling by plane and car, moreover the car.

    1. Those are such cool places to visit!!

  15. If I won the lottery, I would donate money to charity, help out my family and friends, and make investments. I don’t really want a big house, but I would buy a condo in Paris, because it is my favourite city. I would probably stop working full time to travel around the world (but mainly Europe) because I love experiencing new things and trying new food. My family has helped me so much and I would love to be able to repay them for that also. I would buy them a big house and cars and stuff. I would invest in different companies because it is a good way to earn even more. I know this sounds really shallow but I would go shopping a lot because I love clothing and jewellery, but I have expensive taste and I like stuff I can never afford. The last thing I would do is set aside 10% of my money for retirement and emergencies, so i don’t go broke.

  16. If I won the lottery I would put all the money in cryptoconcurrency preferably Bitcoin. They're becoming huge right now and a lot of people are making a lot of money off it. I would use some of the money on a strong computer that can help mine. mining for cyryptocurrencies is a computer solving math problems that help with transactions while running your computer to 100% and raising you electricity bill. You can be awarded with a lot of bitcoins if you mine. One bitcoin right now is worth 14 000$. The rest of the money would go into buying bitcoins myself. I like taking risks and this would be fun. i don't want to play safe and buy a mansion with a Ferrari. I want to do something different and if this pays off i can have even more money.

  17. I have actually given this a lot of thought about how to spend my winnings. Obviously after taxes, i would take the money and pay off my grandparents dept. Unfortunately they have a lot of it and every family diner that we've had turns into a very serious talk about their money troubles. So i will pay off their dept and buy them a new house that they can comfortably live in. With the rest of my money i will buy myself an apartment, get out of school after 16 yrs old(cause thats the law) and live on my own with no troubles because ill have money and ill be stress free from my parents. I want to say that ill save my money for the future but i will probably waste a bit of money on the stupidest things like netflix, music, new shoes, tattoos, a unicorn, etc. Obviously the way i spend my money depends on how much i win but it will always start off with helping my grandparents and making sure their troubles are solved first. The rest of the money is for me.

  18. If I won the lottery, I would put money aside for travelling! I want to go all over the world and see everything first hand. I love experiencing different places and cultures. I would also use a little of the money to go to an Ed Sheeran concert :) I'll also buy my mom a farm because that's her dream for when she's older. I would also want to give some to charity because I would feel bad if I didn't !

    1. I would also go to an Ed Sheeran concert lol. Great blog!

  19. If I won the lottery, I would keep some money for travelling. I love travelling, I've always wanted to go to Bora Bora and Hawaii. I would give most of the money to two foundations, the Heart and Stroke foundation and a cancer research. My family has been affected by heart diseases and cancer. Both foundations have very significant meaning to both my family and I and I want to give as much money as I can to have more research done and save some lives. Lastly, I would buy myself a new phone because I urgently need one because all of my previous mine has broke or been stolen and I hat my current phone.

    1. That is really nice how you want to give money to the Heart and Stroke foundation and cancer research! Great blog!

  20. If I won the lottery, I would right away buy my own gym and then I would keep the rest to be able to keep the gym in good condition. I would purchase a gym for myself because although public gyms are good, there are always people that take up all the equipment and they do not even workout, they just sit there. Also if I had my own gym I could blast my own music without having to worry about any one knowing that I'm listening to Katy Perry.

    1. Katy Perry is my favourite omg.

  21. If I won the lottery I would definitely go on vacation right away. I would give a part of my money the less fortunate because that money can help them way more than it can help me. After this I would put the money aside for when I am older so that when I am older and I retire I can travel around the world and not have to stress over work or anything like that and I will have a lot of money to spend so I can go anywhere.

  22. I would travel. I would explore everything I could, setting some aside so I don't run out of money before I die. I've always dreamed of travelling old temples, monuments, cliffs and mountains. Fulfill the dreams that I've haven't been able to do yet, like ski la "Haute Tour" do bungee off the Verzasca Dam, or go skydiving in Nepal. These things are the ones that are life achievements, winning the lottery would allow me to do these things and much more.

  23. Let me write a list: Travel around the world, buy a new scooter, buy my friends gifts, buy myself gifts, food, lots and lots of food. A big house, a girlfriend, a big car, a personal trainer to get fit and donate a lot of money to charity to show people I am a good person. Winning the lottery would really be great but that is not likely to happen which sucks because everyone could us a little change.
