Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Blog 51 - Wednesday, May 2, 2018

It is CARNIVAL week!

Do you like going to CARNIVALS?

What do you like/dislike about CARNIVALS?

Tell me about your best/worst CARNIVAL memory?


Image result for carnie meme


  1. I absolutely love carnivals! Especially at st thomas high school, we always go out of her way to make it super fun for the students. However, Street carnivals are not my favorite. I find that very dangerous because they are assembled very quickly and they don’t pay much attention to safety. Back to the school, I think the kernels are great because student council spent so much money on a bunch of activities for every type of person. Their sports, bouncy houses, water balloon fights, and many more! My best carnival is probably two years ago when me and my friend victoria decided to go to water games. We went down waterslides, and we shot at each other with water guns. It was so much fun! My worst one was probably last year because I had no fun whatsoever and ended up going home to take a nap.

    1. a nap is good still

    2. I was shirtless last year and people slapped my back pretty hard #wantedtocry

    3. I agree that street carnivals aren't my thing, unless they have a dabbing squidward. Nice blog

    4. I loved the water games!

  2. I like carnival week. It's really fun to have 3 periods off and to just do whatever you want. The best carnival I had was probably in secondary one because I had like 10 tickets that I was given and with 30 minutes left and I just full out spent everything I thought of. I wish carnival would be on Friday so I'd have time off afterwards but at least it's a good way to start now.

  3. I do enjoy partaking in the carnival event, it is very much fun, especially in the summer days when its hot, there are fun attractions and barbecue's and whatever else you want. The thing I recommend staying away from is the dunk tank because A) it's dirty B) the water is always warm which worries me that someone had a tinkle in it. Probably the best carnival experience I ever had was the sec 2 carnival since me and Shawn left for 10 minutes to get slushies which was pretty cool.

    1. Nice blog. I agree that it's much better to attend in the summer; who wants to walk around in the freezing cold?! Lol.

  4. I love our school's carnivals. In my opinion it's really well set up with a lot of cool stuff and food. It's always great to have 3 periods off and to spend them with friends is usually great and tons of fun. I remember the sec.1 carnival being a lot of fun. I remember I forgot to bring money so I asked a friend and he gave me like 20$'s worth which was cool. I remember I found like 15 tickets on the ground and gave them away. Overall It's the schools best activity and always tons of fun!

    1. I love our school's carnival too! Nice blog!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I read like going to Carnivals and seeing all of the attractions and everything, but i don't go often. I also really like Carnival week at St. T. Student Council puts a lot of effort into planning and running all of the activities and Carnival day. We always have so much stuff to do and it's nice to be able to let loose and have fun at school!

    1. Totally agree! It definitely eases up the school environment! Super grateful to you guys in student council who do all this!

  7. I like carnivals but I don't go to many. I like seeing the attractions and little food booths. I really like the St. T carnivals because there are bouncy castles, food stands, etc. It's fun to just relax and hang out with your friends. Just walk around, go on the bouncy castles and have fun.

  8. I love carnivals. It makes me kind of sad to think about them, as I have so many memories going to the Valois carnival with my old friends/family from my elementary school. Valois is a park near my house. It has a play park, a skating rink during the winter, a competitive pool, a massive field for soccer, a baseball field with bleachers and a basketball court.Every summer they host a carnival in the field where there's lots of food, activities and bouncy toys. I miss being young and going there. I love Saint Thomas Carnival! I'm pretty sure that no other schools do anything like this, and I have to admit it's pretty cool. Last year I spent the day with my best friends Naomi and Zoe. It was so much fun!! It was boiling hot though, and we were dying of heat. I got an awful sunburn that day and showed up to the dance ALL RED. Much fun though.

  9. I like Carnivals because you get to spend time with your friends doing something different. I don't usually go to carnivals just by a personal preference and also because most of the exciting stuff like those blow up fortresses are too young for me to jump into again. Id on't many memorable memories from carnivals but if I were to chose I would say that my best memory was when me, brothers and cousins all jumped onto my biggest brother in the jumping blow up and that was like in total 4 people on one person.

    1. i agree the blow up things are so fun but we are a bit too old for them.

  10. Believe it or not I'm no a very big fan of carnivals. I do actually go to one every summer at my cottage in one of the small towns near it. I don't really know why but, there's not much that interests me anymore about them. when I was younger I loved going on rides and just the atmosphere in general, but the last few years I've had little to no interest in general in it.

    1. I agree. The carnivals are getting a bit young for me too.

  11. The only ever canivals I’ve been too are the carnivals we have at school. I think they are lots of fun, but my favourite part is missing three classes. It’s great to hang out with friends and do whatever. My best carnival memory was probably when one of my friends lost their shoe. It was pretty funny, since they looked for basically the entire carnival and sadly never found it. It was just so funny watching him run around with one shoe!

    1. rip mans shoe

    2. He did find it. It was on one of the obstacle courses

  12. i love carnivals, especially the st Thomas ones, i find they put a lot of effort into making them fun for everyone and have many different activities planned. My best experience was probably in sec 1. I think its because it was my first time and everything was completely new to me. either way carnivals are always fun, i dont think I've ever had abad experience at a carnival.

    1. I agree, alot of effort goes into planning the carnivals, great blog!

    2. My favourite part is the pie in the eye

  13. I love going to carnivals. They remind me of the movie 'The Notebook'. I haven't been to that many carnivals. I go to the St. Thomas carnival every year, and sometimes I go to the Brome Fair, which is locted in the Eastern Townships. I alsolove how carnivals have an old-fashioned feel to them. I don't have any really bad experiences at carnivals. I'm not sure if Laronde counts as a carnival, because it's an amusement park, but I have a bad experience there. I broke my arm there during the summer before grade 7, and I haven't gone back since. I am for sure going back this summer though.

  14. I liked the carnivals in sec 1 then I got bored of them. Last year, I stayed for half of it then I went home. I don't know what it is but it's just so hot outside and it drains everything out of me. I think last year I got heat exhaustion. That wasn't fun. I also rather go home and sleep.

    1. yea i agree sometimes the heat just makes tired, great blog

    2. Your blog is only 62 words. It probably took you like twenty seconds to write.

  15. i like carnivals a lot because there fun and every time i go i create so many fun and new memories with friends but because i want to be different and not follow the rest of the class i will talking about why carnivals suck. I've been to quite a few carnivals and most of the time the rides are either broken or boring and all the games are usually just scams to get your money. Also the food is pretty expensive and not always the best. Also if you've been there a while, you'll eventually have to use the port-a-poties which are just nasty.

  16. I love carnival! It’s the best day at Saint-Thomas. I love hanging out with my friends outside in the sun with all the things that carnival has to offer like games, music,food and more. I have way too many good memories at carnival to choose just one. Like when I was racing against my friends on the bouncy castles. We were falling and laughing so much! And the time when my friend and I couldn’t stop buying the pina coladas. I think I had like 6! I also loved the time where the kids on the stage performed a song that my friends and I loved. It was so fun when we sang and danced along to it. My worst memory was probably when I came home afterwards and realised that I got a really bad sunburn!

    1. Sounds like you always have a lot of fun, good blog!

  17. I LOVE going to carnivals. One thing I love about carnivals is cotton candy. Cotton candy is one of my favourite things in this world. One thing that I strongly dislike about carnivals is how there are always long lines. I also strongly dislike how there are so many people there. One of my best carnival memories is when I tried cotton candy for the first time ever. I was three years old and we were on vacation. It was the last vacation I had ever been on with both my parents before my sister was born. We were in the US visiting family friends and we were staying at Rocking Horse Ranch and we had drove to this carnival place thing. So my parents said I could get some cotton candy and three year old me was really fascinated by the cotton candy.

  18. Carnival day is one of my most favorite days in the school year, not only because I get to miss the entire day to set it up, but just being able to enjoy it all with my friends in the end is worth all the time and effort it took to organize and set it up. From the bouncy castles to the grilled cheese, and the loud music being blasted in my ears, I can never forget any of it

    1. I agree with you! It's so fun being able to spend time with everyone outside of school!! Great blog:)

  19. I love carnivals! I think that our school throws great carnivals each year because everyone always enjoys themselves. I love how carnivals are outside and the food! Being outside enjoying the nice hot sun is always a great feeling! Carnival food is just so fun. From the cotton candy to the snow cones to the hot dogs, it’s always great! My favorite carnival so far was the one earlier this year in summer. It was sooo hot and all of the activities were super fun! I hope that our Carnival on Monday is just as fun!!

  20. I love the st Thomas carnival week so much. It’s a great week to just forget about school and have fun. My favourite parts in the week are the dodgeball tournament and the pie in the eye. I love playing dodgeball because it’s just generally so fun to whip a ball as fast as you can right in someone’s face. I like pie in the eye because who doesn’t like throughing a pie I. Your least favourite teachers face.

    1. Haha I like the pie in the face too. great blog

  21. I love carnivals. They are so much fun being outside with many activities and music and food! I love just enjoying myself with my friends just having fun. My favourite carnival was probably last years because we played many games and just had a fun time and it was the perfect weather. I love carnival days and I am very excited for the ones to come:)

  22. carnival is a very fun day, You get only a half day of school and for the rest of the day, you get to have fun for the rest of the day. you get to have free time, there's a gaming room, and usually, there's the dance at the end of the day. thought, this carnival doesn't seem to have a dance and it was moved to Monday instead of Friday.

  23. Carnival day at St-Thomas is one of the best days of the school year, in my opinion. They are so much fun because we get the second half of the day off to go outside! St-Thomas' carnivals always have a great atmosphere and they never disappoint. I have not had a bad experience with carnivals yet and I hope it could stay this way!
