Monday, May 7, 2018

Blog 52 - Monday, May 7, 2018

There will only be ONE (1) blog this week! No school Friday!

Your BLOG topic is FREE CHOICE!  You could blog about whatever it is you want, except what you've already blogged about!  You could go on a rant or you could simply blog about something important to you.

Be creative and write about something you feel important or something you would like to tell your audience. Write about something you are passionate about. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!!

You must remember your audience.  It is not simply me (Mr. Katz) reading this blog!  
If you will be ranting about a certain individual, you need to leave their name out of this.  You could give them a pseudonym (example: Mr. Ed) or simply leave their name as anonymous.
Make sure your language is appropriate.  Do not go on swearing tangents and try not to blog about blogs :)

Image result for think outside the box meme


  1. I had no idea what to write about for this free choice blog so I looked up what to write about but I didn't find anything interesting. I mean I spent 20 minutes going through different websites trying to find something to write. There were some ideas like write about your best day or your biggest regret and those ideas didn't really interest me (by the way your welcome for two ideas). So I decided to write about my free blog about my experience of trying to find something to write about.

    1. I tried looking up what to write about too! Nice blog.

    2. I've been waiting for this blog because I wanted to talk about history in the next free blog again and talk about my favorite character in history. Great blog

  2. For my free blog I’m going to be ranting about sunburns. The reason I’m ranting about this is because today, I got burnt during Carnival day. I’m super pale, so when I go out in the sun for over half an hour, I need to make sure I put sunscreen on. When I went on vacation in the Caribbean, I made sure to slather on sunscreen. My other family members didn’t even put some on and they all got tans and none of them burnt. I’m the only one in my family who burns rather than tans! It’s so frustrating!

    1. I agree, sunburns can be very annoying. Great blog!

    2. I never burn. I only tan. Also, my nationality helps. I'm half Philipino and Philipinos tan REALLY easily.

    3. I'm so lucky that I tan!! my mom and brother just burn. Great blog!

    4. i never get sunburns good blog

  3. I decided that for this free blog I will blog about Ky. Ky is a great guy, not very shy. He can be annoying most of the time but that little time where he isn't annoying, he is really funny. He always manages to put a smile on my face or make me laugh no matter the circumstance. He always gets his phone taken away because he doesn't know how to properly hide it. In the end he is a great and really funny guy.

  4. Since this is a free blog, I'm going to write about people being rude and racist. So last week, my friends and I were relaxing by one of the windows at school. And this group of sec 2 guys, were screaming at 7:30 in the freaking morning. So, as anybody would, we asked them to stop yelling. However instead of saying "Oh, sorry" or something like that, they yelled "Hippity, hoppity, women are property." My friends and I were obviously baffled because all we did was ask them to stop screaming so early in the morning. We thought that our ask was completely reasonable, but it clearly wasn't for them. Then, they proceeded to yell "I don't like yellow people." So I suppose that this statement was directed towards me because apparently, Asians are YELLOW! My friends and I didn't care because 1) they're idiots 2) it's comedic to us how they think Asians are freaking yellow. And in my head, I was like "Wow, I didn't think that asking you to stop yelling at 7:30 was so unreasonable."

    1. Nice blog. This is really upsetting and disturbing. I would have clocked them! I hate ignorance.

  5. i honestly hate free blogs. i think i already said this in the lats free blog but who cares. for this blog i will be talking about the pens games tonight. first of all im really mad because i cant watch the game on tv. the game is being televisded on sportsnet and not cbc or tsn. since i dont have sn i cant watch the game. secondly the pens are facing elimination today so its a big game and i want to see what happens. im confident they are going to win because they are the better team, the got the experience and also the caps always choke but i hope that the curse doenst break yet.

  6. Time to write another history blog people:) So I will be talking about Julius Caesar because he is awesome(in my opinion) Julius Caesar was born in 100 B.C. and was required to have a CAESARian section, commonly known as a sea-section. Gaius Julius Caesar was born into a political family but it wasn't very influential in the senate and wanted to make it more prestigious by getting into politics just like his father who was also named Gaius Julius Caesar just because that's what they did. His father died when Julius was the age of 16 and then became the head of the family but at the same time there was a civil war going on in Rome. A senator named sulla had taken over the city as well as assassinating many political opponents in the senate and then became dictator. This was bad news for Caesar because his family was against him and CAesar just became the high priest of the city which wasn’t good news for him. He was striped of his inheritance and his political office as priest and was forced to flee the city leaving his wife Cornelia behind. But since Caesar wasn’t priest anymore, he could join the military, which he did.Julius then went to the armies in western turkey and was doing quite well there. The only problem is that he may of gotten to involved with politics with the local kings in Turkey. When Sulla died when Caesar was 22 years old, Caesar thought that it would of been a good time to go back to Rome but when he was traveling to go to Rome, he was captured by pirates. Those pirates took him in as a hostage because they thought he was funny with his threats saying that he would kill all of them one day. The pirates wanted a huge amount of money for Julius and after a few years he finally paid them back. He then proceeded to raise a small fleet and crucified the pirates and take back his money. I guess that the pirates should have taken his threats seriously. He the dealt with a small threat in Turkey but that was nothing for Caesar. After he finally got back to Rome after nearly 15 years, he was appointed a political office and there he rose through the ranks. His wife died when Caesar was 31 and after the funeral, he went to Spain to serve his new political office. After two years he returned to Rome and married another woman who happened to be the granddaughter of Sulla. A few years later he was appointed to be the leader of a very popular game in Rome which made him even more popular. Three years later he divorced his wife. When he was appointed governor as a part of Spain, Julius was in huge debt, so he made a secret alliance with the two most powerful men in Rome and this alliance was SUPER DUPER important for like all history nerds. He made a secret alliance with Crassus, the richest man alive at the time and Pompey, the most influential senator and one of the greatest military minds of roman history. He was also named the next Alexander. Caesar then went to war with local hispanic kings and went so well that his soldiers were calling him “Emperor”. Caesar left his governorship sooner than planned but he felt like he had already made that province glorious already. Caesar, for his military campaigns in Spain, was rewarded a triumph, which was basically a parade in the streets of Rome for a general. But here's where politics start to get messy. You see, everyone knew that Julius Caesar was going to run for Consul, the highest political office in the Republic (There were 2 consuls and they switched every year). And when Caesar asked to be allowed to enter the city, he was denied. Generals and armies were forbidden to enter the city of Rome and so Caesar had a choice in his hands. Have his triumph or become Consul. He decided to become Consul but by doing so, he removed his Triumph. Caesar won the election in 59 B.C, and with him was a member of the Conservative party who was also consul. Remember the triumvirate I told you about earlier, well Caesar tried to make stronger by letting his daughter Julia marry Carassus, the Rich guy.

  7. Caesar also married again (the horny maggot) this time it was the politician of a politician named Calpurnia. When julius proposed a law to redistribute the farming lands back into the people instead of slave companied, Crassus and Pompey both agreed to this which made the secret alliance no longer secret. Many politicians opposed him so Pompey and Caesar had their bodyguards enter the city and even dumped cow shit on a politician for opposing Caesar(true story). Caesar got himself to govern 3 provinces instead of one in a 5 year term instead of 1 after his term as Consul but here’s where politics get messy even more. Consuls, generals and governors were unaffected by laws to imprison him. They had a word for that: Legal immunity. When Caesar went to govern ésuthern France, Northern Italy and the eastern coast of the Adriatic, he rushed there to have the least amount of time when his legal immunity was removed. Caesar was still somehow in debt, I have no idea how, but when he got to govern his provinces, he had 20,000 soldiers at his command. His first encounter was when a group of gauls (the natives of France and northern Italy) from the alps started to migrate away and were about to cross into Roman territory. Caesar responded to this by raising another 10,000 soldiers and crushing them after playing a few rounds of cat and mouse and building a 28 MILES long wall just to screw them over. He then dealt with a german king named Ariovistus who was trying to cross the rhine and settle in gaul but Caesar was like “Ah hell no!” and basically murdered all of them. Then, when a gallic tribe in the northwest murdered roman diplomats, Caesar then proceed to murder or enslave everyone there. Caesar then dealt with the Belgae tribes, now in modern day belgium and crushed but losing quite a it of casualties. He then planned to invade Britain which he did twice but the first time he got distracted for like 3 months pillaging the german side of the rhine just for fun. The first invasion was basically a failure and the second one got him some allies there which you can call a success. In 56 B.C. , politics in Rome were getting bad for Pompey and Crassus for really random stuff so Caesar called the Luca conference in the city of Lucca to basically tell them to shut the hell up, get some provinces to govern and run for consul. Pompey got 2 provinces in spain and Crassus would get the prestigious province of Syria (kinda ironic). Julius Caesar's daughter died in childbirth when he was in Britain doing shit and tried to get Pompey to marry his granddaughter (wtyf Caesar) but Carssaus was like “I’m not marrying your 10 year old”. When Crassus went to Syria, everyone knew he was going to declare war against the massive Parthian empire. Crassus had over 40,000 men and was ready to take this empire to its knees against an army of 10,000. The final battle was a massive success……..for the Parthians. Crassus lost literally everyone and had his head chopped off and lost his son in combat. The senate was freaked out about this and because someone was plotting to assassinate everyone because he failed to win the elections twice so they appointed Pompey as sole consul. Pompey killed the assassination but a new threat was coming. Everyone give it up for VERCINGETORIX!!!!!! Vercingetorix was the elected leader of the conquered gauls and he was like “We will not go quietly into the night! We’re going to live on! We’re going to survive!” and started a rebellion in gaul Caesar responded to win over and over battles against Vercingetorix until at the final showdown in a town called Alesia in 52 B.C. Caesar couldn’t assault a fortified town so he proceeded to BUILD WALLS AROUND THE FORT and then proceed to DO THE EXACT SAME ON FACING THE OTHER WAY. It’s huge freaking deal for history nerds. Even with reinforcements on Vercongetoix’s side, he couldn’t win the battle and surrendered to Caesar which had a lot of paintings about which made Caesar look like the bad guy which was kinda true

  8. After this. All of gaul was fully annexed. Caesar and Pompey weren’t getting to friendly with one another and now there are two sides in the senate. The Caesarian faction and the pompeian faction. The pompeian faction had the majority. This is how things went down in the senate. “Caesar needs to step down now!” “Yeah, well why doesn’t pompey step down huh?” “Wait guys, what if they both stepped down at the same time” “...” “...” “Well Caesar needs to step down first!” “Nooooooo, Pompey needs to step down first!”. This was a constant back and forth of pissing eachother off and in 49 B.C., Caesar crossed the rubicon saying the line “Let the die be cast” and Now we’re at it. Caesar vs. Pompey. I’m placing my bets on Caesar. Caesar conquered Italy and the invaded Spain wich went well and then went to Greece and destroyed his armies and when Pompey went to Egypt, so did Caesar but Pompey was assassinated. Caesar was pissed off that he didn’t kill Pompey and proceeded by murdering the assassins brutally. Egypt had its own civil war at the time and Caesar sided with cleopatra and also had sex with. Caesar won both civil wars but still had to deal with some loyalists in Africa but it went pretty well. Caesar then invaded a tribe in Turkey and absolutely massacred them. In 48 B.C., Caesar was appointed dictator for 1 year because he was so good at his job. He named his Grand Nephew named Octavius (remember him) as his official heir. Caesar was then elected dictator for life but sadly in 44 B.C. on march 15, Caesar was stabbed 23 times on the senate floor and was assassinated by senators. Octavius would eventually have another civil war and win it and then become the first roman Emperor and rename himself Caesar Augustus. This is way too long and took over 2 hours to do so pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease read it.

    1. sooooo much, *dragging myself on the ground to escape*

    2. whyyyyy how do you have the time for this.

    3. oh my god why is this so long

  9. I'm going to write about the summer vacation that is coming up. I am really, really excited for school to be over. We only have a month left. This summer, like every summer, I'm going to spend the day at the pool. Alot of my friends got to the same pool as me so we just hang out there every day.

    1. I am so excited to relax by the pool and enjoy summer vacation too!! Great blog:)

    2. I love swimming! Especially when it's hot outside! I'm super excited for summer too! Great blog!

  10. My free blog is going to be about fortnite skins. Now there's been a lot of debate if last season was better than this season and I do think so. The Reaper John Wick is just so much more badass compared to omega, omega is only good if level 85. But I don't think the skins from Battle Pass are even the best. I think the best is the Cuddle Team Leader. A lot of pros use it and I wish I had it cause it's cute. :)

    1. Relax Asian Man John Wick is such a boring skin commmmmoooonnn. But I do agree I like Cuddle Team Leader.

    2. Tbh I prefer Omega

  11. Since it’s a free blog, I have decided to write about this years Carnival. I really enjoyed my Carnival day on Monday. When I woke up and saw that it wasn’t sunny and that it was cold, I was so sad! Fortunately, I warmed up throughout the day! I loved all of the Carnival food that was there as well as the fun activities. Many of my friends are in leadership so I also enjoyed seeing them organise their stations. I think that we should have more Carnivals because it’s so fun to bond with everyone outside of our classrooms. All in all, it was a great Carnival!

  12. On my free blog today, I'd like to talk about Yugioh. yes, it's the card that I bring to school. I really like the card game because it involves a lot of thinking to actually play it, unless your playing those easy to use deck like true Draco. Thought, the game also have it's own fair share of completely difficult deck to use like F.A. they need a lot of skill to know of to use basic. My deck is only really easy after you know the basic since the whole deck is basically repeating the same action over and over again.

  13. I think I'm gonna write about Tomasso, Tomasso laughs a lot and he has a real poor choice of friends concidering he is friends with Ky. Tomasso likes to flex on haters like Jake Paul, Tomasso is straight. He likes to laugh at my problems, so do I. I know he is a bit miserable but its ok because I comfort him with my stupidity. What I am trying to say is, Tomasso is a good guy, not so funny but likes to laugh, his laugh is hideous so I laugh about that. Just kidding, Tomasso is super cool and smart and handsome.

    1. Great blog! This Tomasso guy sounds like an amazing guy!

    2. Great blog! I love Tomasso also❤️❤️❤️

  14. For my free blog I’m going to talk about how happy I am that the weather is so warm. The only thing I like to do in he winter is ski, now that the snow started to melt I couldn’t wait for the weather to start getting warm. Now that it’s finally got out I’m so happy. I love the warm weather so much, there is so many more things to do and so many more oporties to go outside. Now all the summer sports are starting up and I just can’t wait to spend the majority of my days outside.

  15. For my free blog I’m gonna write about the summer that’s coming up. I’m really excited for summer to come. It’s my favourite season and I really want school to be over. For summer I usually just hang out with my friends but I’m also gonna be working this summer. I’ll be busier because I have a summer job now. I’m hoping I am go on vacation this summer. Since I was born, my family and I have been going to Cape Breton, Nova Scotia to visit my great uncle so I’m really excited for that. I cant wait til summer!

  16. So for this blog im going to talk about, how I really love shoes. I’m now realizing this is the second free blog I’ve written on clothes I love, first sweaters and now shoes. I don't know why but i’ve always had a thing for expensive shoes. I also have way to many pairs and never wear most of them. Though people might not know it I do own several pairs of expensive shoes, but I don't wear them to school either. To be honest some of my shoes just sit in my room and never really get worn too, i should probably wear them at some point. I don't know what else to say about shoes aside that I love them.

    1. you should wear some of your shoes to school, they're just collecting dust at home, great blog

  17. For my free blog I decided to stop my rant about video games and nerd stuff and talk about my favourite non-nerd, kinda normal sport-ish thing I actually enjoy doing: hiking. I absolutely love hiking. Whether it’s the animals I see along the way, memories being made, or the feeling of actually doing something productive with my day, I can’t get enough hiking. What really takes the cake though, is what you see hiking. If you find a truly beautiful hiking spot - and I’m not talking about jew (centennial) park - it’s the most amazing thing. I love taking pictures of nature and my mom actually takes good pictures so we make a good combo. When I went to California, we hiked in Yosemite, which is known to be one of the nicest national parks in the Americas, if not the world, we saw so many beautiful things! Waterfalls, rocks, beautiful trees, birds of every shape and color, you name it! I really love water. I find lakes, waterfalls or anything of the sort is so pretty, and a sunset just wraps it all together. In Israel, we went to Ein Gedi, an Oasis in the middle of the desert. There were waterfalls, perfect temperature to cool of in the scorching heat, grottos so deep and dark you would get lost, and trees, everywhere. All that to say, I love hiking, and on a vacation, it can easily take the cake for the best part of a vacation!

    1. Wow, That's really cool, Great Blog :)

    2. Hiking is the best!!

  18. Next week it is Ramadan. Ramadan is a Muslim holiday where all Muslims have to fast from sunrise to sunset for 30 days. The first fast will be at May 16th and the final one will be June 14th. I feel like this year it's going to be a lot harder. when it's in the summer it's pretty easy because we just don't do anything in the day and it's great but when there's school I actually have to use my brain to study since it's around exam season. Every day when you fast there are two feasts. One in the morning before sunrise and one right after. It's a huge feast with tons of food everyday and it's always amazing. Overall, I'm just hoping that I can survive this year.

  19. For my free blog, I will be writing about exams. I hate exams so much. We are basically determining most of our term three mark on one test and many things could go wrong. We have done tests during the year to prove we know our material and adding an extra can makes things so much worse and stressful. Because of exams, students are less excited for the end of the year because they know that they will be taking 5 major exams and that if they don’t do very well on them and they did not do that well in term 3 there is a chance of summer school. I just find exams really stupid and should not be taken and even if so, count for less.

  20. Since people seem to enjoy my hair and how poofy and thick it is. I am going to give the story behind it. First of all I got the hair genetics from my mother which is volume A LA MAX. Also in grade 5-6 gel was the style for the boys, so I began wearing gel regularly, except back then I did not shower everyday since I never sweat and I was still practically a child, also I was lazy and I am aware that that is gross. But since I did not shower the gel like killed my roots or something and now its all poofy and thick all the time and I cannot wear headphones or I'll get a wave in it that will never come out.

  21. I don’t know what to write about, so I’m going to be talking about the plans I’m making with my friend Joelle. We decided to make a summer bucket list! We filled it with a lot of fun things we want to do in the summer . We’re going to take a picture for every one we accomplish. At the end of the summer, we’re going to make a scrapbook out of the pictures and put the bucket list on the front page. Our goal is to complete every task on our list. It’s going to be hard but we will have a blast doing it!

  22. for this free blog i will be talking about a rare type of fruit: a densuke watermelon. Even though watermelons are very common and easy to grow just about anywhere, the densuke watermelon is a type of watermelon that can only be grown on the north side of the island of Hokkaido in Japan. Also only about 100 densuke watermelons are grown a year which is why they are so rare. The densuke watermelon looks pretty similar to a normal average watermelon, but some people who have tried it say that the densuke watermelon does taste sweeter. Although this fruit does sound quite interesting to try, i wouldn't buy it if given the opportunity because these watermelons sell for about 199$ sometimes more.

  23. Ok so for my free blog, I am going to rant about the freaking UV rays. So basically, I am generally pale. And I want to tan, but I cant without getting a million freckles. All of my friends tell me to stop complaining and that freckles are really pretty and cute. But the thing is, I dont get a few freckles around my nose; I get a million of them all over my face. I have only done 3 tanning sessions since it became hot outside, and I am already almost brown with freckles. If I keep it up this summer, I am going to be a total freckle face! I hate it and I just want to be able to tan in peace without getting them.

  24. * I had to resend my blog, it didn't send Tuesday*

    Ok so for this blog I want to talk about music. A lot of the music I listen to is alternative, but I find that a lot of the songs I love because they're undiscovered have been commercialised and play constantly on the radio. My favorite song "Love My Way" by the Psychadelic Furs is now in every hipster/edgy-teen movie. A lot of other songs. It's also like "Futile Devices", I've loved that song since it came out in 2012, but now it plays everywhere. I really don't know what else to say but I hope either they stop playing my favorite songgs on the radio, or go all out and play nothing but that.

  25. For my free blog, i wanna talk about how guns should be banned, in Canada! Firstly, there’s way too many guns floating around. So many guns in canada aren’t registered, and that makes it very hard for federal agency keep track of what’s out there. Secondly, firearms are the third leading cause of death among young people. Canada’s firearms related homicide rate is three times higher than Australia’s and six times higher than England and Wales. Handguns count accounted for 40% of all homicides in Toronto between 98 and 2003. Also, believe it or not, Stiffer penalties and prison terms are not working!!! More cops are patrolling the streets than ever before, and crime in all other major categories is down, yet incidents of gun violence keep rising. Lastly, Gun violence creates obstacles to economic growth. Guns and gun culture is changing the values of young people, leading to higher school dropout rates - as high as 40% in ghetto areas of the city, destroying the potential for investment in neighbourhoods where violence is happening.
