Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Blog 10 - Wednesday, October 18, 2017

In the Fahrenheit 451, books are rare and valuable.
Throughout the novel, we follow Montag as he discovers the power of literature and risks his life to preserve books.
If you were a rebel in the F451 society, which book would you want to save?
Why is this book so important to you?


  1. If I were to save one book in society, it would have to be the one book about roman history in the library. First of all, when you open the book, you get a view of the roman empire at its height with the emperor Trajan. It shows you the roman provinces and the capitols of those provinces. It was basically a dream come true at the time. And that's just the front page, on another page, it shows you all of the emperors until the fall of the western roman empire in 476 a.d. with the last one being romulus august who was deposed by odoacer who was an ostrogoth. On other pages, it showed you their weponry, their fighting styles and tactics, it talked about the punic wars and the life style of roman citizens. It even showed you a timeline of all of the major events that happened in roman history. It was just too cool not to leave this out

  2. These days I am not a very big reader anymore. I used to love reading back in elementary and once I hit high school, I have not had as much time to do so. I do remember that when I used to read a lot in about grade 4, I absolutely loved the Percy Jackson series. It would be my go-to activity when I had free time. So if I had to choose a book it would probably be "The Lightning Thief" because that was my favorite out of the whole 5 book series.

    1. I agree with you... I don't have much time to read anymore either. Nice blog!

    2. I loved those books when I was younger. Great blog Tomasso!

    3. I HATED those books! Can I burn them?

  3. I would save the Bible. I would save this very important piece of litterateur because for thousands of years it has taught people the ways of life and things to believe. This book will give people knowledge if they are in need therefore' I think we should save that book.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Are you even christian?

  4. if i were in F451 society, i would save the bible. i chose the bible because there are multiple stories that teach both valuable life lessons along with a higher belief system. the bible is a good book, its a valuable book and ive read it multiple times and it teaches me how to respect people. this book would help the people and citizens in this society how to be more intune with their lives. i think people would profit from reading this a lot. not only does the bible teach religion, but it will be one of the best ways to teach people values and theyll all have the same religion

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  5. If I could save any book it would probably be a Harry Potter book. I am a Harry Potter fan and I absolutely love the books and the movies. I think this would be a good book to save because when you read it you get transported into the book and you forget about everything. When you pick up a Harry Potter book, it’s hard to put back down. The author, J.K Rowling has filled these books with strange and wonderful things and reading them is like a little reminder to use your imagination!

    1. omg I so agree with you, great blog!

    2. That's actually a good one. How come I didn't think of it earlier. Thanks for the idea:)

    3. I agree completely! Isn't it important, that if you only have one book left to read, to have a book that you absolutely love!? Great blog!

  6. To be honest I hate books and reading. For some reason there hasn't been a book that I've read that interests me. I always start reading the first few pages then eventually stop. I often fall asleep when reading, if not I just read without knowing what I just read. Although is there were to be one book out of all of them it would be the hockey rulebook. It might not be an actual book but it is a rulebook. I would save this book because hockey is basically my life and in order play the game you must know the rules. Without it no one would be able to play it because everyone in the society won't remember the rules in the game and the newer generationss won't be able to play.

  7. In grade 4, I was obsessed with books. I would stay up past midnight, which wasn't a good idea, reading all kinds of books. I would read books like Geronimo Stilton to Percy Jackson. But now that I'm in high school, I don't have as much time and energy to read books. I don't really read now unless it's for school.

  8. I have always been, and still am, obsessed with books. I read a lot, and I have so many books in my room, I have drawers full of them. I wouldn’t just try to save one book, I would probably take as many as I could. If I had to save just one book, it would probably be a Harry Potter book (or the whole series), because it reminds me of my childhood, and of the time I went to Universal Studios with my family.

    1. I said the same thing!!! I love Harry Potter books so much.

    2. Nice choice, a bet a lot of people are going to want to save some Harry Potter books also.

  9. If I were a rebel in Farenheight 451, I would steal so many books. I find it crazy that books are banned in their society. At first I thought it was stupid and unrealistic, but it is undoubtedly a big deal. I love books so much. Books are so important to our society and without them we would not be as educated.If I could choose one book to hide, I would choose the fault in our stars, egghead, and the harry potter books. I know, that isn't one book but I just can't choose one! I love the book egghead because I understand it very well and can relate to it. My favorite book is "we are all made of molecules" though.

    1. I love that book! It's one of the only books that I have read for fun and that I actually enjoyed!
      Great blog:)

  10. If I were to save one book I would definitely save one of the photo albums of my ancestors and baby pictures. I would save this one book in particular because it is the way that I am able to know about my ancestors and show my kids (if I have some) when I grow up what I looked like when I was their age. I think that without havin my baby photos life would be so much worse. I would have no memory of the things that I did as a child, I wouldn’t be able to remember the way I looked, the things I did, what my parents looked like younger etc… These are only some of the reasons I have for saving this one book, also I would want to remember all the fights me and my brothers had. Lastly, if someone past away these would’ve the kinky way to remember them.

    1. yea looking back at your family photos and stuff is cool

  11. If I could save any book, I would save my favourite book called the False Prince and the rest of the series. Although the series isn’t as known, it is my absolute favourite series and when I start reading it, It will take a while until I finally stop. This book is the one I find the most interesting and most enjoyable to read, so if it would be the only book I could read, this would be an obvious choice.

    1. Nice choice,I picked a not well known book too. Nice blog too.

    2. Seems like a good book. i might read it. Probably not tho

  12. Recently I haven't read much, but in the summer I read quite a bit since I travel a lot. This summer I found my current favorite called firstlife. Even thought this isn't a well known book its still my favorite, because of how unique it is. The author in my opinion shows perfectly how hard and stressful it can be to be pressured in to making a decision we don't want to as a teenager. There would be no way I could not save this book.

    1. I've read Firstlife too and its a really good book. Great Blog

  13. If I had to save any book in the world it would be the Muslim holy book the Quran. It may sound super pretentious but it's the book I've read most in my life. I may not seem like the most religious person at school but my family is extremely religious and I read this book every single day of my life. I've been reading the Quran since 4 I would not plan on stopping even If this was the only book left.

  14. If I had to save one book it would be the book "Will Grayson, Will Grayson" by John Green and David Levithan. I read that book this summer because I read most of the books my John Green and I really like his style so I went to chapters and picked out this book. At first I thought I wasn't going to like it but I wanted to know why it was called "Will Grayson, Will Grayson". At first, I thought it was just a design but I realized it wasn't. The book is packed with adventure and I recommend it to anyone. Warning: It can be very confusing.

  15. If i had to save one book, it would probably be one of my favorite books, The End or Something Like That by Ann Dee Ellis. I love this book and i would definitely save it because if i was in Montag's position where i had to save and remember a book to recite and pass down to a future society i would pick this one because it shows the importance of friendship and how everything is not butterflies and rainbows. This book shows how even though you may be the main character in your own story sometimes main characters don't always get a happy ending and how bad things happen to them and people around them. This would be a perfect book to tell a ‘new’ society because it will show how to learn and look past past mistakes and to only look ahead in life to achieve better.

    1. I love that book!! Good choice

  16. Its kinda sad, I don't really read that much. Nothing seems to interest me. If I were to have a book it would probably the fault in our stars. Just the whole story with cancer and how they were able to cherish the moments they had is what made the story as memorable as it was. I also find the story could have quite a deep meaning, which is probably why I had an interested in it.

  17. I have never been a big reader. In elementary school, we were never told to read at home for pleasure, which is why I think I never got interested by books. Personally, I find it very hard to get into books. The one book that I really enjoyed reading and that I would save is “We are all made of molecules” by Suzan Nielsen. I loved this book so much that I read it all in one day! I liked this book because it involved a stepbrother and stepsister adjusting into their new lives as a family. I also enjoyed this book because someone different was sharing their point of view of what they thought was happening in each chapter. To sum up my thoughts, I would save “We are all made of molecules” because it was the first book that I read on my own for pleasure and actually liked.

    1. I loved that book when I was a kid, this brought a huge smile to my face. Good blog!

  18. The book that I would save in this situation would be «Looking for Alaska » by John Green. It has been my liferaft in several times where I felt alone of if I just needed some comfort. It’s come on nearly every trip I’ve been on, it’s spine is broken, it’s pages dog-eared and dirty. It carries every memory I’ve had with it and has a deep sentimental value for me. This would definitely the book I would save and I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t read it.

  19. One book I would want to save would be Love You Forever by Robert Munsch as this was a book my parents would read to me as a baby and growing up. It was one of our favourite books and both my parents would sit down in the living room with me or in my room and we would read it. My old cat would normally join us but that cat is dead now. I’ve honestly read that book a million times and I like practically know it by heart. However, without even having to think about it, one book i would NOT want to save would be Fahrenheit 451 as in my opinion it is one of the most boring books I have ever read. The only thing I got from this book was that it is important to listen to the government or else your house will go up in flames because you own a book. Like honestly chances are, book or no book in munich house, I would probably burn my house down anyways making some kraft dinner or a pizza or maybe even doing some laundry or something. I would literally save any other book but this book.

    1. My parents would read me that book too. Great blog

  20. I really enjoy reading, so I don't think I'd be able to choose one to save! I could name so many books that I love and wouldn't want to throw away. But since I'm currently reading Outlander and I'm obsessed with it, I'd probably save it because if I had to throw it away without knowing what happened at the end, I'd probably wouldn't know how to live with myself after!

  21. I was never a big reader and I don't think I will be any time soon which means that there are not many books I have read. however there is one book that my brother and parents continously tell me to read but i haven't gotten around to it yet. i think i would save this book because of how much my family loved it and how much they want me to read it

  22. I’ve never been a fan of books. However, to this day, the only books I’ve voluntarily read is the ongoing light novel series of Sword Art Online. The series is set in the future (2022+) where the first Virtual Reality MMORPG is released. With the NerveGear, a helmet that stimulates the user's five senses via their brain, players can experience and control their in-game characters with their minds. The real story begins once the player find out they’re unable to logout, and virtual reality becomes their reality, as dying in the game kills you in real life. I like the series because I love the idea of Virtual Reality.

  23. I would not want to save one specific book. I would want to save my childhood books. When I was much younger my parents would read children books to me and my brother and sister and we would all love that. We all got to choose a book and my parents would read each one to us right before bed. Some of the books were Dr. Seuss books and Robert Munsch books. I would save these books because they bring back memories and remind me of my childhood.

  24. For me it would probably have to be a book that I never have read so it would be "Le Comte De Monte Cristo" because it is apparently the best book in the world according to my dad. It would make sense because the summary of the book really catches the eye. Its a book about a young sailor who is bound to be married to his beloved wife, on his wedding day, his cousin nemesis accuses him of false claims due to jealousy of his success. The young sailor is locked away but next to a old man. This old man is yet to become his mentor for the next 14 years. When his elderly friend passes away, it is the sailors turn to escape and get revenge. I will not say anymore about the book because I do not know anymore.
