Monday, December 11, 2017

Blog 23 - Monday, December 11, 2017

With Christmas and New Year's right around the corner, please tell me about your:

BEST or WORST Christmas break!

Why was it the BEST or WORST?


Image result for christmas break meme


  1. I remember two years ago I went to Florida during Christmas and that was my first time ever spending Christmas somewhere else than home. One of the highlights of the vacation was going to the Montreal Canadiens game. They happened to be in Florida when were there so we had to go. Unfortunately they lost, but it was a great experience. This Christmas my family and I are returning and once again we will be going to the game. I think it will be another great experience and I am very excited to return.

    1. Thats pretty cool, seeing your home team in another city is a great experience. Good blog.

    2. Seems like a lot of fun, you must be exited to return again this year. Nice blog!

    3. How did they loose to a team who has more fans from Montreal at their games than people from Florida. Besides that great blog.

  2. My best Christmas was when we stayed home actually. Often, we leave for Christmas but it makes me incredibly sad. For me, no matter how lucky I am to go to a beach, I still miss the snow and the cold. The year before, we left for Jamaica, and though I liked it, i missed home and waking up on Christmas morning with snow falling. The year we were at home, I had so much fun yelling at my family about things that don't matter and staying up way too late.

    1. never looked at it this way, cool blog!!!

  3. the best christmas break I've ever had was about two years ago, when my family had a cottage up north. we went up with me ENTIRE family which is a lot of people (I'm Italian) and we made a huge dinner and watched christmas movies. we also owned ATVs like four wheelers and stuff and we drove them all around the driveway and down hills. later that night, we went tubing in the dark which is scary but super fun. when we came back in, we drank some good ol' hot chocolate and continued watching movies and paying cards. it was an amazing night and it was only that year, so its unique and it was the absolute best!

    1. That sounds like so much fun! Great blog!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My best Christmas break was last year, when I went to Hawaii and New Zealand for a month. This was my best Christmas vacation because this was the first time where my dad's side of the family was a reunited together. I met some of my cousins for the first time and also some of my friends from New Zealand for the second time ever. I had so much fun being with my whole family and going to so many different tourist attractions

    1. That sounds like so much fun! I've always wanted to go to New Zealand. Nice blog!

    2. That’s lucky. Nice blog!

  5. I never had a Christmas that stood out more than the other but a couple years ago the holiday break was a bit better than the others. If you don't know, my family and I are HUGE fans of Star Wars so one year, when the new ones hadn't come out yet, we watch all six in the order they came out in. We watched one every night and I absolutely loved it. I would want to do it again but I'm always so busy during the holidays I don't have time.

    1. I literally HATE star wars.

    2. That sounds epic. Too bad you had to watch the prequels (god I hate Jar Jar). Nice blog:)

    3. How long did you stay up to see all the movie?

  6. My favorite Christmas was in 2008 when my family and I went to Hong Kong. I was in Kindergarten then so, I was 5 years old. Anyways, we went for a week or so and it was one of the best experiences ever. We spent the best time together and there were so many tourist attractions to see, so many restaurants, it was so amazing and beautiful. I love all my Christmas celebrations but 2008 was the best year. It was the best year because 1) I went to Hong Kong for the first time ever 2) I got a pool.

    1. that's so cool! I would love to celebrate christmas on vacation someday

    2. that sounds so fun and cool. Nice blog

  7. My worst Christmas was 2 years ago. I had no idea what I wanted because the things I wanted were just simply not physically possible (read the school stress blog). All I got for Christmas was a battery charger, rechargable batteries and clothes that half of them didn't fit. My brother, on the other hand got a PS4. We played with it most of the time and we still do today but I wish that I got more things for myself. My crazy cousin Cedric always hogged the PS4 though so that was boring as well. Best Christmas ever (sarcasm).

    1. I can see where you are coming from. Great blog!

    2. i assume ur the older brother? but clothes is good :DD

    3. I'm the youngest of 3.

    4. Don't worry I get nothing. Great blog though!!!

  8. My favorite Christmas was a Christmas break when I was in sixth grade. To start it off, we didn’t have exams before the break so it started good already. That year we also got out of school in about the 18th of December. I think do this day that was the earliest I got out for Christmas break. My cousins from Toronto also got out around then so they got to my house about 3 or 4 days earlier than they usually would. I love spending time with my cousins because I see them so rarely. Also none of my other cousins were in university so all of them were able to come. Other than that it was just a really fun Christmas. This Christmas was also the Christmas I got my phone. I was so happy that I finally got a phone. As usual people were staying at our house for about 2-3 weeks. That was definitely my favorite Christmas yet.

    1. Sounds like fun! I really like seeing my cousins too because I don't see them often! Nice blog

    2. I always see my cousins from toronto around Christmas time too. Great Blog!

  9. In my opinion, Christmas is normally always great because I get to sleep in. I don’t see a lot of my family often so Christmas is a great opportunity to do so. One of my best Christmas breaks was when I was 7 because my dad had to work and my mom was out of town working for a whole week. So I got to spend the whole week at my grandparents house. It was amazing because my grandparents were like obsessed with me and my sister. On top of Christmas just passing, they decided to spoil us. We got to eat out like every night and we didn’t have a bed time and it was like so great. But I did not get to sleep with my cat and their cat was very annoying and would not stop meowing. It was amazing until I had to go home and go back to school a few days later.

  10. I don’t think I have a favorite Christmas break because I’m a huge Christmas fan and therefore as long as it’s Christmas I’m happy! Every year my family and I go to spend Christmas Eve with my mom’s side of the family. We usually stay at one of my mom’s cousin’s houses from 7 at night until 2 in the morning! It’s so much fun because we don’t see that side of the family often and it’s nice to catch up and see everybody. I always look forward to midnight because that’s when we open gifts and do secret santa! Then, on Christmas morning my family wakes up at 9 o’clock and we go downstairs in our pyjamas to open gifts. This is my favorite part because it’s just the four of us and we get to drink hot chocolate while opening our presents! Then, we either go for brunch or dinner at my Grandmother’s house with my aunt, uncle and cousin who live in New Jersey. I love getting to see my cousin because we don't see eachother often. Then.... you guessed it, we open more gifts! I just love the traditions that my family has when it comes to celebrating Christmas and I don’t want them to ever change!

  11. I don't really have a favourite christmas. Every year is really amazing and I love getting together with almost my entire family for christmas dinner. I am a really festive person and since I celebrate both christmas and hanukkah I go all out with decorations. Last year was really fun because for christmas eve, I baked a whole bunch of desserts and I was getting alot of compliments on how they turned out. Every year, I start listening to christmas music in october, and my friends and I do a secret santa gift exchange which is really fun.

    1. Celebrating both Christmas and Hanukkah must be so fun!
      Great blog:)

  12. I think I've ever had a miserable Christmas, they've all seemed pretty cheerful. Each holiday break I normally spend Christmas eve's at my uncles (mom side) and Christmas day at my aunts (dads side) It's been like this for years and I have had no issues. We just feast on food and open up presents. I typically watch Polar Express but it doesn't always fall on Christmas Day, and after watching it several times I do get a little tired of it.

    1. Food and family are definitely the best parts... after the presents :D

  13. I personally don’t have a best Christmas break. Christmas break is so enjoyable because I get to sleep in and go to bed whenever I want. The break is especially great when there is a lot of snow because my family loves to go skiing. I am very happy that this year Christmas falls on the first Monday of our break because this way, you have the rest of your break to get together with friends and to enjoy your gifts. A Christmas break that I found to be less enjoyable than the others was the one 4 years ago. It was not as enjoyable because my brother was in a cast so we didn’t get to do any fun activities as a family. I am very much looking forward to Christmas break 2017 and I hope that it tops all the past breaks!

    1. You should have pushed your brother down a mountain called it snow surfing.

  14. I think my best Christmas break was last year the week after Christmas. My family, and I went on a cruise. This was my best Christmas because I made some friends while I was on the cruise and I still talk to some of then now. I think it was also my favorite Christmas break because my parents didn't care what I did while on the ship. It was really great to have so much freedom. my parents are normally the type to always want to know where I am, but on a ship they cant really loose me. I mean where can i really go. this Christmas break we are going on a cruise too and I really hope this one tops last year.

    1. I love cruises, they're always so much fun and they always have delicious food, great blog

  15. My favorite Kwanzaa break was last years because I did nothing. I left my house like twice and it was awesome. I was in bed and watched 100 hours worth of TV and movies. I finished 200 episodes of a show in the two weeks and it was awesome. I could sleep whenever I want and eat whenever I want. I hope that other people can have a good Kwanzaa break like I did.

  16. I've always have had a pretty good holiday break. Obviously there have been a couple years that weren't too good at all with lots of fights but i'd rather not talk about that. Usually every year at my house, we host Christmas for the entire family so its a lot of fun to all come together. Also we do secret Santa so its always interesting to see the gifts being exchanged. This year though we are changing it up and we are going on vacation to someplace warm right after Christmas so instead of enjoying the cold and going skiing and snowboarding, we will be going to the beach. I do love my holiday break because school is very stressful so its nice to relax and finally get a good night of sleep, also i love spending time with family. I cant wait for Christmas and i wish everyone a happy holidays and to have fun, to spend time with family and to eat a lot of food.

  17. One of my best Christmas time was when my friend Kevin was still here. He was a fun friend and is also very imaginative. Literally all of my friend at my time was at my house. It was one of my best and also the worst Christmas. It's because my friend, Kevin, had his house burned down and they had to move. His parents decided to move all the way to United-state. which is really far and from then on, I never really met him after that. Sure there was a few visits, but it never really was much.

  18. I do not really have a favourite or worst christmas. Every year we have the same christmas traditions and I love it so much. If I did have to choose a worst Christmas it would probably be around 5 years ago when I was sick on Christmas and was too sick to go to my family Christmas party so I had to stay home and I felt really bad because my mom had stayed home with me.

  19. I think it was around 4 or 5 years ago. I have to say that my best Christmas memory is when we went to Florida with my dad, and the day before Christmas we left for home so I could spend it with my mom. Before the trip, we had celebrated Chanukkah with my dads side of the family which is always great! The trip was a great break from the cold, and coming back to have a great dinner with my family definitely added to how great it was.

  20. The worst Christmas I have ever had was probably the one that happened around 3 years ago, why? Because there was no snow and it did not feel "christmasy" enough. The best New Years I've ever had was probably the one where I went to my best friends house. Everyone stayed up super late and in Romania, where I come from, we have this thing where u sing a song and beat someone with a stick, but they have to give you money or a gift after. So i did it a lot and got a hefty amount of money that night.

  21. My worst Christmas was 4 years ago when I received no gifts except for a apple gift card but I didn't have a phone back then, so i went to my dad. My best Christmas memory is when me and my good friends broke into a abandon hospital at night. We got lost and we were terrified, and cold, and lost. We finally got out and it was almost 4 o'clock in the morning. I was grounded for the rest of the break.

  22. my best Christmas was probably two years ago when i got the best gift i have ever gotten. it was a ping pong table. i don't know why this is my favorite gift. i just think that its fun to have when friends come over because it gives us something to do. this was also the best Christmas because it was the first year we hosted family at our house which i found was the best

  23. My best Christmas was two years ago around new years. to celebrate new years that year almost my entire family and i went up to my chalet. everyone came such as my uncles and aunts from both sides of the family and my cousins. the house was a little crowded at times especially during the night. although we manged to situation pretty well. We did many extremely fun activities such as tobogganing, skiing, fooling around in the snow, trying to skate on the lake, snow ball fights and so much more.we also had a sort of cooking competition. each night a category of the family, for example the cousins, would have to prepare super and desert without help from anyone besides themselves. in the end my cousins and i won by a very large margin. spending time with my family at an amazing place such as my chalet was incredible. this year i really hoe we do it all over again. although i dont think we`ll be able to top last year.

    1. So lucky!! I've always wanted to go to a cottage over the holidays

  24. I have so many good Christmas memeories! I'll start off with one that was maybe around 4 years ago, when my cousins came over Christmas day,and we all went on the rink that my dad had made in the back yard. We played ringette, hockey, speed skating and almost any game imaginable on the ice for hours! Once we were frozen to the point where we couldn't move, we came inside and dressed in warm clothes and drank hot chocolate. We then watched countless family home videos, which made us cry of laughter. It was very simple, but super memorable and special.
