Monday, December 4, 2017

Blog 21 - Monday, December 4, 2017

It is DECEMBER - and even though the Holidays are still three (3) weeks away you can't tell me that you are not already thinking about them.

For this blog, tell me about a person who is CRAZY about CHRISTMAS!

What makes them crazy?

Is this person fun to be around? Or, do they drive you nuts?


Image result for crazy about christmas meme


  1. My little sister absolutely adores Christmas and it is her favorite time of year by far. She wanted to put the tree up about a quarter way through November but only now did we put it up. She is willing to do anything for a Christmas vibe in the house. Sometimes it can get a little bit annoying, but I understand the reason as to why she loves Christmas. She is currently in grade 5 so that is why she can be a little annoying, but it is all part of growing up.

    1. Same with my sister, she is absolutely nuts about Christmas.

  2. My little sister Lola is 7 years old, and she loves Christmas. I have a suspicion that it's only about the presents and desserts, but I can't judge, that's why I liked Christmas as a kid. She counts down the days, as others do, but she makes a huge announcement of it every day as she eats breakfast. She even made my dad by one of those huge outdoor strobe lights in what I can describe as one of the most convincing child-parent negotiation of the decade. Her favourite Christmas movie is either National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation or Elf. But she is like no fan of these movies I've ever seen, for she plays these movies on repeat for like 2 months before Christmas Eve. By this point I'm pretty sure that I know the lines to those movies than the actors.

    1. I love the movie elf! your sister seems awesome, great blog!

    2. My sister is crazy about christmas too. Great Blog

  3. The person that is the craziest when it comes to christmas is my 9 year old (I think) cousin named Cedric. Since he's 9 years old of course he would be the craziest when it comes to christmas. He would be really annoying sometimes bur his reactions would be the best whenever he ripped christmas paper. He's really fun to have around. He's also the youngest cousin. He lives in Nova Scotia.

    1. I agree, having an enthusiastic person around you is always good. Great blog!

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  6. The person I know who is the most crazy about christmas is myself. Christmas is my favorite holiday, because I love the music, the presents, and the whole spirit of christmas. I don’t think that my friends are annoyed about this, because most of them are the same way as me. Except for one person, but we always annoy her by putting on christmas music in the car and at school. I never got out of the ‘obsessing over christmas’ phase. I still count down the days until the holiday season from the countdown app, and I decorate my room in november.

    1. btw my friend's blog in the other class is about how annoying i am

    2. I am just like you! I love Christmas so much! Great blog!

    3. Christmas is my favourite holiday also. it's the best you get everything. Nice blog!

    4. Let's be honest here, who's favorite holiday isn't Christmas. It's basically Halloween and your birthday combined and multiplied twice with the fun. Great blog:)

    5. wait how is it like halloween

  7. I am the most obsessed person about Christmas that I know of. I started listening to Christmas music in November, I've watched the movie Elf (my favorite Christmas movie) around 5 times already and I started planning what I was going to get everyone for Christmas in September. You can call me crazy about Christmas. I have around 5 spreadsheets, 2 docs and one slides about my final plan about Christmas including the costs, how I am going to wrap everything, where I am getting the supplies I need to make the gifts etc... I also male my gifts because it has a more sentimental feeling when someone opens it and I've been doing this for around 3 years. I am slightly Christmas obsessed but I don't tell anyone or else they will hate me forever.

    1. Wow! You really prepare a long time in advance! Mailing gifts is a really cool idea!
      Great blog:)

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  9. I think that I am pretty enthusiastic about Christmas but, I have never seen someone so crazy about Christmas as my friend Victoria. As soon as December 1st hits, Victoria is in full Christmas mode. From the lights to the music, to eating candy canes every single lunch, it’s by far her favourite time of the year! She is so fun to be around because her crazy Christmas cheer and enthusiasm is definitely infectious and wears on you! You begin to remember that this is truly the most wonderful time of the year!

    1. It really is the most wonderful time of the year!! Nice blog!

    2. LOL I wrote about Vic too!

  10. Out of everyone I know I am definitely the person who likes Christmas the most. It is by far my favorite Holiday and when October rolls around I start counting weeks until Christmas. At my house we put up Christmas lights, a big wreath, garlands around the stair railings inside the house and a big Christmas tree. My favorite thing that we decorate for the holidays is definitely the tree. At my house we have a big 9 foot tall tree and it therefore takes a while to decorate! While we decorate we listen to Christmas music and we take the time to look at every ornament which brings back lots of memories. Speaking of Christmas music I’ve been listening to it since the beginning of November. I love Christmas music so much that during the summer I’ll start playing it while sitting outside on the patio! I could go on and on about how much I love this holiday but I think I’ll stop here!!!

    1. Me too I love the holidays and can’t wait.

  11. If I were to say one person that I know that is absolutely addicted to Christmas, I would have to say my Aunt that lives in New Brunswick. She does everything for Christmas that you can imagine, even gets the best gifts, she is so generous during Christmas time. All she wants to do is make sure everyone has a good time including herself.

    1. my aunt gives great gifts as well, great blog.

  12. no one in my entire family is really crazy about Christmas. everyone loves Christmas but no one is freaking out when its November 30 waiting for December to roll around. everyone in my family acts the same way as the average person does as Christmas gets closer and closer. although if there were to be one person who i would classify as crazy about Christmas it would have to be my aunt who loves in Ottawa. My family celebrates Christmas either at home, at my aunts house or at my chalet. this year we are going to my aunts house and im very happy were doing so. my aunt decorates to inside and outside of her house until there's either no space left or the hose is a giant light bulb. also she gives an insane amount of resents especially to my brother and i.

  13. I don't know anybody in particular that is exited for Christmas, my cousins are too young and everyone else is too old. Although we do celebrate, it's more to gather up the family, nothing more than that. Just to talk and eat. Being together is fun but I don't really know how to socialize with adults, I can only really talk about the weather.

    1. That sucks, I have the same problem. Great Blog!!!

  14. In my family there’s no one who is really crazy about the holidays. Although recently I’ve become really excited, but I wouldn’t say I’m crazy yet. I will admit though I did decorate on November 30 and December 1. We don’t really do anything special for Christmas but we do have friends and family over. This may sound funny but the last few years my parents didn’t want to get a tree because of my dogs. Mostly because we tried when we first got my dog and he destroyed our tree. But this year they gave in a bought a fake one and so far it’s been fine and my dogs haven’t taken an interest in it. I think having a tree made me a lot more excited about Christmas since I’m the one who decorates the whole house.

    1. Just forgot to say that I’m excited by the day after Halloween.

    2. If your dog destroys the tree again this year, it will be another great and funny story to tell about him, great blog

  15. Sadly, everybody in my family is not very festive. We never have decorations up, we never make a big deal out of Christmas and we have never and will never go Christmas shopping. About the decorations, we don’t really decorate for anything. We haven’t decorated for Halloween, or Thanksgiving, or even Christmas. We never go Christmas shopping because we’re not really sure what everybody wants and we don’t want to be the family that gives you the wrong gift, So we usually just stick with money. Not gonna lie, I kind a like it better like this

    1. That sucks... totally think that if your family was festive you'd love it a lot!

  16. I guess you can say my mom is crazy about Christmas. She loves to decorate and sing Christmas songs. Most of all is that she loves to buy present (and frankly I really don’t mind). But what I do mind is that she is always asking me what I want before SUMMER ENDS! Like come on isn't it a little bit early! Don’t you want those last minute discounts. All in all, I know she does it because she loves me, so I don’t mind.

    1. Does your mom have a PhD in presents????

    2. Lucky!! Her enthusiasm must be amazing to have in the home! Nice blog!

  17. I'm not excited about christmas at all. I mean why should I, it's a day where I have to watch other people get happy about popening their presents. My whole family is muslim so no one really cares about christmas. ALl I do on christmas day is binge watch movies and tv shows. The only thing I like about christmas is about how everything get's cheaper because of boxing day where i can buy whatever. It sucks to see everyone so happy and me sitting in my bed trying to be happy for them.

  18. If there's one person in my family that is crazy about Christmas, it's definitely my sister. Here's a little list of what makes her go crazy for Christmas: 1) She plays Christmas music all year round 2) She decorates her room on the first day of December and 4) She starts baking like crazy. It's mostly fun to be around her, except for the fact that she plays Christmas music in SUMMER! However, with my friends, my friend H***** is OBSESSED with Christmas! She puts a Christmas case on her phone, she wears a variety of Christmas earrings and she has Christmas sweaters and pj's. I love her enthusiasm, though.

  19. What the heck is Christmas and why is it such a big deal, I've never heard of this before so just chill. What is this Christmas anyways, what is it, like some sort of day that you give presents to people, sounds stupid. Just kidding, of course I know what Christmas is, silly! Fun hack for Mr. Katz, wrap a bunch of empty boxes into Christmas gifts so if your kids act up you can throw one out in the garbage or in the fire place.

    1. That would actually be so funny😂😂

  20. The person I think is the craziest about Christmas is Santa. I mean he is like the hardo of Christmas. He goes around the world giving every person in he sees a present or maybe even a couple. That means he has to make at least 7.6 BILLION toys but he has his elves. Although Santa is not all amazing I mean he watches when u sleep, he knows if you are naughty and nice which I find both very disturbing and he makes his elves work all day with absolutely no pay in the freezing cold. That’s called stalking and slavery for those who didn’t realize. Santa has been exposed

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  22. Owen Golden is very excited for Christmas this year. He stated he loves seeing his family, receiving presents, the dinner and even has a PHD in Christmas decorating, especially the tree. He even asked me to find him a phone wallpaper specifically themed for Christmas. These are a few of the many reasons that make Owen a Christmas loving boi.

    1. ayauayayayayaya i love christmas adn u better find that wallpaper its been like 17 phd years and yes btw to all who dont nkow i have a phd in just about everything

  23. I find my mom is crazy about Christmas. My house is already decorated and when you walk in it feels like Christmas day. There are christmas decorations in every room in my house. When it comes to December my mom starts to bake right away with many holiday recipes...which is great for me !

    1. My mom is the opposite, so may I have some cookies?

    2. In my blog, I talked about my Dad but the truth is my mom is pretty crazy too with the foods. There’s always donuts and cookies and nutmeg and I gain so much weight every winter.

  24. I will talk about my friend Chloe for this blog since she is insane about Christmas. She had her little Christmas tree up in her room the first week of November, she would watch and listen to Christmas music all throughout November, she had a Christmas cookie making party the first day of December. It would get annoying at times but what can you do?

  25. My friend Victoria is a OBSESSED with Christmas! She's graduating this year but she is the biggest kid at heart, especially when it comes to Christmas. She was listening to Christmas songs and counting down the days until Christmas since the summer! I like her Christmas spirit because it's contagious. I can't help getting excited for the holidays when I'm around her. She definitely helps me get into the Christmas spirit.

  26. I dont really know anyone who goes all out and crazy for christmas. In my family, christmas is a chill time of year, everyone loves christmas and we love celebrating it because we all get together but no one is really isnane about it. I love chrsitmas, i love the music and the cheesy movies, also winter is my favorite season so seeing it snow outside on top of the christmas lights is something i enjoy to watch but im not invested in christmas like some other people in the class or the people they've talked about in their blogs.

  27. My dad is CRAZY FOR CHRISTMAS!!!! And when I say crazy, I mean crazy. Trust me, our house incredible. There are lights everywhere. I have a big front yard and multiple trees on my lawn. They are all decorated. There are lights all over our roof. I honestly believe that our house should make it on that tv show. My Dad goes all out on Christmas and people often stop by at your house just to tell us how nice the lights look. We also have a blow up Santa and blow up penguins and presents outside. My dad spends all of his days online shopping and spoiling everyone in my family. He always spends too much money and my Mom always gets mad at him!! In conclusion, my Dad is INSANE for Christmas!!

  28. there's not many people in my family that is actually crazy about it, but my little brother is excited about it. He's excited because he's going to get present and play with his friend more than usual. I'm not that crazy but I do like the fact you relax at home for a long time. My parents are probably the least excited since they will be busy to the core.
